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What is Counseling?  
What is counseling?
Counseling is a process through which one person helps another by purposeful conversation in a supportive and understanding atmosphere in a professional manner. This conversation then leads to come up with solutions which are most feasible. This type of help can also be provided by friends, family, teachers, academic advisors and other people in our life, but they are not trained to see each situation in an objective manner. The Student Counselors differ from these others sources because of their wide-ranging training in psychology and human behavior. They have an extensive experience working with many different situations. They generally talk to students regarding personal, academic and career issues. Most common concerns students usually share are adjustment to University or hostel life, indecision about choice of subject, poor time management, exams anxiety family or relationship problems, career or future concerns etc.

Role of the Student Counselor
The following role is offered by the Student Counselor:
Listen actively to your concerns
Help you understand and deal with your problems effectively
Open to discuss any question or concern that comes to your mind (no matter how controversial it is)
Take all your small and big problems seriously
Accommodate your session timings keeping in view your classes timings.
Homework assignments are also given during the sessions which you have to follow before next session both written and practical assignments are given. If you feel something is not working for you or you are stuck at some point then its best to communicate with the counselor. If you have any doubts or queries it is always best to just ask!!!
The counselor empower and guide you in solving your problems by yourself
The counselor maintains complete confidentiality except under extraordinary circumstances. If you have questions about the limits of confidentiality, feel free to ask.
In case if the counselor feels that you need Psychiatric/medical help also, you are referred to the psychiatrist at Health Center or privately depending upon you and your family choice.

We keep all the information provided by the student strictly confidential. Brief information of each session is recorded by the counselor in order to keep track of the sessions and to develop the therapeutic plan accordingly. The information is not released in any way without the consent of the student. Even if the reports of the services are prepared student’s identity is strictly kept confidential. There are some exceptions to the confidentiality to breach in case if the counselor found that you intend to cause life threatening harm to yourself or to others ,in such case counselor is bound to take whatever action is needed to protect your or other’s lives.


What we expect from you

Attend regular sessions that are scheduled for you.
Try talking about things that are bothering you and provide honest information.
Do your homework assignments regularly given by the counselor.
Inform the counselor before - hand in case you are unable to attend your session or want to change your timings.
Be open minded when they ask you to try something different or new
Communicate openly with your counselor , let her know when things improve or when you don’t feel you are making progress or if you have any feedback.
Effective Social & Interpersonal Skills

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