Al-Hikmat: A Journal of Philosophy
  Al-Hikmat: A Journal of Philosophy
  Published by: Department of Philosophy
  ISSN- 1993-3789
ESSN- 1993-7695
Frequency: Annually  

Instructions for Author


  1. Al-Hikmat: A Journal of Philosophy accepts manuscripts in English. At present, Al-Hikmat is being published annually, however, it will be biannual in near future.

  2. Al-Hikmat accepts the manuscripts ranging from 4000 to 4500 words with an abstract ranging from 200-250 words. The abstract should have 5-7 keywords. Manuscript text must be saved in the latest Microsoft Word version in British English, Font style for English is Times New Roman with 12 points. Manuscript text should be written in block writing with a space between two paragraphs. Long direct quotations should be avoided.

  3. The title page should be written carrying the title of the article, author's full name, institutional affiliation, mailing address and any other information that the author may wish to provide with the article.

  4. Al-Hikmat accepts only those manuscripts which strictly follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, published in 2017, for the language, reference citations and bibliography. It accepts the Author-Date Reference System. Notes for necessary explanation can be given in Footnotes. Bibliography in Author-date CMS style should be given at the end of the manuscript. Quoted material should have full location reference.

  5. It is to be strictly noted that the manuscripts submitted to Al-Hikmat have not already been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Responsibility for the opinions expressed in the articles and the accuracy of the stated facts rests solely with the authors and not with the Department of Philosophy or the Editorial Board.

  6. As a matter of ethics policy, Al-Hikmat is a research journal of philosophy and it does not foster racial, cultural, religious, nationalistic and ethnic discrimination. Moreover, Al-Hikmat follows HEC Ethical guidelines for journals. Please see the link for detail:

  7. Publication of material in the journal means that the author assigns copyright to Al-Hikmat including the right to electronic publishing. Authors may, however, use their material in other publications acknowledging Al-Hikmat as the original place of publication.

  8. The Editors reserve the right to copy-edit and make necessary alterations to the material submitted for publication. They can modify or omit the material deemed inappropriate for publication.

  9. Manuscripts strictly fulfilling the mentioned parameters can be sent to the editor of Al-Hikmat through E-mail:

  10. Contributions and all editorial correspondence should be made to the Editor, Al-Hikmat: A Journal of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590, Pakistan, phone: +92(042)99230884.

Date: June 11, 2019

  Instructions for Author  
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