
Requests for participation, on the prescribed form (e-mail or photocopy) should reach the Chief
Organizer by 28th February, 2015. The selected candidates will be informed by 10th March,
2015. For registration form, click here.

 Selection will be made by the Organizing Committee of 7th IMPF and successful applicants will be informed by email to submit registration fee accordingly through bank draft, pay order or online transaction.

 Registration fee: Rs. 1000/-

 The selected participants may also choose to pay registration fee upon arrival.

 The Registration fee will not be charged from foreign participants.

For Further Queries, Please Contact:
7th International Meeting on Particles and Fields
Centre for High Energy Physics (CHEP), University of the Punjab,
Quaid-e-Azam Campus, 54590, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-99231137
Web Address: