Punjab University Journal of Mathematics |
Institute of Mathematics |
ISSN-1016-2526 |
Frequency: Monthly |
Instructions for Authors |
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement of PUJM
1. |
Punjab University Journal of Mathematics publishes letters, reviews regular articles and referred conference papers in a particular area of Mathematical Sciences. For publication of conference papers (from a conference or symposium) the conference organizer may contact and negotiate with the chief editor but such papers are subject to the referring process.
2. |
Manuscripts should be typewritten and in a form suitable for publication. As far as possible, the use of complicated notations should be avoided. Manuscript for publication may be submitted directly to the editorial office by e-mail.
3. |
The contributors are required to provide a soft copy (in pdf form) of the paper composed in Latex/Tex at the following address.
Editorial Office
Punjab University Journal of Mathematics
Institute of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore-54590, Pakistan
Tel:+92 42 99231091,99231241
Web: http://www.pujm.com.pk
If the paper is accepted, the source file of the paper Latex/Tex AMS format will be required.
4. |
Reference should be given at the end of the paper and be referred by numbers in serial order on square brackets, e.g. [3]. Reference should be typed as follows:
Reference to paper:
[3] C.S. Hoo, BCI-algebras with conditions, Math. Japonica 32, No. 5 (1987) 749-756.
Reference to Book: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
B. Mitchel: Theory of categories, Academic Press, 1965. |
5. |
The decision to accept or reject a paper for publication in the Journal rests fully with the Editorial Board. |
6. |
The Journal is freely available online. A hard copy will be supplied free of cost in exchange with other Journals of Mathematics. |