Affiliation to Colleges

To apply for grants of affiliation to colleges in various disciplines for the upcoming academic session, i.e., 2025-2026, the last date is 31st May, 2025.


Affiliated Colleges

Punjab University has several affiliated colleges across the province, including the Doctor of Pharmacy Colleges, Law Colleges, Commerce Colleges, and other colleges of various disciplines.

Pharmacy Colleges

List of Affiliated Colleges Degree Wise.

Law Colleges

Affiliated Colleges Gender Wise

Commerce Colleges

List of Affiliated Colleges District Wise.

General Colleges

List of Affiliated Colleges District Wise.


  • Application for grant of affiliation on the prescribed form duly filled in shall be received up to 31st May of every year. Incomplete applications or application submitted after the due date shall not be entertained.
  • Punjab University considers the cases of affiliation only for those disciplines, which are approved by the university
  • Admission to the teaching program applied for affiliation must not be made until and unless the College/Institution is granted affiliation/addition in affiliation by the University.
  • The information provided must be accurate in all respects. In case of any default/misstatement, the administration of the College/Institution shall be held responsible/accountable for legal consequences.
  • On completion of the documents, the case will be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor who may refer it to the Affiliation Committee for visit of the college.
  • The college will be asked to submit visit fee and security. After deposit of the dues visit of the college will be scheduled.
  • After visit, the Affiliation Committee will submit its recommendations for the consideration of the Vice-Chancellor/Syndicate.
  • After approval of the recommendations, the office orders shall be issued by the Registrar’s office accordingly.
Online Application Form!

Affiliations Rules & Regulations

Affiliation Rules & Regulations for LL.B, Commerce and Pharmacy Program.


Approved by the Syndicate on 23.08.2003 & Senate on 08.06.2023



Rules & Guidlines Framed by Pakistan Bar Council and University of the Punjab and by Hon’able Supreme Court OF PAKISTAN.



Rules & Guidlines Framed by Pakistan Bar Council and University of the Punjab and by Hon’able Supreme Court OF PAKISTAN.


Special Conditions for Grant of Affiliations

Special Conditons for Grant of Affiliations of Commerce College, B.ED Classes, Information Technology Colleges and LL.B Classes.

Contact Us

Room No. 126, Office of the Affiliation, Admin Block, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Registrar, University of the Punjab, Lahore

Contact Us