
University of the Punjab is ranked as one of the most prestigious institutions of Indo-Pak subcontinent. It was always renowned for its excellent academic traditions and achievements, educational opportunities for all and commitment to providing education at a postgraduate level. With such an educational background and legacy the Department of Geography was formally established at the University of the Punjab in October 1944. The aim was to introduce and promote postgraduate education in the discipline of Geography.

Dr, Kazi Saeeduddin Ahmad, an eminent geographer and scholar of Aligarh University was entrusted the task of organizing and managing the department. He joined the department as Reader on 8th December 1944. He was subsequently appointed as the first Head of Geography Department on 20th April. 1945; and continued in this capacity till his retirement in September, 1966. The introduction and early development of Geography as a scientific discipline and subsequent growth as a reputable department providing quality education in geography is all a tribute to the organizational scholarly and administrative genius of Dr. Kazi Saeeduddin Ahmad. This department also enjoys the distinction of not only being a pioneer in the field of Geography but also as one of the few departments in Punjab University belonging to its pre-independence era. ...More


The Department of Geography, University of the Punjab-Lahore is organizing the 14th All Pakistan Geographical Conference from 05-07 of March, 2013 under the auspices of Pakistan Geographical Association in collaboration with the University of the Punjab and Higher Education Commission-Islamabad. The theme of the Conference is:

“Geography: Hazards and Disaster Risk Management”

The technical sessions of the Conference will focus (not limited to) on the following themes

  • New Dimension in Geography
  • Geography of Pakistan
  • Geography of Environment: Hazards, Disasters & Mitigation
  • Socio-economic Geography
  • City & Regional Planning, Urban Ecology, Development and Sustainability
  • Medical & Health Geography
  • Industrial Geography
  • Climate Change
  • Geography of Development
  • Gender and Social  Geography
  • Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Sciences and GPS
  • Physical Geography
  • Geography of War & Peace, Geopolitics and Conflict Resolution
  • Geography Curriculum and Geographical Education
  • Geography of Ethnicities, Ethnic Conflicts and Nationalities
  • Agriculture Geography-Challenges and Prospects
  • Geography of Services
  • Land use and Land cover Pattern
  • Geography and Resources
  • Urbanization, Urban Pattern & Regional Planning

  • Last date for the submission of Abstract within the framework of the conference theme may reach electronically to the undersigned not later than 30th September, 2012.