
Dress Code

Founded in 1985, The University Club is the epitome of opulence, convenience, and leisure offering an extraordinary ambiance to make your visit memorable.

Dress Code

PU Club Dress Code / Discipline

Members and their guests are expected to adhere to club discipline and wear respectable dress as per the dress code in the Club premises. Dividers are available for veiled women.

Following dress code restrictions apply to all members / guests of the age 10 years and above:-

Club Dining Halls / Café Lounge / Main Lobby


Formal / Casual Pant, Jeans, Shirts, T-Shirts, Safari Suit, Dress Suit, Shalwar Qameez with Close Shoes / Peshawari Chappals / Covered Sandals are allowed.

Not Allowed:

Shabby Dress, Sports Dress, Shirt with Extra Open Buttons, Ripped Jeans, Burmuda / Shorts, Open Chapals, Bathroom Slippers and Joggers are not allowed.

Barbecue Lawn


Formal dress as described above, Track Suit and Joggers are allowed.

Not Allowed:

Shabby Dress, Shirt with Extra Open Buttons, Ripped Jeans, Burmuda / Shorts, Open Chapals, and Bathroom Slippers are not allowed.


  • Dress code / behaviour is to be strictly adhered to. No permission will be given by Club administration to any Member / Guest to dine if improperly dressed. Members are responsible that their Guests also adhere the Dress Code and other Club Discipline.
  • Eatables are not allowed to bring in Club, however, you may bring Birthday Cake for party
  • Children under the age of 12 years are not allowed to sit in the Main Lobby.


Smoking in the Club premises being public place is not allowed except in the designated area.

Pets Animals

No Pets / Animals are allowed to be brought inside the Club premises.

Unbecoming Behaviour

Members are expected to exhibit high standard of norms / manners while dealing with the administration / staff. Displaying unbecoming behaviour / shouting / abusive language etc. is against the courtesy and must be refrain within the Club premises.

Complaints about the staff if any must be lodged by filling up the complaint form available all time in reception office.


Management Committee

The University Club

If you have any special requests, please feel free to call us. (042) 99230207
