Punjab University Journal of Zoology |
Institute of Zoology |
ISSN-2313-8556 (Online)
Frequency: Bi-Annual |
Instructions for Author |
Aims and Objective
Punjab University Journal of Zoology (Punjab Univ. J. Zool.) publishes original
research and review articles as well as short communication in English. The editors are
committed to presenting science at its best. Recognizing the increasing importance of
rapid, effective, international communication, Punjab University Journal of Zoology
- the highest scientific standards
- a short review time (initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing)
- No article processing charges
- No Publication charges
- online publication in advance of the printed journal
The editors are hoping to attract a wider range of authors to increase a broad
international coverage and invites submission of manuscripts dealing with all aspects of
animal life and biomedical sciences like anatomy, animal diversity, biochemistry, cell
biology, developmental biology, endocrinology, entomology, environmental biology,
fisheries, genetics, microbiology, molecular biology, parasitology, pathology,
paleontology, physiology, toxicology, taxonomy and wildlife.
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Punjab University Journal of Zoology (Punjab Univ. J. Zool.) publishes articles in English on all aspects of animal life and biomedical sciences like Anatomy, Animal Diversity, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Endocrinology, Entomology, Environmental Biology, Fisheries, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Parasitology, Pathology, Palaeontology, Physiology, Toxicology, Taxonomy and Wildlife.
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The manuscripts can be submitted as full-length papers, review articles and short communications. All manuscripts complete in all respects and typed strictly according to the prescribed style, should be submitted to the Editor, Punjab University Journal of Zoology, online along with one hard copy, at the following e-mail address editorpujz@gmail.com.
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The manuscript should have a uniform style, typed in double spacing on one side of the paper, and consist of sub-sections in the following sequence: (1) Title page, (2) List of potential referees, (3) Abstract, (4) Text (to be subdivided into, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion), (5) Acknowledgements, (6), References, (7) Tables with complete title and footnotes, (8) Legends of figures (9) Figures in orders.
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Each section should start on a new page.
Title page
The first page of manuscript should include the following:
- Complete title of paper.
- Complete names of Authors.
- Institution from which paper emanated with complete address.
- Total number of figures included.
- Running title
- Name, address (postal as well as e-mail) and telephone number of corresponding author.
- Any necessary footnote.
List of potential Referees
A list of at least four potential referees, two local other than author (s) institution and two from foreign countries.
An abstract of not more than 300 words for full-length papers and 150 words for short communications should be prepared. The abstract should be written in complete sentences, and should state briefly the objectives, the experimental design, the principal observations and conclusions. Do not include references in Abstract.
Suggest Key words at the end of Abstract.
Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion will be the only central headings, which will appear in bold capital letters. All other headings will be treated as side headings and will appear in low case italics.
Nothing in the text except for scientific names, should be underlined.
References should be cited in the text by giving the author’s name followed by the year (e.g., Ahmad, 1990). Same principle will be followed for two authors (e.g., Ali and Shakoori, 1997). In the case of three or more than three authors, the references should be cited as Ali et al. (1999). All the references mentioned in the text should be listed alphabetical order at the end of text as follows. Names of the Journals should be abbreviated according to the latest edition of the World List of Scientific Periodicals.
ARSHAD, R., FAROOQ, S., IQBAL, N. AND ALI, S.S., 2006. Mutagenic effect of acridine orange on the expression of penicillin-G acylase and b-lactamase in Escherichia coli. Lett. Appl. Micobiol., 42:94-101.
SCHWABE, C.W., 1986. Current status of hydatid disease: A zoonosis of increasing importance. I: The Biology of Echinococcus and Hydatid Disease (ed. R.C.A. Thompson.), eorge Allan and Unwin, London, pp. 81-113.
SMITH, J.D., 1966. The physiology of trematodes. Butterworth, Edinburgh and London.
General Manuscript Instructions
The manuscript should be typed double spaced throughout on the side of bond or heavy-bodied paper 8½” ´ 11” (22 ´ 28cm) with a 1” (2.5cm) margin on all sides.
- Number all pages of the manuscripts consecutively.
- Corrections to the manuscript should be either typed of printed legibly in ink.
- Do not use abbreviations or mathematical numbers to begin sentences.
- The word “Figure” written in the text is not abbreviated excess when appearing in parenthesis.
- Spell non-technical terms according to the current Webster’s International Dictionary.
- Always spell out numbers when they stand as the first word in the sentence. Numbers indicating times, weight and measurements are to be in Arabic numerals when followed by abbreviations (e.g. 2 mm; 1 sec; 3 ml). In general numbers one to ten should be written in the text. All higher numbers should be given in Arabic numbers.
- Dates should be written as follows: October 1, 1991.
- Sources of equipment and chemicals should include city and country.
In general, to achieve greatest fidelity and rendition of detail it is preferable that the printer work directly from original photocopies or drawings with a little reduction as possible. Illustrations should be prepared for reproduction as halftones or line drawings. All illustrations are to be submitted in complete and finished form, with adequate labeling.
Illustrations should be drawn in Indian ink, preferably on bristole hoard. The author’s name and the number of the figure should be written in pencil on the backside of each drawing. The size of the illustration after reduction will not exceed (6 ´ 3” or 8 ´ 6”).
The photographs should be glossy black and white prints. The full cost of the blocks will be borne by the authors.
Page Charges
Manuscript published free of cost in this Journal.
Page Proof and reprint
Page-proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for correction which should be returned within one week of their receipt. One hard copy free of cost will be sent to corresponding author.
All the correspondence should be addressed to:
Prof. Dr. Javed Iqbal Qazi
Punjab University Journal of Zoology,
Department of Zoology,
University of the Punjab,
Quaid-e-Azam Campus,
Lahore-54590, Pakistan.