![]() With rapid development in the field of space exploration, the subject of space science has gained tremendous importance in the exploration of natural resources, telecommunications, meteorology and related fields. The University of the Punjab recognizing the importance of space science, decided to start an academic program in this field and consequently the Department of Astronomy was re-organized as the Department of Space Science in 1985. The observatory, equipped with a seven inches refracting telescope and two smaller telescopes, forms one of the departmental teaching laboratories. This is the oldest observatory in the country and has remained a centre of learning for more than 75 years. The Department of Space Science also has a Remote Sensing/DIP Laboratory that is used for both training and research in this field. Weather images are received directly from NOAA Satellites on a regular basis in the department for the analysis of synoptic weather phenomena.
Teaching Faculty
Administrative Staff
Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Azhar
Sr. Observer Miss. Shakila Shaukat Librarian Mr. Muhammad Mahmood-ul-Hassan Sr. Technician Publications/ Research / BooksLast Three Year Articles Year: 2015 1- Muhammad Younis, Safdar Ali, and Syed Amer Mahmood,; Solitons for compound Kdv-Burgers equation with varible coefficents and power law nonlinearity, International Journal of noninear dynamics and chaos in engineering systems by Springer, , 2015 2- R.M. A. Khan, S.A. Mahmood, S.R. Ahmad and U. Alvi,; Surface deformation using geomorphometric indices based on SRTM DEM in the Jhelum valley-Pakistan, Geodynamics research International Bulletin (GRIB) , , 2015 3- Syed Amer Mahmood, Jahanzeb Qureshi Amer Masood, Rao Mansoor Khan,; Neotectonics of Gilgit Baltistan: Insights from SRTM DEM, Geodynamics research International Bulletin (GRIB) , 3(1), 2015 4- Syed Amer Mahmood, Jahanzeb Qureshi Amer Masood,; A DEM based appraisal of neotectiones in potwar plateau, N. Pakistan, Geodynamics research International Bulletin (GRIB) , 2(5), 2015 5- Farrukh Hussain, Muhammad Nawaz Chaudhy, Syeda Adila Batool,; Assessment of key parameters in municia; solid wastr management: a pre requisite for sustainability, International Journal of sustainable development and world ecology Taylor and Francis), 21:6, 2015 6- Khalid Mahmood, Syeda Adila Batoo, Muhammad Nawaz Chaudhry Asim Daud,; Evaluating municipal solid waste dumps using in GIS, Polish Journal of enviromental studies, 24:2, 2015 7- Ali Kamran, Muhammad Nawaz Chaudhy, Syeda Adila Batool,; Role of informal sector in recycling waster in eastern Lahore, Polish Journal of enviromental studies, 24:2, 2015 8- Zial ul Haq Salman Tariq, Muhammad Ali,; Tropospheric NO2 trends over south asian during the last decade (2004-2014) using OMI data, Advances in metrology, 2015, 2015 9- Zial ul Haq, Asim Daud Rana, Muhammad Ali, Khalid Mahmood, Salman Tariq, Zarmina Qayyum,; Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions and its tropospheric variability over pakistan using satellite sensed data, Advances in space research, 56, 2015 10- Zial ul Haq, Salman Tariq, Asim Daud Rana, Muhammad Ali, Khalid Mahmood, Shahid Parvez,; Satellite remote sensing of total ozone column (TOC) over pakistan and neighbouring regions, International Journal of remote sensing, 36, 2015 11- Khalid Mahmood; Syeda Adila Batool; Muhammad Nawaz Chaudhry; Asim Daud Rana,; Evaluating of municipal solid waste dumps using geographic information system, Polish Journal of enviromental studies, 24, 2015 12- Khalid Mahmood,; Assessment of the intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater contamination in Lahore, Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of scientific and industrial research, 58, 2015 13- Khalid Mahmood,; Lahore's groundwater depletion-A review of the aquier susceptibility to degradation and its consequences, Technical journal, 20, 2015 14- Salman Tariq and Muhammad Ali,; Spatio-temporal distribution of absorbing aersolos over pakistan rerived from OMI onboard Aura satellite., Atmospheric pollution research, 6, 2015 15- Dr. Ghulam Jaffer, Rubab, N. Jaffer, G.; Nader, R.; Tahir Mushtaq, M,; Space outreach initiatives through online & real time space operations using virtual ground station, , , 2015 16- Dr. Ghulam Jaffer, Jaffer, G.; Rubab, N.,; Detection and geolocation of sferices onboard lightning nano satellite (LiNSAT), , , 2015 17- Zia-ul-Haq, Salman Tariq & Muhammad Ali,; Atmospheric variability of methance over Pakistan, Afghanistan and adjoining areas using retrievals from SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT, Journal of atmospheric and solar terrestrial physics, 13(5), 2015 18- Salman Tariq, Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad Ali,; Analysis of opitcal and physical properties of aerosols during crop residue burning event of october 2010 over Lahore, Pakistan, Atmospheric pollution research, 6, 2015 19- S.A.Mahmood, I. Murtaza, S.R. Ahmad A. Masood,; DEM Based active deformation in awaran and vicinity Baluchistan (Pakistan), Geodynamics research international bulletin, 3(3), 2015 20- Muhammad Younis, Syed Tahir Raza Rizvi, Syed Amer Mahmood, Jose-Vega Guzman, Qin Zhoue Anjan Biswas, Milivoj Belich,; Optical solitins in dual core fibers with inter modal dispersion, Optoelectronics and advanced materials rapid communications, , 2015 21- Muhammad Bilal Saleem, Syed Amer Mahmood, Sajid Rashid Ahmad, Javed Ahmad,; Evaluating the potential hydropower dam site using RS/ Gis techniques: A case study of neelum basin pakistan, In geodynamics research international bulletin, ISSN , 3(3), 2015 Year: 2014 1- S.A. Mahmood, U. Alvi,; Remote sensing analysis of parachinar syntaxis through stream profile analysis, Geodynamics research intrnational Bulletin(GRIB) , 2(02), 2014 2- Mahmood K., S. Kanwal, S.R. Ali, A.H Ali, T. Tahsin,; Selection of interplation of groundwater observations in Lahore, Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Reserch , 57(3), 2014 3- S.A. Mahmood, U. Alvi, J. Sami, J. Qureshi, Al. Masood, Sahar Mirza and S.M. H Raza,; Active Tectonics study using remote sensing STRM DEM: a case study: parachinar syntasix NW Pakistan, Geodynamics research intrnational Bulletin(GRIB) , 1(02), 2014 4- Zial ul Haq, Salman Tariq, Muhammad Ali, Khalid Mahmood, Syeda Adila Batool Asim Daud Rana,; A study of tropospheric NO2 variability over Pakistan using OMI data, Atmospheric pollution research, , 2014 5- Amer Masood, Syed Amer Mahmood, Jahanzeb Qureshi and Sadaf Sharif,; Appraisal of neotectonics in Gilgit Baltistan, Northern Pakistan: inreferces from remote sensing and GIS, Conference Proceedings, , 2014 6- Anwar Jadoon, SyedaAdila Batool, Nawaz Chaudhry,; Assessment of factors affecting household solid waste generation, Journal of Material Cyels and waste management, 16(1), 2014 7- Muhammad Ali, Salman Tariq, Khalid Mahmood, Asim Daud, Adila Batool, and Zia-ul-Haq,; A study of aerosol properties over lahore (Pakistan) by using Aeronet data, Asia pacific journal of atmospheric sciences A Publication of the koren meteorological society and springer, 50 (02), 2014 8- Ali, M., Tariq, S., Mahmood, K. Daud, K., Syeda Adila Batool, Haq, Z,; A study of aeros properties over Lahore (Pakistan) by using AERONET Data, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmosphere Science, 50, 2014 9- Mahmood K., S. Kanwal, S.R. Ali, A.H. Ali, T. Tahsin,; Selection of interpolation for groundwater observations in Lahore, Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial research, 57(3), 2014 10- Syeda Adila Batool, Farrukh Hussain, Dr. Muhammad Nawaz,; Assessment of key parameters in MSW management: a pre requisition for sustainability, International journal of sustainable development and world ecology, 21(6), 2014 Year: 2013 1- Jahanzeb Qureshi,, S. Amer Mahmood, Javed Sami, Amer Masood, Sajid Rashid, M. Rafique,; 1-identification of neotectionics using DEM based local base leel approach in pothowar plateau, Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 50(4), 2013 2- Khalid Mahmood, Shahida Azhar Ali, Tanveer Akhtar, Wajid Ali Saifi,; Spatial districution oof aneylostomiasis in soil of slums of northern Lahore, IOSR-JAVS, 4(1), 2013 3- S. Adila Batool,; Copper and cobalt co modified nitrogen deped titania nano photocatalysts for degradation of erichrome black T, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials, 8(3), 2013 4- S. Amer Mahmood, Hafsa Batoo, Zahra Waheed, Amer Masood,; Investigation of neotectorics through DEM based hypsometiric analysis and GIS techniques in Jhelum Valley Pakistan, The 9th International Confernece on Gi4Dm earth observation for disaster management, , 2013 5- S. Amer Mahmood, Jahanzeb Qureshi, Javed Sami, Amer Masood, Hafsa Batoo, Zahra Waheed,; Remote sensing and GIS Based analysis on neotectonics in Hazara Kashmir region, Northern Pakistan, The 9th International Confernece on Gi4Dm earth observation for disaster management, , 2013 6- S. R. Ahmad, Mahmood, S.A, A. Masod and J. Qureshi,; DEM based computation of topographic surface roughness to reveal incision Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Science, 65(01), 2013 7- S.R. Ahmad, A.K. Ghalib and Mahmood S.A,; GIS based hostel management system for Punjab University, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore, Pakistan Journal of Science, 65(01), 2013 8- Zulfiqar Ali, M. Nawaz Ch. and Syeda Adila Batool,; Novel Nano photo catalyst for the degradation of sky blue 5B textile dye, Journal of Physical Sciences, 8, 2013 9- Anwar Jadoon, M. Nawaz Ch. And Syeda Adila Batool,; Assessment of factor affecting household solid waste generation and its compositon in Gulberg town Lahore, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 19, 2013 10- M. Noman, Syeda Adila Batool and M. Nawaz Ch.,; Economic and employment potential in textile waste management of Faisalabad, Waste Management and Research, 31(5), 2013 11- Salman Tariq, Syeda Adila Batool, Asim Daud Rana, Khalid Mahmood, Maheela Batool, Irum Murtaza, and Adnan Hashim,; Variability of size distribution, refractive index and asymmetry parameter of aerosols over Lahore derived from AERONET, Science International, 24, 2013 12- Khalid Mahmood, Salman Tariq, Asim Daud Rana, Shamsha Kanwal, Roshan Ali, Anees Haider Ali and Tayyab Tehseen,; Ground water levels susceptibility to degradation in Lahore metropolitan, Science International, 25, 2013 Year: 2012 1- Shahid Parvez
Farkhnda Ishtiaq
,; Land use Land cover of Sialkot using RS & GIS – An Urban sprawl perspective., AGSE Proceeding, , 2012 2- J.Qureshi, S.A.Mahmood, S.R.Ahmed, H.M.Rafique, M.S.Khan (co-authors),; Surface deformation through Fractal analysis of DEM based spatial drainage analysis in Gilgit Baltistan region (Northern Pakistan)., Pakistan Journal of Sciences, 64, 2012 3- Jahanzeb Qureshi
S.A.Mahmood, A.S.Almas , A.Masood, S.R.Ahmed, H.M.Rafique (co-authors)
,; Dem based geomorphic analysis along Kalabagh fault and Potwar Plateau to constrain surface deformation. Inferences from remote sensing and GIS., Pakistan Journal of Sciences, 64, 2012 4- S.A.Mahmood, A.S.Almas , A.Masood, S.R.Ahmed, J. Qureshi, H.M.Rafique (co-authors),; Surface deformation through Fractal analysis of DEM based spatial drainage analysis in Gilgit Baltistan region (Northern Pakistan)., Pakistan Journal of Sciences, 64, 2012 5- Syed Amer Mahmood(co-author)
A.S.Almas,H.M.Rafique, S.R. Ahmed,A.Masood (co-authors)
,; Dem based geomorphic analysis along Kalabagh fault and Potwar Plateau to constrain surface deformation. Inferences from remote sensing and GIS., Pakistan Journal of Sciences, 64, 2012 6- Syeda Adila Batool
M.N. Chaudhry
,; Scavergers and their role in the recycling of waste in SW LHR., Resources Conservation and recycling, 58, 2012 Year: 2011 1- Dr. Syed Amer Mahmood,; Richard Gloaguen (2011) Fractal measures of drainage network to investigate surface deformation from remote sensing data: A paradigm from Hindukush (NE-Afghanistan), 641-654, Journal of mountain science, 8(5), 2011 2- Dr. Syed Amer Mahmood,; Richard Gloaguen (2011) Analyzing Spatial Autocorrelation for the Hydsometric Integral to Discriminate Neotectionics and Lithologies uusing DEMs and GIS, 541-565, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 48(4), 2011 Year: 2010 1- Syeda Adila Batool,; Inpacet of solid waste learhaste on ground water and surface water quality, Journal of chem. Society of Pakistan , 32, 2010 Seminar/ ConferencesConference Proceedings Year: 2015 1- Conference proceeding on Space outreach initiatives through online & real time space operations using virtual ground station, , , 2015 2- Conference proceeding on Detection and geolocation of sferices onboard lightning nano satellite (LiNSAT), , , 2015 Year: 2014 1- Conference proceeding on Appraisal of neotectonics in Gilgit Baltistan, Northern Pakistan: inreferces from remote sensing and GIS, Conference Proceedings, , 2014 Year: 2013 1- Conference proceeding on Remote sensing and GIS Based analysis on neotectonics in Hazara Kashmir region, Northern Pakistan, The 9th International Confernece on Gi4Dm earth observation for disaster management, , 2013 2- Conference proceeding on Investigation of neotectorics through DEM based hypsometiric analysis and GIS techniques in Jhelum Valley Pakistan, The 9th International Confernece on Gi4Dm earth observation for disaster management, , 2013 Will be updated soon Faculty
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