Professor Dr Muhammad Ehsan Malik |
Professor Dr Muhammad Ehsan Malik
Director General , Dean and Director
off: Institute of Business Administration (IBA),
University of the Punjab,Quaid-i-Azam (New) Campus, Lahore, Pakistan
Phone No: Office: - 00-92-42-99231257-8, 00-92-42-99231154
Fax No. + 00-92-42-99231259
Email: director@iba.pu.edu.pk, drmalikehsan@hotmail.com
Itemized Curriculum Vitae ( CV ) (Since Lectureship 1982 ) :
Director General, Punjab University Gujranwala Campus during September-December 2007 and Since May 2008
Dean, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Punjab University Since January 1, 2009
Acting Dean, Faculty of Law, Punjab University Since 23 April, 2009
Director , Institute of Business Administration ( IBA ), University of the Punjab, Lahore March 20 , 2002 - 08 and Since January 5, 2009
Controller of Examinations (5 Years 6 months) , University of the Punjab, Lahore May 2000 to November 2005
Professor of Business Administration , Since April 21, 2000
Ph.D . Leicester University Management Centre (LUMC), Leicester , United Kingdom ( UK ), February 8, 1999
Assistant Professor , October 1987
Lecturer , September 1982
Executive Imports & Exports from August 1981 to August 1982 with Sargodha Textile Mills Ltd.
Marketing Executive, Far wide Enterprises from September 1980 to August 1981
Activities during 1985-88 :
Developed Curricula/Course Design for Business programs for discussion in the workshop held on November 30 to December 4, 1988 by ITC at Karachi
Submitted a course outline to EPB & ITC , Geneva on “ Marketing Research and Techniques”; Export Strategy for Marketing; and Export Management”, 1987
Attended workshop on ‘ Theory of Curriculum Development/Course Design” at International Business Center , Karachi July 27-31, 1986
Prepared a “ Profile of an Export Product” for discussion in a workshop arranged by ITC at Islamabad- May, 1985
Profile as Director, IBA (Mar. 2002 – Feb. 2008 and since Jan. 2009) :
Profile as Director, IBA (Mar. 2002 – Feb. 2008 and since Jan. 2009)
Launched PhD program in Business Administration for the very first time at IBA, PUNJAB UNIVERSITY . Six (6) PhD students enrolled in first Batch in 2003-04 and ten (10) in 2 nd Batch 2004-05
Computer allotment offer scheme to the needy students of IBA for the First Time in a Public University on easy installments.
Regular staff ( faculty ) meetings almost 12 to 15 in a year during March 2002-2008 .
Approval and commencement of BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) Morning & Evening and PGD in ABM (Agriculture Business Management) classes during 2005-06 .
Market recognition/demand of IBA Students (i.e. Asian Development Bank, UAE TEXP 2005, Stock Exchanges, and SBP, rather in almost all Corporations LOCAL or ABROAD etc.).
First position in CSS examination 2005 secured by our IBA student.
President ship, AMDIP Lahore Chapter 2005-2008
More than 50 Guest Speakers/Resource persons visited at IBA during March 2002 - February 2008 and since January 2009.
First position secured by our IBA executive trainee among 36 trainees in “Inter Financial Institutions Banking Competitions 2006 ” arranged by State Bank of Pakistan ( SBP) &Institute of Banker of Pakistan ( IBP) .
First Academia & Corporate sector Linkages program by IBA with Sui Northern Gas Pipe Line ( SNGPL ) and Allied Bank Ltd (ABL) . Of Pakistan to provide Academically, Technically and unprecedented infrastructural support to the MTOs ( management trainee officers of ABL ( August-October ) 2007-08 and executive officers of SNGPL ( March-June ) ) 2007.
First time THREE members from IBA Faculty are doing PhD in UK and one indigenous 2009
First Prize in ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION of BBA STUDENT from Chief Minister 2009
Arranged 3day workshop on “Quality Research” in ASSOCIATION with Institute of Research Promotion(IRP) for PhD Scholars at IBA on February 28 and 3-4 March 2009
Arranged 2day workshop on “Academic Writing for Researchers ” in ASSOCIATION with Institute of Research Promotion(IRP) for PhD Scholars at IBA on June 19-20, 2009
National & International Workshops / Conferences / Seminars :
( Year Wise Details given below )
Workshops/ Seminars at national/ international levels held since 2002
i.e., at Male , Maldives; Colombo , Sri Lanka; Patiala, Hyderabad, Delhi ,
India; Thimphu, Bhutan ; Fukuoka , Japan and Hong Kong
During 2002
Presented a paper on “Re-defining Management Education for the 21st Century” , in the 7th Asian Management Forum (AMDISA) at Male, Maldives held from 13th April, 2002 to 17th April, 2002.
Presented and developed study material for the workshop on “Effective Business Writing”, at Management Development Institute, Habib Bank Limited, Lahore for Executives held from 25th April to 26th April 2002.
Participated in the Pre-budget Seminar 2002-2003 and presented views on “Entrepreneurship” (Self Generation of Employment – Focus on Agriculture) chaired by Finance Minister Punjab at Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) , Lahore held on May 29, 2002.
Participated in the “National Conference ” arranged by The Institute of Internal Auditors
( Pakistan Chapter ) held on June 8th, 2002 at Avari, Lahore .
Arranged one week workshop on “ Capacity Building Program” for civil servants of BPS-17 to BPS-19, in collaboration with Foreign Trade Institute of Pakistan (FTIP), Ministry of Trade and Commerce and presented paper on “Export Marketing Strategies” held at Falettis Hotel , Lahore from 26th August to 31st August, 2002.
IBA representation in 2-Day Workshop on Quality Assurance & Accreditation of South Asian Business Schools held at Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM) Colombo, Sri Lanka from September 5th to 6th, 2002
Presented a lecture on Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness to the officers in BS-17 to BS-19 of the Federal & Provincial Governments attending 29 th Management Systems & Methods course held from October 14-26, 2002 at Cabinet Secretariat , Government of Pakistan , Lahore .
Presented a lecture on Effective Communication Skills and Management Techniques (Overview) to the participants of Training Program for Newly Appointed Hospital Pharmacists (2 nd Batch) on October 17, 2002 at Punjab Pharmacy Council, Lahore .
During 2003
Participated in a seminar organized by NUST Institute of Management Sciences (NIMS) in collaboration with the British Council Gender Equality Program on “Changing Role of Women in Management” , on March 01, 2003 .
Participated and exchanged views on “The Solution of Pakistan Economic Problems” a seminar organized by Awaz (Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman Memorial Society) at Avari Lahore on March 02, 2 003
Presented a lecture on Human Resource Management and Development in the 21 st Century on April 21, 2003 to the officers in BS-17 to BS-19 of the Federal & Provincial Governments attending Human Resource Management & Development Course ( April 21-26, 2003 ) at Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Pakistan, Lahore.
Presented a lecture on Business Management in Higher Education at Regional Centre, Higher Education Commission, Lahore on October 07, 2003
Presented a lecture on “How was Bribery eliminated from examination department of the Punjab University ?” at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) October 15, 2003
Presented a lecture in a training program on “Quality and Productivity Importance in the Educational Sector” on “Concept of Human Productivity” and “Motivation through Effective Administration” at Alhamra Arts Council Lahore on November 11, 2003
During 2004
Participated and exchanged views in the Public Seminar on “Role of Private Sector in the Development of Housing Sector of Pakistan” , arranged by the daily Jang at Pearl Continental, Lahore on January 02, 2004.
Participated and exchanged views in the Public Seminar on “Role of CUSTOMS in Protection of Society” , arranged by Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman Memorial Society at Pearl Continental, Lahore on January 12, 2004.
Delivered lectures on “Enhancing Leadership Skills” and “Motivation” in 3-Days Course on “Human Resource Management” for Executives/Officers arranged by Allied Bank at Management Development Centre on January 15, 2004 .
Presented a paper on “Quality and Productivity Importance in the Educational Sector” in the training program arranged by National Productivity Organization (NPO), Ministry of Industry and Production, Pakistan National Accreditation Council, Ministry of Science and Technology and All Pakistan Private Schools Owners Association (APPSOA) held at District Council Hall, Kasur on January 16, 2004.
Delivered a lecture on “Examination System” as a part of One Lecture per Week Series launched by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) on January 21, 2004 .
Delivered lecture, participated and exchanged views in the Public Seminar on “Education Abroad- Opportunities, Problems and Solutions” , arranged by Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman Memorial Society at Pearl Continental, Lahore on February 10, 2004 .
Delivered lecture, participated and exchanged views in the Public Seminar on “Tourism and Hospitality Education” , arranged by Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman Memorial Society at Pearl Continental, Lahore on April 21, 2004 .
Delivered lecture, participated as a panel discussant in a seminar on “Social Entrepreneurship” organized by Pakistan Foundation for the Advancement of Engineering & Technology at Hotel Sun fort, Lahore on May 10, 2004 .
Delivered lecture, participated and exchanged views in the Public Seminar on “Our Superior Teachers can Shape the End of Nation” , arranged by Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman Memorial Society at Pearl Continental, Lahore on June 25, 2004 .
Participated in 8 th South Asian Management Forum (SAMF), 2004 from November 28 th to December 1 st , 2004 at LUMS, Lahore
Participated and delivered a lecture on Agriculture, Industry, Trade and Technology in Punjabi Conference arranged by Punjabi University , Patiala , India during December 01-03, 2004
During 2005
Participated in AMDISA Commonwealth Workshop for Deans and Directors on Leadership, Institution Building and Quality Assurance in South Asian Business Schools in Hyderabad , India during January 27-29, 2005 .
Participated in discussion arranged by COSMODE on Methodology of Business School Ranking 2005 in New Delhi , India on January 30, 2005 .
Participated as a guest speaker and delivered a lecture in the seminar on “Business Intelligence: A Winning Strategy” arranged by Mir Khalil-ur Rehman Memorial Society on February 16, 2005 .
Participated as a guest speaker and delivered a lecture in the seminar on “Education in foreign countries, Legal Obligations and Immigration Consultancy Institutions” arranged by Mir Khalil-ur Rehman Memorial Society on February 17, 2005 .
Delivered a lecture in the concluding session of “Case Study Workshop” arranged at IBA, on May 01, 2005
Presented and developed study material for the course on “Management Skills”, at Management Development Institute, Habib Bank Limited, Lahore for Executives held from May 23 to 25, 2005
Participated and delivered a lecture in Pre-Budget Seminar, 2005-06, arranged by Hailey College of Banking and Finance on June 01, 2005
Participated and delivered a lecture in Post-Budget Seminar, 2005-06, arranged by Government College University , Lahore on June 13, 2005
Participated and delivered a lecture in Planning Workshop for National School of Public Policy arranged by Pakistan Administrative Staff College on June 22, 2005
Participated and delivered in a Seminar on “Career Counseling- A Gateway to Success” arranged by Daily Jang and Superior Immigration and Foreign Education Consultants on August 08, 2005.
Presented and developed study material for a lecture on “Human Behavior” and “Human Resource Management Theories”, at Management Development Institute, Habib Bank Limited, Lahore for Executives held on A ugust 18, 2005
Participated as a guest speaker and delivered a lecture in the seminar on “Role of Higher Education in National Development” arranged by Higher Education Commission (HEC) and Mir Khalil-ur Rehman Memorial Society on September 23, 2005.
Delivered a lecture on “SWOT Analysis of Semester System” arranged by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Regional Office, Lahore on October 03, 2005 .
Participated as a guest speaker and delivered a lecture in the seminar on “Employment Generation in Pakistan ” arranged by Mir Khalil-ur Rehman Memorial Society on October 03, 2005 .
Delivered a lecture on “Role and Responsibility of College/University Teachers as Educational Administrator” in the Faculty Development Program arranged by Institute of Education and Research, Punjab University on November 23, 2005
Delivered a lecture on “Administrative Planning & Communication Skills” in the Staff Development Program under the scheme, National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE), arranged at Lahore College for Women University , Lahore on December 08, 2005
Delivered a lecture on “Human Resource Development in Universities” in the Faculty Development Program arranged by HEC and Lahore College for Women University , Lahore on December 20-21, 2005
During 2006
Participated and presented a paper on “ Curriculum and Effective Learning ” in the national conference arranged by HEC and IMS, BZ University, Multan from January 25-26, 2006
Participated in the discussion on “Electronic Marketing Scope and Methodology in Pakistan” arranged by Standing Committee on Technology Promotion and Manufacturing Skills, Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry on January 30, 2006
Participated in the international seminar on “Pak-India Trade Sustainability” , and presented a paper on “Business Entrepreneur's Dimension of Trade” , arranged by the Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry” on February 08, 2006
Participated as a speaker in “Trade policy 2006-07 Consultative Seminar Reflecting Human Development Perspective in Trade Policy” arranged by UNDP and Ministry of Commerce, at Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industries (LCCI) on April 05, 2006
Participated in “International workshop on Curriculum Optimization of Business Administration” arranged by COMSATS, Islamabad on April 13-14, 2006
Participated in the conference on “Management Education and Practice: The Challenge of Relevance” arranged by AMDIP, at Islamic International University, Islamabad from April 28-29, 2006
Participated in the “Second Annual Conference on The Management of the Pakistan Economy” , at Lahore School of Economics on May 03, 2006
Participated in “ Curriculum Development for MBA Entrepreneurship and Innovation” , an exercise arranged by HEC in Islamabad on May 04, 2006
Participated and presented a paper in “the National Service Workshop”, organized by UNCTAD - WTO, at PC Karachi on May 26-27, 2006
Participated and exchanged views in “Post-Budget Round Table Conference” arranged by Pakistan Institute of National Affairs (PINA) on June 11, 2006
Arranged a seminar on "Competing in Academic Research" ( A Global Perspective ) with the collaboration of Institute of Research Promotion (IRP), on November 08, 2006 and served as moderator for the panel discussion on “Preparing Action Plan for Competing in Academic Research” and as a key note speaker for the paper presentation session.
Delivered lectures on Japanese Business Outreach to South Asia at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University , Fukuoka , Japan on November 24-26, 2006 .
During 2007
Participated in Conference on WTO, Trade and Human Development arranged by Dept of Economics, Punjab University , Lahore and presented a paper on Trade and Human Resources on Jan 24, 2007
Delivered lectures on Administrative Planning & Communication Skills & Educational Measurement & Evaluation in Staff Development Course under the scheme of National Academy of Higher Education NAHE , at Lahore College for Women University , from February 26, 2007 to March 26, 2007
Participated in One Day Consultative ( Capacity Building ) Workshop on “Management of WTO-Food, Agriculture & Trade Related Challenges” at LCCI on March 19, 2007
Participated in SANEI's Multidisciplinary and Intermediation Research Initiative (MIR) Seminar at Department of Economics, Punjab University on March 28, 2007 .
Delivered a series of lectures on “Human Resource Development in Universities ( administrative Planning & Educational Measurement and Evaluation )” in the Faculty Development Program arranged by National Academy of Higher Education, HEC and Lahore College for Women University ,
Lahore March , 2007 .
Honored as a chief guest for opening & closing sessions and Resource Person as well at the one week HRM & HRD course in the 21 st century ( for officers in BS 17 to BS 19 of Federal & Provincial Governments ) organized by Establishment Division, Management Services Wing, Government of Pakistan, Lahore on 21-26 May, 2007.
A series of Lectures on 8 training Courses for Effective Management were delivered for Executives ( SNGPL ) SUI NORTHERN GAS PIPELINES Ltd at SNG Training Institute Hall, Lahore during 11 April to 28
June 2007 .
Lecture followed by questions delivered on Career Planning in Management Sciences at HEC auditorium organized by HEC-EDUVISION, Islamabad on 14 July 2007 .
Chaired National Curriculum Revision Committee (NCRC) in Business Administration to recommend schemes of studies for different management degree programs (BBA, MBA, & MS leading to PhD) held at Higher Education Commission (HEC), Regional Centre Lahore, on 24-26 July 2007.
Lecture delivered on the topic “ HRD in the 21 st century” to the Marketing Officials, Mega Pharmaceuticals Ltd., at Ambassador Hotel Lahore on 13 August 2007.
During 2008
Chaired a Technical Session and participated in a “Panel Discussion ( HRM, Management, SMEs, IT, Entrepreneurship, Marketing Management and Project Management) ” as a “Panelist” at COMSATS International Conference on “ Management for Humanity and Prosperity” held at Pearl Continental Hotel Lahore on January 02-03, 2008.
Lecture delivered on the topic “ Pakistan Economy: Challenges and Opportunities” a seminar organized by Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan ( ICMAP ) & Water Net Invention Ltd. association with MKRMS at Royal Palm Country Club, Lahore on 26 January 2008
Participated in UNIDO ( United Nation Industrial Development Organization) 1 day Cluster Development Program for Lahore & Sialkot SMEs on the topic “ BRANDOLOGY” at Pearl Continental Hotel-Lahore on February 3, 2008
Organized One Day Workshop on “ Citing and referencing using EndNote Software ”. For Hands-on training in using EndNote for creating references for RESEARCHERS held on February 9, 2008
Delivered a lecture to a session of “ INTERACTION OF MANAGEMENT TRAINEES WITH PROFESSIONALS” on the topic of “ Pakistan 's Development Journey” for National Bank of Pakistan 's MTOs at NBP Staff College , Regional Headquarter, Lahore on February 14, 2008
Participated & Chaired Two day workshop on “Capability Building Perspectives for South Asian B-Schools” on March 26 & 27, 2008 at Cosmode Management Research Centre , Hyderabad , INDIA .
During 2009
Lecture delivered on the topic “ Creating Talent & Training Intervention in Job Skills ” arranged by HR department Fatima Memorial System for campus training and empowerment of its dedicated employees for the vision “ Quality Health Care and Research-Based Education for all, Leading to Integrated Socio-Economic Community Development ” in 21 st century Shadman, Lahore on January 6, 2009 .
Lecture delivered on the topic “ Current National Situation and Pakistan Economy” a seminar organized by Pak Gulf Construction (pvt) Ltd. in association with MKRMS at Serena Hotel Islamabad on January 21, 2009.
Chaired followed by Commentary on a Technical Session “ Governance and Applied Research ” and delivered a Lecture on the topic “ Significance of Research” as guest speaker for closing session of 2 day-workshop organized jointly by ( LUMS Library & IRP ) at LUMS in Room # A-5 dated January 24, 2009.
Participated as Resource Person in the Training of Trainers ( TOT ) Program ( January 26-28, 2009 ) at University of Gujrat ( UOG ) to deliver a lecture on “ Export Marketing and Export Consortium in a Cluster ” organized by United Nations Industrial Development Organization ( UNIDO ) on “INDUSTRY ACADEMIA LINKAGE” using UNIDO Cluster Development Methodology in collaboration with LUMS, IBA (PU), IQTM (PU), SCCI, TDAP, NMC, LGCC and UOG at its campus on January 28, 2009.
Participated in a “ Talk on Monetary Policy Statement ” delivered by Governor , State Bank of Pakistan and presided over by Chancellor Universities / Governor , Punjab Province , at Governor House, Lahore on February 04, 2009.
Participated in Applied Business Research Conference(ABRC) as “Member , Manuscripts Review Committee for ABRC-2009 p.iv ”, as “Session Chair with Five Panelists in 2 Sessions in Marketing Track p.xiii ” and as an Author of Two Research Papers entitled “ Effects of Leadership Attitude on Organizational Performance ” and “ Organizational Effectiveness with reference to Employees' Performance and Motivation p.17 & 35 ” directory of “PARTICIPANTS and PROGRAM ABSTRACTS” published and organized by “Research and Development Forum” International Islamic University, held at Faisal Mosque Auditorium, ISLAMABAD on 21 st February 2009.
Lecture delivered on the topic “ Contribution of Universities in Social and Economic Development” in Session 1: Aims Of Higher Education & Nation Building under the 3 Day NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “ PEACEBUILDING & WOMEN LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN CAMPSUS” at Pearl Continental, Bhurban (Muree), organized by BARGAD Rahwali-GUJRANWALA, Pakistan on 3-5 March 2009.
Lecture delivered as keynote speaker on the topic “ Developing New Mindset for Research ” on April 4, 2009 in a three-day workshop on “ Qualitative Research ” organized by Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Punjab University in collaboration with Institute of Research Promotion (IRP) at IBA held on March 28 and April 3-4, 2009.
Delivered a lecture on “ Problem Solving and Decision Making ” to the senior officers of the Federal/Provincial Governments at National Management College (Senior Management Wing), Lahore on April 27, 2009 .
As Executive Board Member, Participated & Delivered Lecture on “ South Asian Quality Assurance System( SAQS ) in 10 th South Asian Management Forum Conference on “ Change and Continuity: Management Prospects and Challenges” organized by Royal Institute of Management, Thimphu: Bhutan on 9-10 th April 2009
Lecture delivered on the topic “ Privatization, Experiences and National Interests” a seminar organized by Shafi Memorial Trust KTK Group in association with MKRMS at PC Hotel Lahore on April 30, 2009
Lecture delivered on the topic “ Organizing Yourself” a seminar organized by Marketing Association of Pakistan at Avari Hotel, Lahore on May 23, 2009
Participated in a Seminar on” Role of Business Schools in Developing Enterprises and SMEs ” organized by Association of Management Institutions Development in Pakistan ( AMDIP ) and Entrepreneurship & SMEs Centre, SD School of Business, LUMS on June 18, 2009
Conducted a two Hours Workshop and Delivered a lecture on “ Analytical Skills” to the officers of the Federal/Provincial Governments at National Institute of Management at EDI Hall, Mid Career Management Wing, CSA, DMG, Upper Mall, Lahore on June 25, 2009 .
Participated in an International Workshop On “ What Price Quality? Towards a New Paradigm for Management Education” organized by Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA) at TAJ DECCAN, Hyderabad, INDIA on 14 Sep 2009
Attended AMDISA'S 50 th Executive Board meeting being Executive Board Member for South Asia held at AMDISA Secretariat, University of Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, INDIA on 15 Sep 2009
Attended 2 nd Comsats International Business Research Conference: “ A Conference For Business, Economics and Behavioral Sciences” as Session Chair : Entitled “ Strategic and Entrepreneurship Management” and “Marketing Communication and Customer Relationship Management” held at Comsats, Lahore on 14 November 2009
Appointed as a Session Chair for the Organization Studies Track at “ the International Research Conference on Management & Finance (IRCMF2009)” Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka December , 2009
OFFERS from other Universities / Institutions but preferred PU :
From Government College University , Lahore for the POST of Professor/Director of Management Studies Department (MSD) |
From IBA, University of Karachi as Research Associate (teaching and research) in Business Administration August 2001. |
From National University of Science and Technology (NUST) for Selection of Faculty-SB 2001 at NUST, Rawalpindi 2001.
From Educational Excellence Limited, Lahore as Dean, Faculty of Management Studies for salary package of more than Rs 250, 000 p.m.
International Nominations :
Nominated to associate as a Key Term Member/Master Trainer for Government of the Punjab/Asian Development Bank (ADB)'s Capacity Building Consultancy Assignments, March, 2004 |
Nominated for the appointment of President and Vice Chancellor of Queen's University, Belfast , Northern Ireland , U.K. by University of the Punjab, Lahore , July 2003 |
Nominated for the job of Executive Director, Higher Education Commission (HEC) , by the University of the Punjab , October 2002
Nominated for the post of Program Specialist, UNESCO , by University of the Punjab, Lahore, and by Pakistan National Commission for UNESCO, Government of Pakistan to UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, March, 2002 |
Member and Peer Reviewer of Association of Management Development Institutions for South Asia
( AMDISA ) for South Asian Quality Assurance System ( SAQS ) Council 2009
Member, AMDIP (Association of Management Development Institutions in Pakistan ) representing Business Schools in Lahore . It is part of AMDISA (Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia ) a SAARC Recognized Apex Body since 2003 |
Master of ceremony and Member of South Asia Management Forum (SAMF 2004) Steering Committee for the International Conference held first time in Pakistan from 28 th November to 1 st December, 2004. Main members were Vice chancellor LUMS, Rector UMT and myself as a Director IBA, Punjab University |
Member, Fellowship Committee Commonwealth/AMDISA, INDIA since 2005.
Member, Marketing Association of Pakistan (MAP) Since 2001 . |
Member, LUMS Institutional HEC-USAID Scholarships Award Committee since 2005 . |
Member, HEC National Curriculum Revision Committee in Business Administration since 2004. |
Head, NTS Committee for Business Administration since 2007 . |
Member Finance & Planning Committee, University of the Punjab, Lahore since 2006 |
Advisor / Principal Staff Officer to the Vice Chancellor May 2000 to November 2005. |
Member, University Senate & Academic Council since 2000 . |
Member, Disciplinary Committee Punjab University 2003-2006 . |
Member, University Calendar Committee 2000-2005 . |
Member, University Equivalence Committee 2003-2007 . |
Member, University Purchase & Indent Committee 2004-2006 . |
Member, University Budget Committee 2004--2008 . |
Member, University Ph.D. Incentive Award Committee 2004-06 . |
Member, Board of Faculty of Commerce, Punjab University since 2005 . |
Member, Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Gujaranwala 2002-2005 . |
Ph.D. Research Supervisor approved by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad since 2003 . |
Member , Board of Studies for COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad since2004. |
Member, Board of Studies for MBA and MBA (I.T.), Government College University , Faisalabad 2002-05 . |
Member, Board of Studies, University of Sargodha , Sargodha since 2004. |
Member, Board of Studies, International Islamic University, Islamabad 2006-2008 |
Member, Japanese Need Based Scholarship Program for Pakistani University Students since 2006 . |
Member, Board of Studies, Hazara University , Mansehra, NWFP since2004-06 . |
Member, Board of Governors, District Public School/Inter College Khushab since2005 . |
Member, Business Education Accreditation Council for a period of four years by the Higher Education Commission ( HEC) , Islamabad Since 2007 . |
Member, for “Core Group of ( HEC) for Revenue Generating Activities In Higher Education INSTITUTIONS due to “Financial Crisis” by the Higher Education Commission ( HEC) , Islamabad Since 2008. |
Member, PU Rationalization Committee and Selection Committee since 2008. |
Member, PU Affiliation Committee 2006-2008. |
Member, Board of Studies, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore since 2009 |
Member as Examiner, Paper Setter and Evaluator :
At Master's, Ms/M.PhiL and PhD Level : |
Gomal University , D.I. Khan. |
Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (ICMA). |
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS), Bahauddin Zakariya University , Multan . |
COMSATS, Pakistan |
Department of Sociology & Institute of Administrative Sciences, Punjab University . |
Deakin University , Australia 2005 |
Federal/Punjab Public service Commissions' CSS/PMS EXAMs etc.
Chairman, Punjab University Overseas Ph.D. Scholarship and Travelling Grant Committee during 2006-2009 |
Chaired National Curriculum Revision Committee (NCRC) in Business Administration to recommend schemes of studies for different management degree programs (BBA, MBA, & MS leading to PhD) held at Higher Education Commission (HEC), Regional Centre Lahore, on 24-26 July 2007 |
Director General, Punjab University Gujranwala Campus during September - December 2007 and since May 2008
Team Leader, Punjab University Delegation's Visit to Hong Kong Universities for Exchange of Faculty/Students to enhance/share Research/Academics activities in November 2007 |
Chairman, Management Committee Punjab University Gujranwala Campus 2007-2008 |
Chairman, Punjab University Budget Committee, Since January, 2009 . |
Chairman, Main Punjab University Purchase & Indent Committee, since January 2009 . |
Chaired A Special Committee to Consider “Recognition/Equivalence of Membership of ACCA UK and Other Professional Bodies with Pakistani MASTER DEGREE” held at Higher Education Commission (HEC), ISLAMABAD, on Friday 07 Aug 2009
Research Activities (Quality Initiatives and Improvements) :
Evaluated for the first ever Ph.D. Qualifying Exam of NUST Institute of Management Sciences, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad 2003-04 . |
Joined in a Discussion on “Methodology of Business School Ranking 2005” on a Request from Chairman, COSMODE Management Research Centre Hyderabad , India 2005 |
Evaluated PhD theses of IMS., BZ University, Multan 2005-06.
Evaluated and recommended 10 Doctoral and Post-Doctoral research proposals from India , Sri Lanka , and Bangladesh for COMMONWEALTH - AMDISA Scholarship 2006 from AMDISA (A SAARC recognized Apex Body) Hyderabad , INDIA 2006-07 . |
HEC (Higher Education Commission) of Pakistan Approved Supervisor for MANAGEMENT SCIENCES (Ref HEC web site) |
Prepared PC-I for the establishment of Cell for Structural Transformational Leadership (CESTL) at IBA-Lahore. The PC-I was discussed with HEC authorities and approved 2006-07 |
Prepared PC-II for launching Journal of Business Administration and Leadership (JOBAL) which will be first Journal throughout Pakistan to be hosted at JSTOR, ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE, SCOPUS, SCIENCE DIRECT and will have its own ISSN, e-ISSN and DOI 2006-07 . |
Principal Investigator of All Pakistan Leadership Survey (APLAUSE) to conduct research on Leadership Styles and Work Related Values of people serving for and aspiring to serve for Government, Semi-Government and private sectors in Pakistan 2006-2007 |
Member of Advisory Committee of “Journal of Business Management” published and issued by Punjab College of Technical Education (PCTE) Badduwal, Ludhiana- INDIA 2007-2008. |
Evaluated and recommended Two Post Doctoral Research Proposals submitted by Dr Rohit Trivedi of India , and Dr M M Ali of Banglades h for COMMONWEALTH - AMDISA Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Scholarship 2007-08 from AMDISA (A SAARC recognized Apex Body) Hyderabad, INDIA 2008 |
Evaluated and recommended M.Phil Dissertation Entitled “ Impact of Intellectual Capital Efficiency on Financial Performance ” of Mr. Abdul Makki student of National College of Administration & Economics
(NCBA &E) LAHORE 2008 |
Evaluated and recommended SIX M.Phil Dissertations written by COMSATS Scholars Lahore- Pakistan 2007-2008 |
Evaluated and recommended TWO M.Phil Dissertations' Entitled “ Women in Management of Higher Education” and “ A Sector wise Study of Emotional Intelligence (EI) of Professional Managers in Azad Jammu and Kashmir” written by University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Scholars, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Kotli- Azad Kashmir 2009 |
Evaluated and recommended TWO Ph.D Dissertations' Entitled “ Acceptance and Use of Information Technology by Senior Executives” and “ The Moderating Role of Job Characteristics on Intelligence and Performance” written by Foundation University' Scholars, Institute of Engineering and Management Sciences, Rawalpindi 2009
News published with picture in “ BULLETIN ” ( page 7 ) Leicester University , UK of a seminar on “ TRADE not AID ” organized being a PhD Scholar August, 1995 . |
Impressive Presentation on PhD thesis at Teaching & Learning Unit, University of Leicester , UK on 9 June 1997. |
Received letter of appreciation from Prof. James A. Erskin, University of Western Ontario , Ivey School of Business, London , CANADA on September 1998 .
Recognition of IBA, PUNJAB UNIVERSITY among the Leading Business Schools of Pakistan by “Pakistan & Gulf Economist (PAGE)” published in August 2003 Vol.XX11,No.34 R.No.SS-189 |
Profile as Director/Controller Examinations for the year 2003 by “Pakistan & Gulf Economist (PAGE)” published in August 2003 Vol.XX11, No.35 R.No.SS-189 |
Appreciation from MBA students of LUMS for a lecture delivered to them on” Change Management ' on Oct 15, 2003 |
Mr Dharni P Sinha (Late), founder AMDISA & SAMF highly appreciated for hosting & holding SAMF 2004 in an impressive manner for the first time in Pakistan at Punjab University , Lahore 2004 . (Inaugurated by Governor Punjab) |
Feedback from HBL, ABL, SNGPL ( Sui Northern Gas Pipeline ) and a number of organizations e.g. Switch Securities Pvt. Limited, Lahore & Islamabad STOCK EXCHANGES and National Commodities Exchange for delivering lectures to their top executive management 2002 to 2007 |
Made numerous Television Appearances and is often quoted in National/International Press on Business/Economic Issues Since 2006 |
Nominated by the Punjab University as representative of a “3 member committee” constituted by The Supreme Court (SC) of Pakistan on 12-11-2009 consisting of others ( 1 ) Advocate, SC on Ex-Controller behalf ( 2 ) Advocate, SC as Mediator to resolve the issue ( Since May 2000) of Ch. M. Yaqoob, Ex-Controller of Examinations, University of The Punjab, Lahore. Committee held the meeting on 16-11-2009 and report forwarded to SC on 19-11- 2009
Rs. 5000/- cash award as National Resource Person ITC/UNCTAD/GATT awarded/cleared by President Representative UNDP, Islamabad April 1986. |
Rs.100, 000/- cash award granted by syndicate on the recommendation of Finance & planning Committee, University of the Punjab in recognition of best performance and meritorious services as a controller of Examinations 2000-05 as meeting held on 31 DEC, 2005. |
National Educational Award 2000 in recognition of best performance and meritorious services as a controller of Examinations 2000-05 and as an educationist by Pakistan Education Forum in 2000 .
Tehrik-e- Istehkam-i-Pakistan Gold Medal in recognition of best performance and meritorious services as a Controller of Examinations 2000-05 and as an educationist 2005 |
Quid-i-Azam Gold Medal and Certificate of Excellence in recognition of best performance and meritorious services as a controller of Examinations 2000-05 and as an educationist by Bright Future Society, Lahore 2006 . |
Gold Medal and Certificate of Excellence Services to “acknowledge the extraordinary volunteerism exhibited for rendering exemplary services to the Nation” in the field of Education awarded Jointly by Samuel Payara, President BFS Lahore and Zhao Qaioliang, Counselor Office, Republic of China , Islamabad-Pakistan on 07 March 2009 |
LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD and Certificate of Excellence for rendering exemplary services to the Nation” in the field of Education on behalf of South Asian Foundation awarded BY Mr. Mathew Lowe, Counselor, Embassy of USA , Islamabad-Pakistan on 28 April 2009 |
Allama Iqbal Gold Medal and Certificate of Excellence in recognition and appreciation of exemplary and meritorious services as an educationist by South Asian Foundation for women and BFS, Lahore on 11 November, 2009 |