Ever since man got rid of the fig leaf, textile and its design has been
one of his primary needs. Pakistan is a country rich in cotton, and
although we were making cloth 5000 years ago, we need to design and
add value to our goods for export.
A textile designer understands the weave and nature of the thread
and the fabric, experiments with colour and dyes and creates designs
for weaving and printing in a variety of applications.
Cloth is used in apparel and in the interiors and its functions are
diverse and many fold. In BFA and MFA Textile Design programs the students
are given a thorough understanding of the history and
usage of textiles from simple hand woven to the Industrial. They are
trained to design for a variety of applications and usage, applying
skills and creativity in the use of form, texture and colour. They will
do research on the traditional textiles of this region and collect samples
of material- culture in order to design for the modern era.