![]() Introduction
The Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab (PU) Lahore offers high quality education and research facilities to meet the needs of an emerging information and knowledge society in Pakistan. IM has the services of internationally known, eminent, senior and young faculty comprising PhDs and MPhils along with the visiting faculty with outstanding professional and academic credentials. The infrastructure has also been developed to cater the needs of a changing scenario. We all know that the information and knowledge are no more restricted by the physical book and the physical library while the user does not need to physically move to the library to use his needed information. We live and work in both real and cyber world. The introduction of computers, the Internet, large-scale digitization of information, development of World-Wide-Web and the resulting access to full-text information located anywhere from anywhere have changed the information behaviour of people. Responding to all these developments, the nature of this discipline and the profession has changed also. The discipline and the profession have developed systems and tools to meet needs of both kind of environments, physical and digital. Consequently, the nomenclature of the Department has been changed from ‘Library and Information Science’ to ‘Information Management’ (IM) in 2014 to cater the needs of diverse situations, public and private enterprises and allow a variety of specialization tracks. As new economies are driven by information and knowledge, our program focuses on the emerging needs of our society. We are committed to produce such information managers/professionals who can identify, evaluate, select, acquire, organize, maintain, and disseminate information without any limitations of form, time, and space. The information and knowledge world has evolved from stone and clay tablets to electronic tablets and we had been responding to every development as professionals. We will keep on evolving. History In this discipline, the Department is the oldest seat of learning in Asia established in 1915 by an American Librarian, Asa Don Dickenson, to offer a Certificate in Librarianship. The world’s first textbook on the subject was also published in 1916 by the PU. In the past, the Dept. has gone through the changes in nomenclature from Librarianship to Library Science to Library and Information Science to Information Management. The Certificate course was upgraded to Diploma in 1956 with revised courses and duration, and 2 year Master program started in 1974. The research education program (MPhil and PhD) was introduced in 2005, meeting all HEC requirements. Our program and research contribution is recognized throughout Pakistan as the leading one with unmatched scholarly environment and facilities. From its beginning the Department has produced thousands of professionals serving throughout Pakistan and abroad. In the field of Library and Information Science/ Information Management, it is the only Department in Pakistan with highest number of Ph.D. faculty members and highest number of research publications in International and National well reputed journals.
The department celebrated 100 years of its existence in 2015 with utmost zeal and jubilation. |
Vision, Mission Statement and Goals
Teaching Faculty
Publications/ Research / BooksLast Three Year Articles Year: 2015 1- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen,; Use of public relations and publicity (PRP) by the public libraries in Lahore, Pakistan, New library world, 116(7/8), 2015 2- Alia Arshad & Kanwal Ameen,; Usage patterns of Punjab university library website: a transactional log analysis study, The electronic library, 33(1), 2015 3- Dr. Muhammad Rafiq, Munazza Jabeen, Liu Yun, Muhammad Rafiq, Misbah Jabeen,; Research productivity of library scholars: Bibliometric analysis of growth and trends of LIS publications, New library world, 116(7/8), 2015 4- Alia Arshad & Kanwal Ameen,; Usage patterns of punjab university library wesite: A transactional log analysis study, The electronic library, 33(1), 2015 5- Ullah, Midrar and Ameen Kanwal,; Perceptions of medicial librarians towards the imporance of information literacy skills, Pakistan Journal of information management and libraries, 16, 2015 6- Naveed, Asif and Ameen Kanwal,; Reading habits and behavior of information professional in the digital era, Pakistan library & information science journal, 46(3), 2015 7- Sania Awais and Kanwal Ameen,; Information accessibility for students with disbilities: An exploratory study of Pakistan, Malaysian journal of library & information science, 20(2), 2015 8- Sanghera, K.M., & Rehman, Shafiq, U.,; Problems of college libraries in Pakistan, Pakistan library & information science journal, 46(3), 2015 9- Safdar M., & Rehman, Shafiq. U.,; Users' perception and satisfaction with higher education commission, Pakistan Research repository (PRP): problems and opportunities library philosophy and practive, , 2015 10- Jabeen, Munaza, Yun, L, Rafiq, M. Jabeen, M., & Tahir, M.A.,; Scientometric analysis of library and information science journals 2003-2012 using web of science, International information and library review, , 2015 11- Wahid, N. & Rafiq, M.,; Conference literature in Pakistan, Pakistan library & information science journal, 46(3), 2015 12- Jabeen, M., Yun, L., Rafique, M., Jabeen, M., & Tahir, M.A.,; Information literacy in academic and research libraries of beijing, china: practices, methods and problems, Information Development, , 2015 Year: 2014 1- Ullah, Midrar, & Ameen, Kanwal,; Current Status of information literacy instruction practices in Medical libraries of Pakistan, Journal of Medical Library Association, 102(4), 2014 2- Rafiq, Muhammad & Ameen, Kanwal,; Towards a digitization framework: Pakistani perspective, Pakistan Journal of Information Management & Libraries, 15(1), 2014 3- Rafiq, Muhammad & Amene, Kanwal,; Standardization and sustainability of digitization projects in university libraries of Pakistan, VFAST Transactions on education and social sciences, 3(2), 2014 4- Ullah, Ahsan & Rafiq, Muhammad,; Pakistan research repository: a showcase of theses and dissertations, Library HI Tech News, 31(4), 2014 5- Dr. Shafiq Ur Rehman,; Reliability and validity of modified LIbQUAL survey in Pakistan: an urdu language experience, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science ) Series, 19(2), 2014 6- Syeda Hina Batool & Sheila Webber,; Early findings from a study of information literacy practices in Primary schools of Pakistan, CCIS (Communication in computer and information science) series, 492, 2014 7- Alia Arshad Farzana Shafique,; What do users prefer card catalouge or OPAC?: A study of punjab University Library, The Electronic Library, 32, 2014 8- Amara Malik & Prof. Khalid Mahmood,; Readiness for digital reference service (DRS) in university libraries a survey in the Punjab, Pakistan, Information Development, 30(2), 2014 Year: 2013 1- 2- Dr. Muhamamd Rafiq
Ameen, K.,; Review of: John P. Feather's the information society A study of continuity an change, London: Chandos Publishong. Ariadne, 71, 2013 3- Dr. Muhammad Rafiq
Ameen, K.,; Digitization capabilities of univesity libraries of Pakistan: An analysis of perceptions, PLISJ, 44, 2013 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman,; Service Quality assessment in University Libraries of Pakistan, Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 37, 2013 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- Year: 2012 1- Mahmood, K., & Shafique, F.,; Alumni participation in LIS program review: The case of MLIS at University of the Punjab, Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) [USA], 2012, 2012 2- Richardson, J. V., & Mahmood, K.,; e-Book readers: User satisfaction and usability issues, Library Hi Tech [UK], 30 (1) 170-85, 2012 3- Mahmood, K.,; LIS curriculum review using focus group interviews of employers, Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) [USA], 2012, 2012 4- Arif, M., & Mahmood, K.
,; The changing role of librarians in the digital world: Adoption of Web 2.0 technologies by Pakistani librarians, The Electronic Library [UK], 30 (4)
, 2012 5- Dr. Muhammad Rafiq
Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
,; Use of digital media and demand for digitized contents in higher education sector of Pakistan, International Information and Library Review [USA], 2012, 2012 Year: 2011 1- Dr. Nosheen Fatima Warraich,; Pakistan Journal of LIS: A bibliometric analysis, Pakistan Journal of LIS [PK], 2011, 2011 2- -do-,; Adoption of Web 2.0 in US academic libraries: A survey of ARL library websites, Program: Electronic Library and Information System (UK), 45(4), 2011 3- -do-,; Development of service quality model for academic libraries, Quality & Quantity [USA], , 2011 4- -do-,; Library and information science education in Pakistan – A decade of development – 2000-2009, Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 42(3), 2011 5- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As co-author),; Availability of needed information to educational administrators in Pakistan: A survey, Chinese Librarianship: An International Electronic Journal, 32, 2011 6- -do-,; Seeking online information sources among science faculties of developing countries, Library Philosophy and Practice [USA], 28, 2011 7- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
(Ac Co-Author),; Instructing usability evaluation in LIS curriculum: A case of the U.S., Pakistan Journal of LIS [PK], 12, 2011 Year: 2010 1- Syeda Hina Batool,; Status of technological competencies: A case study of University Librarians , Library Philosophy and Practice. [USA,] , Dec-10, 2010 2- Syeda Hina Batool,; Entertainment, communication or academic use? A survey of Internet café users in Lahore, Pakistan, Information Development [USA], 26(2), 2010 3- Ms. Nosheen Fatima Warraich
(As Co-Author),; Manuscript Collection in the Punjab University Library: Assessing Management Issues, Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal [China], 29 (2), 2010 4- Ms. Nosheen Fatima Warraich
(As Co-Author),; Perception of LIS professionals regarding use of Pakistan National Digital Library databases, The Electronic Library [UK], 28(1), 2010 5- Ms. Nosheen Fatima Warraich,; MLIS Curriculum at Punjab University: Perception and Reflections, Library Philosophy and Practice [USA], Mar-10, 2010 6- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; The need of information system and networks for survival into information society, Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 41 (2), 2010 7- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; Dr. Syed Jalaludin Haider: A bio-bibliometric study, Pakistan Journal of Library & Information Science, 11, 2010 8- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; Status of reference and information services in university libraries of Lahore, Pakistan, Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 41 (3), 2010 9- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; Classification of Islamic literature in Pakistani libraries: A survey, Library Review [UK], 59 (3), 2010 10- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; Changing research scenario in Pakistan and demand for research qualified LIS professionals, Library Review [UK], 59 (4), 2010 11- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; Entertainment, communication or academic use? A survey of Internet café users in Lahore, Pakistan, Information Development [USA], 26(2), 2010 12- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; Relationship among leadership style, organizational culture and employee commitment in university libraries, Library Management [UK], 31 (4/5), 2010 13- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; Internet use behavior and attitude of college students: A survey of Leadership Colleges’ Network, Library Philosophy and Practice [USA], 2010, 2010 14- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; A study of the usefulness of Pakistan Library Automation Group’s (PakLAG) services, Library Philosophy and Practice [USA], 2010, 2010 15- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; The role of educational information systems for survival in information society and the case of Pakistan, The International Information & Library Review [USA], 42(3), 2010 16- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
(As Co-Author),; Model development as a research tool: An example of PAK-NISEA, Library Philosophy and Practice [USA], 2010, 2010 17- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood,; Attitude towards Internet: Survey of LIS professionals in Pakistan, Library Philosophy and Practice [USA], Dec. 2010, 2010 18- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
(As Co-Author),; Undergraduate LIS education in Pakistan: An overview, Pakistan Journal of LIS,, 11, 2010 19- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
(As Co-Author),; Adoption of open source software in Pakistani libraries: a survey, Information Age, 4(3), 2010 20- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
(As Co-Author),; Perception of LIS professionals regarding use of Pakistan National Digital Library databases., 28 (1). 108-121. , The Electronic Library [UK], 28 (1) , 2010 21- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
(As Co-Author),; Effectiveness of library practicum: Perceptions of LIS graduates. , Library Review, [UK], 59(8), 2010 22- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
(As Co-Author),; The perceptions of South Asian LIS community towards open source software adoption in libraries. , World Digital Libraries [India], 2010, 2010 23- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
(As Co-Author),; Status of technological competencies: A case study of University Librarians , Library Philosophy and Practice. [USA,] , 2010, 2010 24- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
(As Co-Author),; Service quality of the University of the Punjab’s Libraries: An exploration of user’s perceptions. , Performance, Measurement and Metrics. [USA], 11(3), 2010 25- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen,; The Culture of Collection Evaluation in Pakistan. Library , Library Philosophy and Practice[USA], Feb. 2010, 2010 Last Three Year Books Year: 2014 1- Ameen, Kanwal,; Title: Challenges of LIS Education in south asian: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. (The future of LIS Education in developing countires: The road ahead) Publisher: IFLA/De Gruyter, Year: 2014 2- Ameen, Kanwal & Warriach,; Title: Trends in LIS education and research in Paksitan (Library and Information science research in asia oceania: Theory and Practices Publisher: IGI Global, Year: 2014 Year: 2012 1- Hussain, A., & Mahmood, K.,; Title: Digital Libraries: Perception of LIS professionals in Pakistan Publisher: Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing , Year: 2012 Year: 2011 1- Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen,; Title: User's perceptions and expectations of quality library services: A survey of University of the Punjab's libraries Publisher: Germany VDM, Year: 2011 2- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood,; Title: Impact of Web 2.0 technologies on US academic librarieis: A study of ARL libraries Publisher: Saarbrucken, GermanY; Lambert Academic Publsihing, Year: 2011
Seminar/ ConferencesConference Proceedings Year: 2014 1- Conference proceeding on Early findings from a study of information literacy practices in Primary schools of Pakistan, CCIS (Communication in computer and information science) series, 492, 2014
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