Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Workhop on "Pre-Psvctotic Stat€s & transition to Psvchosis"
Workhop on "Pre-Psvctotic Stat€s & transition to Psvchosis"

Centre for Clinical Psychology organized a workshop on "Pre-Psychotic States & lransition to Psychosis" by Prof. Dr. Muhmad Ayub (President PACT, Senior Research Fellow al University College London, UK) on l4rr'October. 2022. Prol Dr. Muhammad Ayub explained the sta8es which lea.l to Psychosis and how they cd be identified. Fudher, he elaborated eely intene.rion and managemenl to ensure better oulco e for the clients. Lastly, Prcl Dr. Saima Dawood (Director CCP), and Dr. Nayab lftikhar thanked Prot Dr. Muhammad Ayub for his time dd derailed discussion on the topic.