Published by: Department of Archaeology
  ISSN- 2218-0540  
Frequency: Annual  

  Ancient Punjab, research journal of Pakistan is the first of its kind from the platform of Department of Archaeology, University of the Punjab, first published in 2010. This journal intends to provide plate form from the academic research going in the field of Archaeology, Pre and Proto-History of Pakistan, Ancient History, Numismatics (Pre-Muslim and Muslim), Palaeography and Epigraphy of Pakistan, Ancient Art and Architecture (Buddhist and Hindu), Muslim Art, Architecture and calligraphy, Museology and Tourism, Culture and Civilizations, Archaeological Heritage of Pakistan, Preservation, Conservation and Heritage Management of Ancient India on the whole and Ancient Pakistan in particular. The Research through this Journal will be promoted and circulated at National and International Level.
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  Current Issue
Vol. 10, 2022
  Previous Issue
Vol. 9, 2021
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