Pakistan Geographical Review
  Pakistan Geographical Review
  Published by: Institute of Geography
Frequency: Bi-Annual  

Instructions for Authors
Authors may find it helpful to know that the referees of papers submitted to Pakistan Geographical Review are asked to bear in mind two questions above all when making their recommendations:

Does the paper demonstrate and develop the intellectual status of Geography as an academic discipline?

Will it be remembered and referred to by geographers and others working in related fields?

To be accepted, therefore, a paper must make a significant contribution to geographic knowledge and be grounded in the relevant literature. While links should be made with themes and issues in the wider discipline, the prime concerns of the PGR are with environment and development and authors are encouraged to offer insights, understanding and critical comments on environment and development which reach the concerns of the world beyond Geography.


Research articles for regular issues of the Pakistan Geographical Review can be submitted, around the year, electronically at The manuscript must be original and should have not been published previously/elsewhere.


Each manuscript is primarily examined by the Editor for its suitability within the scope of PGR and then forwarded to two referees/ reviewers for blind peer review (both Local and Foreigner). Whether the manuscript shall be published or not is subject to the recommendations/comments/reviews of the referees.

The review process may take up to "two weeks to one month".

The authors shall be informed about the acceptance/modifications/rejection of the article by email only. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles and his decision is final. However, the journal shall publish the accepted article after completing all formalities.


Manuscripts submitted online will be screened for potential plagiarism before peer review using similarity detection software. The Journal shall accept only those articles which have <=15% similarity index and any single source should have a similarity index of <=5% (According to HEC plagiarism policy).


There are no charges or any fee for processing and publication of articles in the Pakistan Geographical Review


The manuscript should contain the following sections
Title Page: The complete title of the manuscript, with the name of all the authors, the department or institution to which they are attached, address for correspondence e-mail should appear on a separate title page, as papers are submitted anonymously to referees.

Abstract: articles must accompany a structured abstract of up to 250 words. It should clearly state the Introduction; Objectives of the study, Material and methods, Results and Conclusions. Authors need to be careful that the abstract reflects the content of the article accurately.
Keywords: Below the abstract, give a few keywords but not more than SIX which will assist indexers in cross-indexing the article as they are published with the abstract. You can follow this sequence, one for the locality, one for a topic, one for the method and three others.

Introduction: This should summarize the purpose and the rationale for the study. Information related to the study area should also the part of the introduction.
Material and Methods: This should include the exact material, observation, or experiment on which the article is based. The statistical methods and geospatial techniques must be mentioned and specify any general computer programme if used.

Results and Discussion: It must be presented in the form of text, tables and illustrations. This should emphasize present findings and the variations or similarities with other work done in the field by other academicians.
Conclusion: Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that have been drawn from them.

Author’s contribution
Funding acknowledgement
Conflict of interests
Ethical considerations


References should be assembled alphabetically on a separate sheet.

No reference should be listed unless cited in the text of the paper. The references should be typed double-spaced.

References should be verifiable and cited in the text by the last name of the author (both authors if only two, the first author and et. al.; when more than two) followed by the year.

Reference citation and format should be according to American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition style.

Format of text: Manuscripts should be typed in Calibri font 11 points with one and line spacing. Please send manuscripts in MS Word format, not in PDF.

Length requirements: Should be around about 6000-word count.

Layout: Start each paragraph at the margin (no tabs to indent the first line). Include a line space between paragraphs to separate them. Numbered paragraphs/sections are not permitted.

Heading styles: Title should be Cambria bold 14pt central margin. The name of the Authors should be in upper case, centre margin, and 9.5 pt. First level headings: boldface, upper case, left margin, on a separate line, 12pt. Second level headings: boldface, with only first alphabet upper case, justified at the left margin, on a separate line, 12pt.

Figures and Tables: caption the figure brief but descriptive phrase. - use capital F for Figure and sequential numbering (if you have more than one Figure) and should place it on the left margin. Number the Tables sequentially (i.e.; if you have more than one table in your article) e.g. Table 1, Table 2.....Clear explanatory phrases are placed directly above the table.

Spacing and paper size: Paper size must be customized on, width 7.17" and height 10.12". Use single space throughout the text.


  Instructions for Authors  
  Abstracting & Indexing  
  Editorial Board  
  Current Issue
Vol. 78, No. 2, 2023
  Previous Issue
Vol. 78, No. 1, 2023
  Online Contents  
  Manuscript Template (PGR)  
  Aims, Objectives and Scope