Entreprenurship and Small Business Review (ESBR)
  Entreprenurship and Small Business Review (ESBR)
  Published by: Hailey College of Commerce
  ISSN- 2789-6374  
Frequency: Annual  


About Us

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Review is research journal of the most prestigious business and commerce institute, Hailey College of Commerce which is the premier business institute serving the nation and world since 1927. It has produced renowned economists, business tycoons and many professionals who are pride for the institute. Research just like professional education is the core objective of the college. Keeping up its tremendous traditions and to serve humanity with the changing world it has launched a research journal "The Entrepreneurship and Small Business Review". This journal is bi-annual journal, and welcomes research from all parts of the world and all fields relevant to business.

The Entrepreneurship and Small Business Review is an open access, annual peer-reviewed journal which provides an outlook of research advancements and understandings in the field of business and its all aspects. It publishes articles, case studies and book reviews that consider issues regarding business and all sister fields of business. The journal accepts both conceptual and empirical papers. The prime goal of ESBR is to disseminate the ideas and thoughts about business to academicians, researchers, practitioners and all those who can benefit from it. It aims to include paper from all over the world without any discrimination. Papers will be preferred which can be applied at any level and can benefit society.

Focus and Scope

The Entrepreneurship and Small Business Review (ESBR) is an interdisciplinary journal that publish research articles and case studies to understand the managerial, operational, financial, and legal issues faced by entrepreneurship, startups, family business, and small business. It includes papers those are interdisciplinary in nature but the major disciplines covered by ESBR are:

  • Accounting for Small Businesses

  • Entrepreneurial Behaviors

  • Entrepreneurial Decision making

  • Entrepreneurial Education

  • Entrepreneurial Finance

  • Entrepreneurial Intentions

  • Entrepreneurial Leadership

  • Entrepreneurial Management Practices

  • Entrepreneurial Marketing

  • Entrepreneurial Practices

  • Entrepreneurial Theory and Practice

  • Families Businesses

  • Financial Aspects of Small Businesses

  • Health and Entrepreneurship

  • Idea Generation and Creativity

  • Personalities and Entrepreneurship

  • Psychological Issues and Entrepreneurship

  • Small Business Management

  • Small Business Marketing

  • The prime goal of ESBR is to disseminate the ideas and thoughts about small business review to academicians, researchers, practitioners and all those who can benefit from it. It aims to include paper from all over the world without any discrimination. Papers will be preferred which can be applied at any level and can benefit society.


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    Vol. 1 (2023)
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