About Us

National Meetings on Particles and Fields in Pakistan is an attempt to help scientists in high energy physics to discuss recent issues and frontiers of field.

The first such meeting was held at the Physics Department, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, in 2008. The second and third meetings were organized at the National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad, in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The fourth meeting took place at the School of Science and Engineering (SSE), Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore. This series of workshops has been considered to be a success by several participants. It serves as a forum where Pakistani researchers in the field have the chance to present the work they are carrying out to their fellow researchers with the possibility of initiating mutual collaborations. Many research students also have had the opportunity to present their work. Participation of junior students has been thought to be useful to introduce them to the exciting field of particle physics. Based upon our previous experience,
  1. We shall invite speakers from the areas of astrophysics, cosmology, gravitation and general relativity
  2. We may organize one or two public talks at a level suitable for the benefit of the general public and young physics students
  3. If the number of talks exceed the slots available, we shall carry out a selection procedure
  4. We shall welcome and encourage international speakers to participate
  5. There will be some selected lecture courses.