Geological Bulletin of the Punjab University |
Institute of Geology |
ISSN-0079-8037 (print)
eISSN : 2957-8485 |
Frequency: Annually |
Instructions for Author |
The Geological Bulletin of the Punjab University is devoted for the publication of original research in the field of geology including structure, tectonics, geophysics, petrology, mineralogy, geochronology, geochemistry, economic geology, engineering geology, quaternary geology, stratigraphy and paleontology. The articles should deal with aspects of the geology of Pakistan in particular and other parts of the world. Review articles, short communications and abstracts are also welcome.
The research article should be written in English accompanied with an abstract (not more than 300 words), text, conclusions, acknowledgements, references and figure captions. All text, references and figures captions should be double-spaced and on one side of the 22X28cm paper. Either use a good typewriter or suitable computer printer to produce your manuscript (accompanied by 3.5 diskette recorded). Do all mathematical and greek characters by typewriter or printer if possible; alternatively, write them by hand clearly. Give all measurements in metric units. The International System of Units (SI) is recommended except where other units are clearly preferable. Condense the manuscript as much as possible without sacrificing substance or clarity. All tables, illustrations and photographs should be self-explanatory. Photographs should be in black and white glossy prints, however, colour photo prints can be published on payment. The illustrations (figures, diagrams and maps) should be drawn in black ink on tracing paper or on computer with laser writer out put. In case of tracing paper, hand lettering is not acceptable. The lettering should be done with stencil. For 2 to 3 times final reduction of figures, diagrams, maps and tables preferable letter size should be used. The maximum length of the article including text, references and illustrations should not exceed 25 pages. The contributor will be charged for extra pages. The Institute of Geology requests voluntary contributions of about Rs. 500 per page for printing of articles in Geological Bulletin of the Punjab University. The acceptance of a manuscript for publication is not contingent upon the payment of contributions.
25 reprints of each article will be provided to the authors free of charge. Additional copies should be ordered at the time of submitting the article.
The following format for references should be adopted in articles:
Ashraf, M., 1983. Geochemistry of acid minor bodies associated with Hazara granitic complex, Hazara Himalayas Northern Pakistan. In: Granites of Himalayas, Karakorum and Hindukush (Ed. F.A Shams), Inst. Geol. Univ. Punjab, Spec. Publication , 123-141. |
Ashraf, M., Chaudhry, M.N. and Hussain, S.S., 1994. Geology of lead-zinc molybdenum, copper and iron skarns of Besham area, Kohistan, NWFP, Pakistan Kashmir Jour. Geol . 11-12, 1-28. |
Baig, M.S. and Lawrence, R.D., 1987. Precambrian to early Pa1eozoic orogenesis in the Himalaya. Kashmir Jour. Geol. , 5 , 1-22. |
Gansser, A, 1964. Geology of the Himalayas. Wiley hterscience, New York 299p. |
Latif, M.A., 1974. A Cambrian age for the Abbottabad Group of Hazara, Pakistan. Geol. Bull. Punjab Univ. , 10, 1-20.
Geological Bulletin, Institute of Geology,
University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590.
Ph: 042-99231251, Fax: 042-35846501 |
E. mall Address: |
director@geo.pu.edu.pk |