1. Lecturer in Botany, Punjab University (September 25, 1975-March 26, 1986)
2. Assistant Professor of Botany, Punjab University (March 27, 1986-June 9, 1990).
3. Associate Professor of Botany, Punjab University (June 10, 1990-Jan. 7, 1998).
4. Professor of Botany, Punjab University (Jan 8, 1998-present).
5. Research Fellow, School of Biological Sciences, Birmingham University , U.K. (Jan 31, 1994-Jan. 30, 1995).
6. Chairperson, Botany Department, Punjab University ( Oct. 26, 2002-Oct. 25, 2005).
7. Chairperson, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Department, Punjab University ( Nov. 08, 2002-present ).
8. Incharge Conventional and non-conventional Vegetable Farm, PU, since May 2003
9. Incharge Honeybee Research Farm PU, since Nov 2003 – April 2005
10. Incharge Fish Research Farm PU, since Nov 2003 – April 2005
11. Incharge Floriculture Research Farm PU, since Nov 2004 –present
12. Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences December 20th 2005 to present.
13. Chairperson, Doctoral Programme Co Ordination Committee, November 2005 - present
Establishment of Microbial and Molecular Research Lab (1987-present), by UGC,NSRDB, PSF, PARC, S & T funds, some grant from University and form personal resources .
Establishment of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Department in University of the Punjab, Pakistan , Lahore (in 2001). Currently four years B.Sc (Hons ), M.Sc and Ph.D academic courses are running in the Department.
After taking over as Chairperson Botanical Garden , which was devastated, is being renovated .
A: Botany Department:
B.Sc Hons Biostats, Microbiology, Principles of Genetics, Microbial Genetics,
M.Sc.: Algae, Bryophytes, Comparative Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms, Embryology of Angiosperms, Morphogenesis, Radiation Biology, Biometry, Cytology, Cell Biology, General Genetics, Plant Breeding, Microbiology, Environmental Bacteriology.
M.Phil/ Ph.D: Essentials of Microbiology, Recombinant DNA Technology
B: Zoology Department: Genetics and Biometry (1991-1992).
C: Institute of Biotechnology & Biochemistry Department:
Microbiology, 1998, 1999, 2000.
D: Institute of Geology: Microbiology to Diploma in Environmental Sciences.
Microbiology to M Sc in Environmental Sciences
E: Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
B.Sc Hons Microbiology, Principles of Genetics, Microbial Genetics,
M.Sc.: Principles of Genetics,
Ph.D : One student in Ph.D regular Scheme
M.Sc.: Algae, Bryophytes, Morphogenesis, Radiation Biology, Embryology of Angiosperms, Cell Biology, Biometry, General Genetics, Biometrical Genetics, Gene Manipulation, Molecular Biology of Genes, Environmental Bacteriology.
M.Phil: Essentials of Microbiology, Advances in Molecular Genetics, Recombinant DNA Technology, Biodegradation and Bioremediation.
B.Sc (Hons): Essentials of Microbiology, Environmental Bacteriology., Microbial & Molecular Genetics, Gene cloning, Genetics, Principles of Genetics, Biostat, Cytology, genetics and evolution, Recombinant DNA technology.
B.Sc (Hons)
Fundamentals of Microbiology, Biochemistry ,Biostatistics, Principles of genetics, Biodiversity of Plants, Biodiversity of Animal, Biochemistry II, Ecosystem, Cell Biology, Microbial Genetics, Microbial Diversity, Virology, Microbial Physiology
Microbial Ecology, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Bacterial Metabolism, Environmental Microbiology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Medical Microbiology, Human Genetics, Molecular Mechanism of Gene Expression, Agricultural Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology I, Human Genetics Diseases & their Diagnosis, Gene Therapy, Genetic Counseling, Food Microbiology, Biophysics/Bioinformatics, Industrial Microbiology II, Ethical Issues of Genetics, Plant Molecular Genetics, Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Monoclonal Antibodies, Microbiology & Environmental Hazards, Probiotics, Biodegradation & Bioremediation, Biochemistry of Nucleic Acid, Plasmids, Episome & Insertion Sequences, Plant Diseases (Bacterial , Viral), Animal Diseases (Bacterial, Viral) ,Antiviral Agents, Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Downstream Technology, Veterinary Microbiology, DNA Damage, Repair & Carcinogenesis, Molecular Genetics of Yeast, Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology
Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Fundamental of Microbiology, Principles of Genetics, Virology, Biostatistics, Computer, Microbial diversity, Microbial Genetics, Bacterial Metabolism, Microbial Ecology, Microbial Physiology, Molecular biology, Immunology
Soil, Agricultural & Environmental Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Human Genetics & Gene Expression, Bioinformatics, Plant Molecular Genetics, Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Monoclonal Antibodies, Microbiology & Environmental Hazards, Probiotics, Biodegradation & Bioremediation, Biochemistry of Nucleic Acid, Plasmids, Episome & Insertion Sequences, Plant Diseases (Bacterial , Viral), Animal Diseases (Bacterial, Viral) , Antiviral Agents, Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Downstream Technology, Veterinary Microbiology, DNA Damage, Repair & Carcinogenesis, Recombinant DNA Technology, Industrial Microbiology, Chromosomal Abnormalities / Genetic Counseling, Gene Therapy, Ethical Issues of Genetics
M.S./Ph.D. Soil and Agricultural Microbiology ; Advances in Molecular Genetics ; The Biochemistry of the Nucleic acids; Biosynthetic pathways in higher plants; Recombinant DNA Technology; Biodegradation and Bioremediation; Plant Tissue Culture and its agricultural applications; Biotechnology for sustainable development.; Environmental Bacteriology; Plant Breeding and Horticulture,; Plasmids, episomes and insertion sequences; Chromosomal abnormalities, Genetic counseling and gene therapy; Proteomics and genomics; Biohazards, Biosafty, Bioethics; Computational Biology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics; Challenges of a changing earth; Microbes, Man and the Environment
Chapter II of Class XI which comprised of
1. Classification of living things
2. Viruses
1. Women Guard (1975-76) awarded Shield of Best Shot, Punjab University , Lahore .
2. Postgraduate training course on Nuclear and Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Biological Research (1981).
3. Training on PC-1 by NIPA January 2004
1. Editor, Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology Section, Pakistan Journal of Genetics. January 1996-present.
2. Member, Advisory Committee, Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 1993-97.
3. Member, Advisory Committee, Science International (Lahore), 1993-present.
4. Member, Editorial Board, Pakistan Journal of Botany, since 1999.
5. Editor of one section – Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Pakistan Journal of Botany, since 2002.
6. Member Editorial Board, Journal of Microbial World, since 2005
1. Ph.D. (1982-85). Construction and analysis of a novel gene bank of Bacillus subtilis in E. coli ; cloning of shd and gerE loci.
2. Post-doctoral Research (1994-1995). Molecular genetic studies on plasmids associated with salt tolerant bacteria, University of Birmingham , UK .
Gene Bank Accession number of sequence of pSH1451:U5367.
3. Research Projects Completed:
(i) “Studies on the stability of hybrid plasmids carrying segments of Bacillus subtilis genome in E.coli “financed by Pakistan Science Foundation for three years (1987-1990.)
(ii) “Molecular genetic analysis of div gene of Bacillus subtilis “ financed by National Science and Research Development Board for three years (1991-1994).
(iii) “Host range, host specificity and transformation efficiency of Agrobacterium tumefaciens from plants of Pakistan ” financed by University Grants Commission (1991-1992).
(iv) “Indigenous mercury resistant bacteria from polluted environment and some studies on plasmid mediated mercury resistance” financed by PARC (Pakistan Agricultural Research Council), 1995-1996.
(v) “Evaluation of the role of chromate-resistant bacteria in improving plant growth under Cr-stress: financed by PARC, 1995-1996.
(vi) “Optimization of conditions for T-DNA in callus cultures of B rassica oleracea” financed by PARC, 1995-1996.
(vii) “Some studies on genetic determinant conferring resistance to chromium in bacteria from industrial effluents” PU, 1997-1998.
(viii) “Evaluation for the chromium removal/detoxification potentials of chromium resistant bacteria from industrial wastes PU, 1998-1999.
(ix) “Evaluation of the role of salt-tolerant bacteria in developing resistance of plants to salt stress conditions”. Pakistan Science Foundation. July 1997-June 2000.
• “Germination response of Bacillus subtilis div mutants in ALA and AGFK systems” PU, 1999-2000
• Evaluation of the role of salt-tolerant bacteria in developing resistance of plants to salt stress conditions, 2002, NDP
• Screening of Cr-resistant bacteria and cyanobacteria for detoxification potential and plant growth stimulation under chromium stresses 2002 – 2003, Biotechnology projects. Science and Technology for Economic Development program
• “Identification, Characterization of Drug resistant E. coli and its treatment: A perspective of Novel Antibacterial Agents” under National Research rogramme for Universities by HEC at a total cost of Rs.18,71,000/- for a period of three years.
• Molecular characterization of hypertension related loci of local population PU, 2004-05.
4. Collaborative Research Projects:
Collaborator, Dr. A.R. Shakoori, Zoology Department, P.U.
(i) “Indigenous salt tolerant bacteria form saline areas and some studies on the genetics of salt tolerance” financed by PARC, 1995-1996.
(ii) “Screening of bacteria for plant growth stimulation under salt stress”, financed by PARC, 1995-1996.
• Research Projects Approved:
(i) “Molecular genetic analysis of salt tolerant plasmids” approved by USAID. -- Collaborator Dr. Merna Vellarjo, Professor of Biochemistry, University of California , Davis , USA .
-- Because of political reason funding for Pakistan is not available.
6. Research Projects in hand:
i) “Identification, Characterization of Drug resistant E. coli and its treatment: A perspective of Novel Antibacterial Agents” under National Research rogramme for Universities by HEC at a total cost of Rs.18,71,000/- for a period of three years.2003-2007
ii) “Structure elucidation of novel antibiotics from local bacteria”. Grant for collaborative work in Germany by HEC.
7. Noval Plasmid Vector and Gene Bank
i) PTC571
ii) Gene Bank of Bacillus subtilus
8. DNA sequence of salt tolerant plasmid in Database
Gene Bank Accession number of sequence of pSH1451:U5367.
• Bacterial Strains identified through DNA sequence analysis
Bacillus pumilus , Ochrobactrum intermedium (C32411), Bacillus cereus Group (C32412), Ochrobactrum Intermedium (C32413), Brevibacterium epidermidis (C32414), Staphylococcus xylosus (C32415), Halomonas pacifica (C32417), Bacillus fusiformis (C32418), Bacillus subtilis (C32419), Bacillus subtilis (C32420), Bacillus cereus (C32421), Cytophaga hutchinsonii (C32423), Cytophaga hutchinsonii (C32424), Serratia plymuthica (C32426), Halomonas aquamarina (C38694), Ochrobactrum intermedium (C38695), Bacillus subtilis (C38696)
• Noval technologies
Plant growth stimulation with Bacteria
• Under salt stress – mono and mixed culture s identified
• Under heavy metal stress- specially under chromium stress
Chromium reduction and removal process by
• Bacteria
• Cyanobacteria
Use of Bacterial hormones in Tissue culture
M.Phil THESIS GUIDED: 8+1(M.Sc. Hons)
A: Ph.D. Completed: 1. Molecular genetic analysis of div gene of Bacillus subtilis . (Anjum Nasim Sabri)
2. Host range, host specificity and transformation efficiency of Agrobacterium tumefaciens from plants of Pakistan . ( Shams ul Hussnain Amir Qazi )
3. Characterization of plasmid conferring resistance to salt tolerant bacteria. ( Azra Yasmin )
4. Heritability estimates genetics correlations and predicted gains from S 1 families in two random mated sunflower populations.( Wasim Hassan Shah )
5. Genetic studies in some Brassica species and their hybrids. ( Habib Ahmad )
6. Evaluation of the role of salt tolerant bacteria on developing resistance of plants to salt stress ( Shazia Afrasyab )
7. Genetical studies for determining the components of variation, their interrelationship for impotent economic trials in the intraspecific populations of upland cotton ( Mohammad Aslam )
• Screening of chromium resistant bacteria for detoxification potential and plant growth stimulation under chromium stresses.( Muhammad Faisal )
• Chromium resistant Cyanobacteria from industrial waste: characterization, chromium accumulation and reduction potential. ( Abdul Hameed )
• Germination potentials of spore forming bacteria from various polluted and saline environments around Lahore ( Uqba Mahmood )
• Investigating of mating types and strains of Phytophthora infestens : the cause of late blight of potato. ( Javed Iqbal Mirza )
• Cr-resistant bacteria from industrial wastes: Genetic analysis, chromium accumulation and reduction potentials ( Sikander Sultan )
• Role of exopolysaccharide producing bacteria in improving fertility and crop productivity of salt affected soil ( Muhammad Ashraf Malik )
B. Work Under Progress:
1. The use of Agrobacterium tumefaciens as a possible biocontrol agent against some insects of economic value.
2. Induction of salt tolerance and quality improvement in rice ( Oriza sativa ) through conventional breeding
3. Efficacy of bacterial hormones in plant tissue culture
4. Screening for Antibiotics fro indigenous actinomycetes, their genetic and mutational analysis
5. Characterization of pesticides degrading bacteria
6. Molecular characterization of hypertension related loci of local population
7. Use of some medicinal plants and antibacterial activity exhibiting bacteria for the treatment for the treatment of drug resistant avian pathogenic E.coli
8. Bacteria exhibiting antimicrobial activities: Screening for antibiotics and associated genetic studies
9 Molecular analysis and identification of anti-microbial resistant Genes in Clinical Isolate of Salmonella typhi
10. Molecular Genetic analysis of Chromate Reductase enzymes of Indigenous Chromium Resistant Bacteria
- SBS, Punjab University
- CAMB, Punjab University
- Zoology Punjab University
- Pharmacy, Punjab University
- Prof Dr Nuzhat Ahmad, Centre for Molecular Genetics, Karachi University
- Children Hospital , Lahore
- Security Hospital , Lahore
- VIR, Lahore
- Prof Dr. C. M. Thomas, School of Biological Sciences Birmingham University U.K.
- Prof Dr Max Meargy , University of Brussels , Belgium
- Prof Dr Simon Silver Dept .Microbiology and Immunology, University of Illinois ,
- Prof .Ian Colbeck, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex , U.K.
- Dr. Masaya Satoh, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima , Japan
- Haleeb Food Industry
- Highnoon Pharmaceutical
• Member, Society for General Microbiology , England (since 1984).
• Life, Member, Botanical Society of Pakistan .
• Member, Biological Society of Pakistan .
• Life Member, Pharmacological Society of Pakistan .
• Life Fellow, The Zoological Society of Pakistan .
• Member, Botanical Society of Bangladesh , 1992-93.
• Member , Bangladesh Association for Plant Tissue Culture, 1992-93.
• Member, New York Academy of Science, 1995-98.
• Founder member and life fellow, Genetical Society of Pakistan, vice President, Jan. 1995-Dec. 1995; Jan. 1996-Dec. 1998; President, 1999-2002.
• Life Member , Pakistan Environment Protection Society, since March 1997
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1. First all Pakistan Conference of Plant Scientists at Karachi, 1982.
2. SGM-100 meeting, April 1984, Warwick, UK.
3. SGM-102 meeting, January 1985, Birmingham, UK presented poster paper entitled “Cloning and Molecular genetic analysis of a segment of the Bacillus subtilis genome encoding the sdhA, B, C and gerB genes”.
4. SGM-103rd meeting, April 1985, Warwick, UK.
5. SGM-104th meeting, September 1985, Nottingham, UK Presented paper in Symposium and Workshop on Genetic Instabilities entitled “The effect of copy number on the stability of hybrid plasmid carrying segments of Bacillus subtilis DNA in Escherichia coli.
6. Molecular Biology Workshop for Bacillus subtilis and other non-filamentous Gram-positive bacteria, New Castle upon Type, UK 26th September, 1985. Presented a paper entitled “Construction and analysis of a novel gene bank of Bacillus subtilis.
7. 23rd, Urdu Science, Conference, Lahore, Pakistan 1985 (December).
8. Symposium on Biotechnology, NIAB, Faisalabad, March, 1986.
9. Mini International Symposium on “Recent Trends in Biology” held by CAMB in October 1986. Presented paper on “Plasmid Stability”.
10. Delivered lectures on “Plasmid vectors” and “Cloning Strategies” in the First Regional Training Course on Recombinant DNA techniques held by CAMB (March 1987).
11. Summer College on “Biotechnology” in Nathiagali, 107 July, 1988.
12. International Symposium on “Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology” Karachi, 2-4 January, 1989. Presented a paper “Mapping of pdx gene on the B. subtilis chromosome using PBSI mediated transduction”.
13. International Conference on “Current Developments in Salinity and Drought Tolerance of Plants”, Tandojam, 7-11 January 1990. Presented a paper “Molecular genetic studies on osmoregulation of halotolerant bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of Suaeda fruitocosa and Sporobolus pelidis”.
14. National/International Telecommunication Symposium on Plant Biotechnology, Islamabad, August 16-19, 1990. Presented 1) Paper “Some physiochemical factors affecting plasmid stability” 2) Poster paper “Effect of salt (NaCl) stress on DNA, RNA and soluble protein content of callus cultures obtained from seeds of Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata.
15. Twelfth Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Lahore, April 11-12, 1992. Presented a paper: Agrobacterium tumefaciens from Citrus limetta: Expression of T-DNA in tissue culture.
16. All Pakistan Science Conference, Khanuspur, Pakistan, May 16-21, 1992. Presented paper: Gram negative bacterium carrying transferable iron-resistant marker and some factors affecting transfer frequency. Co-Chairperson in one session.
17. 7th Biennial Botanical Conference on “Plant and Environment” December 13-14, 1992, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Presented paper “Stimulated growth of Triticum aestivum seedlings with salt tolerant rhizospheric bacteria and their Na+ relations under NaCl stresses” Co-Chairperson in one Session.
18. First Biennial Conference of Plant tissue Culture, December 15, 1992, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
19. Second International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology on “Biotechnology for Environment and Agriculture”, Karachi, January 6-9, 1993. Presented a paper “Lead resistant bacteria form industrial effluents and their effects on the Triticum aestivum seedling growth under lead stresses”.
20. Thirteen Congress of Zoology, Islamabad, March 31-Ist April, 1993. Presented paper “Growth characteristics of lead resistant bacteria from polluted waters”. Co-Chairperson in one Session. Another presentation by my Ph.D student.
21. Seventeenth International congress of Genetics, 15-21 August, 1993, Birmingham (UK). Presented paper “Altered stability of hybrid plasmid by deleting cloned DNA segments”.
22. “Biotechnology for Sustainable Environment” December 1993, Faisalabad,. Paper presented: Curing of Zinc resistant plasmids from Gram negative bacteria and their effect on growth of Triticum aestivum under Zn-stress. Poster Papers: (i) Agrobacterium tumefaciens: Host range and T-DNA expression. (ii) Conjugal transfer of chromium-resistant plasmids residing in Pseuomonads. (iii) Moderately halophilic bacteria associated with roots of Chenopodium album, Oxalis carniculata, and Lyceum europium.
23. 2nd All Pakistan Science Conference, Lahore, December, 1993. Paper presented: Na+ and auxin relations of Triticum aestivum seedlings grown under NaCl stresses after inoculating with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Co-Chairperson in one Session.
24. UK Plasmid Workshop, Birmingham March 7, 1994.
25. Non-isotopic Technologies, Manchester, UK June 10, 1994.
26. Meeting of Northern Molecular Genetics Group, Leeds, UK. July 7, 1994.
27. Invited speaker by Dr. Max Mergeay, VITO, Mol, Belgium, Gave Seminar on “Heavy metal resistant bacteria and their impact on plant growth” in September, 1994.
28. SGM, Symposium 52 on population Genetics of Bacteria, Leicester, UK, January 1995.
29. Fifth National Conference of Plant Scientists, NARC, Islamabad 28-30, 1995. Presented two oral and one poster presentation from my Laboratory and Chairperson of one session.
30. Fourth International Symposium-Workshop on Applications of Molecular Biological Research in Agriculture, Health and Environment, CEMB, Lahore, April 9-11, 1995. Presentation of three papers (one oral and two posters) from my lab.
31. International Symposium on Biodiversity of Pakistan, November 7-8, 1995, Pakistan Museum of National History, Pakistan. Presentation of Two papers from my lab.
32. International Workshop on “The impact of Air Pollution on Crop Yields in Pakistan”. December 7, 1995. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, NARC, Islamabad.
33. Fourth All Pakistan Science Conference, Faisalabad, December 1995. Two papers presented from my lab. and Chairperson of one Session.
34. 16th Congress of Zoology, Islamabad, Quaid-e-Azam University, April 13-15, 1996. Five papers presented from my lab. Co-Chairperson of one Session.
35. Workshop for Inservice Teachers organized by UGC, June 1996. Gave lectures on i) Genetic Engineering and its applications, ii) Biotechnology.
36. Inaugural International Conference on Genetics, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 26-28, 1996. Presentation of three posters and three oral papers from my lab. Coordinator in two sessions.
37. 17th Congress of Zoology, Karachi University, April 5-7, 1997. Two papers and poster paper was presented from my lab. Co-Chairperson in one Session.
38. Acted as Judge in “ART AND SCIENCE FAIR”, City School, April 25, 1997.
39. Pakistan 2010 program May 23, 1997 organized by Pakistan Science Foundation and Ministry of Science and Technology.
40. Fourth meeting of Tissue Culture, Baragali, June 15-19, 1997 organized by University of Peshawar. Two papers presented by Ph.D students. Chairperson in one Session. Contribution in workshop “Biotechnology and its role in the development of Pakistan”.
41. First National Symposium on “Biotechnology For Sustainable Development” Nov. 25-27, 1997 Government College, Lahore. Two oral papers and one poster paper presented from my lab. Poster was awarded 2nd prize in Poster Competition.
42. 18th congress of Zoology, University of Punjab, April 20-22, 1998. Two papers and two poster paper was presented from my Laboratory. Co-Chairperson in one session.
43. Sixth, National Conference of Plant Scientists, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, October 20-22, 1998. Five papers and tow poster paper was presented form my lab. Chairperson in one Session.
44. Seminar on “Genetic Engineering and its applications: in Home Economics College, February 18, 1999.
45. 19th Congress of Zoology, NARC, Islamabad, April 19-21, 1999. Three papers and one poster paper was presented from my lab. Chairperson in two sessions.
46. Second National Symposium on Practical Applications of Plant tissue Culture and Genetic Engineering, NARC, Islamabad, June 1-3, 1999. Four papers and three posters papers was presented from my lab. Chairperson in two Session.
47. Three lectures in “Teachers training program” in Botany , October 1999, organized by UGC.
48. Seminar on “Bacterial degradation and deterioration of monuments: Introduction to bacteria and bacterial mechanism” in “Training workshop on biological & environmental degradation of monuments with special reference to Taxila, sponsored by UNESCO and organized by the Department of Archaeology, Government of Pakistan in collaboration with P.N.C.U. (16th January-5th February, 2000) at PIATR, Lahore & Archaeological museum taxila.
49. Third International Biennial Conference of Microbiology, March 28-30, 2000, Lahore. Presented two papers and two posters.
50. 2nd International Science Conference, 26-28 October, 2000, Punjab University, Lahore. Presented one paper. Chaired one session.
51. 7TH National Conference of Plant Scientists, November 14-16, 2000, Department of Botany, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore. One oral and three Poster papers from my Lab., Convener Editing and Publishing Committee.
52. Two lectures in “Teachers training program” in Botany , September 24-30, 2001, organized by UGC.
53. GENETICS, CLONING AND GENETIC ENGINEERING in Eilaf Club, December 25, 2002.
54. “Bacteria – A threat to Archaeological monuments and its control measures” in REGINAL TRAINING COURSE FOR THE CONSERVATION OF BRICKS / MONUMENTS in Pakistan Institute of Archaeological Training and Research (PIATR) Old Fort, Lahore, March 21, 2003
55. 7th Biannual Conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and molecular Biology on Trends in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, April 2-5, 2003 at Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology University of the Punjab , Lahore Pakistan. 2 oral and 5 poster presentations from my laboratory.
56. Organized three days workshop on “Honey Bee Keeping” Jauary 2004
57. Organized three days workshop on “Queen Raising” JMay 2004
58. Organized seminar on “Bird Flue” May 2004
59. Symposium on “Agricultural Biotechnology” organized by CEMB, May 2004. Presented one paper and chair one session.
60. Curriculum of BOTANY as well as MICROBIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR GENETICS in Governor’s House May 30 & June 7 2004
61. First National Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology, Nathiagali, August 16-18, 2004 organized by National Commission on Biotechnology and Ministry of Science and Technology. Presented paper entitled “Improved growth and yield parameters of Triticum aestivum under Cr(VI) stress by chromium resistant plant growth promoting Bacteria” and co-chaired one session.
62. Resource Person in workshop for inservice college teachers organized by department of Botany, University of Sindh, Tandojam and HEC in November 2004. Given lectures on “DNA cloning and its applications”.
63. Presented paper entitled “Screening of bacterial strains for auxin production and their impact on in vitro plant growth” in the “Fifth International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference, from 4-6 December 2004 at Dhaka, Bangladesh”.
64. Participate as Resource Person in a Workshop entitled “Genetics for Medical Universities and College Teachers” at Karachi University from December 6- 12, 2004. Lectures on “Recombinant DNA Technology” and “Bioethics”.
65. Presented paper entitled “Microorganisms – Agricultural and Environmental concerns “ International Conference on ‘BIOETHICS’ March 26 - 28 , 2005, organized by NIGEB, Tehran, Iran
66. Chaired seminar on “Knock-out ice: relative role in neurophysiology ” by Dr Gul Nasreen Shah organized by CEMB, November 12, 2005.
67. Pre – 18TH FAOBMB Symposium Satellite Workshop on Bioinformatics at National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, Punjab University, Lahore, 14th – 19th November, 2005. Participated in Panel Discussion.
68. Lecture on “Recombinant DNA Technology” in Queen Marry College, Lahore. November 25, 2005
69. Presented paper entitled “Bioinformatics: Ribotyping- A Tool For Bacterial Identification” 4th International Symposium Of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology On Genomics, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology & Economics Development”. December 4-8 2005. Organized by Centre for Molecular Genetics, University of Karachi in collaboration with Kohat University of Science And Technology and Higher Education Commission.
70. Delivered a lecture entitled “Report of work at Molecular Genetics, Lahore” on March 11-12, 2006 at National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
71. Participated in the Bioforum on March 11-12, 2006 at National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, by displaying the Microbiological Products prepared in the Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Lab, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
72. Delivered a popular lecture entitled “Scientific Research in Pakistan- Facts and Figures” in the International Symposium on Application of Plant Sciences in Emerging Scenario, at Government College University, Faisalabad, on March 20-22, 2006.
73. Chaired a session entitled “Phytoremediation” in the International Symposium on Application of Plant Sciences in Emerging Scenario, at Government College University, Faisalabad, on March 20-22, 2006.
74. Participated in the HEC-BC Workshop on “Logframe and Proposal Writing” at Awari Tower Lahore, on 27 May, 2006.
75. Presented paper entitled “Mechanism of Cyanobacterial Bioremediation of Polluted Environment” and Chaired a session entitled “Plant Biotechnology” in the National Symposium on Biotechnology for Economic Prosperity Organized by the National Commission on Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology at Nathiagali, on July 24-26, 2006.
76. Presented paper entitled “Genetic analysis of heavy metals detoxification in cyanobacteria” in the 12th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes held on August 27th –September 1st, 2006 at Palais Beaumont- France.
77. Delivered a lecture entitled “Molecular Systematics Environmental and Population Genetics of Bacteria” in the two days conference of life scientist at Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, on November 13-14, 2006.
78. Lecture given on the Genetic Diseases on the World Environment Day, 3rd December, 2006 organized by the Pakistan Society for The Rehabilitation of the Disabled.
79. Attended a workshop on “Development Partnerships in Higher Education Links Programme” organized by the British Council Lahore on 12 February 2007 at Pearl Continental Hotel Lahore.
80. Presented paper entitled “Antimicrobial Peptide From Bacillus Subtilis” in the 12th Microbiology Conference held in Cairo, Egypt on 18-20 March, 2007.
81. Presented paper entitled “Gamma Irridation: Treated Cyanobacterial effects on the growth and biochemical parameters of Triticum aestivum (Wheat) under chromium stress” in the 9th Cyanobacterial Molecular Biology Workshop held in Wisconsin, USA, from 06-10 June, 2007.
1. Proctor, Botanical Society, Punjab University, 1973 (Session 1971-1972)
2. Proctor, Botanical Society, Punjab University, 1974 (Session 1972-73).
3. Incharge, Semester Examination and Results in the Department, 1975-1978.
4. Incharge, Departmental Time Table, 1975-1982, Jan 1996-Present.
5. Overall Incharge of M.Sc. admission in the Department, 1981 and 1982.
6. Assistant Presiding Officer in Local Bodies Election 1979.
7. Member, Election Committee for compiling results of Punjab University Student Union, 1981.
8. Member, Election Committee (for ASA), 1981.
9. Annual Stock taking of Department Library, 1981-82, 1986-88, 1991, 1993 and 1995-1998.
10. Supervised of Annual Stock taking of Departmental Library, 1999, 2000, 2001
11. Member, Entertainment Committee for 23rd Urdu Science Conference, 1985. Organized by Punjab University.
12. Member, Decoration Committee for 23 Urdu Science Conference, 1985, organized by Punjab University.
13. Member, Departmental Admission Committee, 1986-88, March 1991-present (Convener, since 1998).
14. Member Department Time Table Committee, 1986-88, March 1991-Dec. 1995.
15. Member, Department Sports Committee, March 1995-98.
16. Establishment of Microbial and Molecular Research Lab (1987-present), by UGC,NSRDB, PSF, PARC funds, some grant from University and form personal resources.
17. Member, Purchase Committee in the Department, March 1991-Jan. 1994.
18. Student Advisor in the Department, March 1991-Jan. 1994, 2001- present.
19. Principal Investigator, PSF Project (Bio 153), 1987-90
20. Principal Investigator, UGC Project, 1991-92.
21. Principal Investigator, NSRDB Project 1991-94.
22. Principal Investigator of 3 project from PARC, Dec. 1995-Nov. 1996.
23. Principal Investigator of 2 collaborative projects from PARC, Dec. 1995-Nov. 1996.
24. Vice President, Genetical Society of Pakistan Jan 1995-Dec. 1995; Jan 1996-Dec. 1998.
25. President, Genetical Society of Pakistan, Jan. 1999-2002.
26. Principal Investigator, PSF project (Bio 228), 1997-2000.
27. Principal Investigator, PU Project 1997-98, 1998-99, 2000.
28. Member, Seminar/Workshop Committee, Faculty of Science, PU since March 1999.
29. Member, Security (internal & external) arrangement committee, (PU Convocation), 2000.
30. Member, Entertainment Committee (PU Convocation), 2000.
31. Convener, Disciplinary Committee (PU), since March 2000 – 2003, 2005 - present.
32. Convener Editing and Publishing Committee, 7th national conference of Plant Scientists (Nov 14-16, 2000) PU
33. Member National Curriculum Revision Committee in Botany 2002
34 Member National Curriculum Revision Committee in Genetics 2002
35. Principal Investigator, S & T Biotechnology project, 2001-2004.
36. Chairperson, Botany Department, Punjab University (Oct. 26, 2002-present).
37. Chairperson, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Department, Punjab University (Nov. 08, 2002-present).
38. Chairperson, Committee for admission of Disables Students, January 2003 - present
39. Chairperson, Special Discipline Committee for the year 2003 to deal cases of indiscipline in girls Hostels
40. Chairperson Monitoring Team, B.A./ B.Sc. Examination 2001(Team No 3), 2003(Team No 2)
41. Incharge, Conventional and Non-Conventional Vegetable Farming, Punjab University, May 2003 – Nov 2006:
42. Elected member, Advanced Studies and Research Board, May 2003 – 2006. Nov 2005 – present as Dean
43. Member of the Appointment Committee on the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Gujranwala, May 2003 – 2005, 2005-2007.
44. Member of Committee to consider and Finalize all Research Projects and to Allocate Funds, Punjab University. (May 2003 - 2005)
45. Member Curriculum Advisory Board, Punjab University, June 2003
46. Member of Committee for Disbursement of HEC grant, Feb. 2004
47. Member, Committee to provide guidelines for developing uniform scheme of Studies for the teaching departments since May 2004.
48. Member Equivalence Committee, since June 2004.
49. Chairperson, Committee for distributing Overseas Scholarships for Ph.D. to university teachers, 2004-2005.
50. Incharge Honeybee Farm PU, since Nov 2003 – April 2005
51. Incharge Fish Farm PU, since Nov 2003 – April 2005
52. Incharge Floriculture Research Farm PU, since Nov 2004 –Nov 2006
53 Principal Investigator, HEC project No 20-139/ R&D /Acad/ 03, 2004 -2007
54. Secretary National Curriculum Revision Committee in Botany 2005
55. Member, Semester Implementation Committee August 2005 – present
56. Chairperson Doctoral Program Coordination Committee , Nov 14, 2005 - Nov 13, 2008
57. Chairperson subcommittee ASRB for finalizing issues relating Ph D registration 2006
58. Member, Committee for resolving issue of Girls Hostel 2006
59. Member Committee for Faculty Development 2006
60. Chairperson Committee for resolving issue of Foreign Students in Hostel 2006
61. Member , Admission Committee (PU) , since 2006
62. Focal Person PU HEC Ph D students, since 2006
63. Member Committee for supervising HEC (Bovine Hormones) project in SBS 2004 – present
64. Member Ethical Committee Punjab University
65. Member Governor’s Consultative Group, January 2007 - present
66. Member, Committee for suggesting Means and Modes for Improving Internal Administration in Public Sector Universities
April 2007 – present
67. Member Syndicate University of the Punjab since Feb 6, 2007.
1. Awarded govt. merit Scholarship in Botany (1972-74)
2. 2nd position in the University in M.Sc. Botany
3. Awarded Govt. of Pakistan Central Overseas Scholarship in 1982-85 for higher studies (Ph.D) in UK .
1. UNESCO/ROSTSCA Award for Young Scientist (from Central and South Asian region), 1988. Visited Jawarhar Lal Nehru University and Delhi Universities of India (22-31 August, 1989)
2. Wantable book fund (1996) by Society for Microbiology UK .
3. 2nd Award in Biology for 1994 in the Scheme Incentive for Publication organized by Pakistan Book Foundation.
4. Awarded National Education Award, 2005 by Pakistan Education Forum.
5. Awarded Fatima Jinnah Gold Medal, 2006, by Government of Punjab , Pakistan