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Instructions for Author |
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Submit to the journal
Submissions should be sent to the email address of Editor-in-Chief:
director.iqtm@pu.edu.pk, editor_jqtm.iqtm@pu.edu.pk
The Reviewing Process
Each paper is reviewed by the editor and, if it is judged suitable for this publication, it is then sent to two referees for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendations, the editor then decides whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised or rejected.
Articles submitted to the journal should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed. The editor may make use of iThenticate software for checking the originality of submissions received.
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Manuscript Requirements
1. Papers should be carefully crafted and succinctly presented. The font style should be “Times New Roman”. The font size for main heading, sub heading and text should be 14 and bold, 12 and bold and 12 respectively. The electronic file submitted should be in MS Word format. Tables and figures should be inserted in sequence of the manuscript instead of end. Avoid Footnotes. The author must provide high quality artwork for all illustrations. Poor definition reproductions are not suitable.
2. A title of article should be provided not more than eight words.
3. Paper should be one column and single line format.
4. A cover page must be provided on a separate sheet, including:
- Title of the article
- Full name
- Professional Affiliation
- Full contact details ( address, telephone, fax numbers and email address)
- Brief professional biography.
5. In the main manuscript, the title of the paper is followed by an informative abstract of no more than 150 words. A list of 4-6 key words, in alphabetical order should be provided below the abstract. These key words should reflect the main themes of the paper as they are used for indexing purposes. Within the main manuscript, the author must be careful not to make references in the text that will reveal his/her identity. This is to facilitate the blind review process.
6. References for publication must be in Harvard style www.staffs.ac.uk/assets/harvard_quick_guide_tcm44-47797.pdf