Journal of Behavioural Sciences
  Journal of Behavioural Sciences
  Published by: Institute of Applied Psychology
Frequency: Biannually  

Journal Policy

Journal Policy

 - Guiding Principles of Transparency and Authentic Practices

- Open Access Information Policy

- Website

-Name of Journal

- Authorship and Publication Credit Policy

- Peer Review Process and Policy

- Conflicts of Interest and Advanced Policy Measures

- Article Processing Charges (APCs)

 -Revenue Sources

- Advertising

- Direct Marketing

- Research Misconduct Policy

- Ethical Authorization Approval

- Copyright Licensing Policy

- Corrections and Retractions Policy

- Complaints Appeal Policy

- Self-Archiving Policy

- Digital Archiving


Guiding Principles of Transparency and Authentic Practices

The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) is firmly committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency, integrity, and excellence in scholarly publishing. As part of our dedication to fostering quality research and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of behavioral sciences, we adhere to the following principles of transparency and best practices:

Open Access and Accessibility: We endorse the principles of open access, aiming to make scholarly content freely accessible to the global research community and the general public. This fosters wider dissemination of knowledge, facilitates collaboration, and supports the progress of science. OJS

Website: Journal of Behavioural Sciences uses the digital publishing technology to shape the journal's website. provides end-to-end services across manuscript submission, peer review, content hosting, analytics, and identity management. We have especially taken care that the journal's website does not contain any information that misleads potential authors, readers, and editors, including any attempt to mimic another journal/publisher’s site.

Name of Journal: The Journal name “Journal of Behavioural Sciences” is unique and not be one that is easily confused by the potential authors, reviewers, editors, and global audience with another journal.

Ethical Standards and Integrity: JBS is unwavering in its commitment to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all aspects of publication. We adhere to established guidelines and codes of conduct, including those set forth by reputable organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the American Psychological Association (APA).

Peer Review Excellence: We uphold a rigorous peer review process that ensures the quality, accuracy, and validity of the research we publish. Our review process involves independent experts who provide constructive feedback to authors, contributing to the enhancement of their work.

Authorship Transparency: Authorship is attributed to individuals who have made significant intellectual contributions to a manuscript. We follow clear criteria, in line with industry standards, for determining authorship. Contributions of each author are transparently disclosed alongside the published article.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure: We require authors, reviewers, and editors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the integrity or perception of their contributions. This transparency ensures the credibility of the research process.

Reproducibility and Data Sharing: We encourage authors to provide detailed information about their research methodologies and to make relevant data, code, and materials openly accessible whenever possible. This enhances the reproducibility and verifiability of research findings.

Clear and Comprehensive Reporting: Authors are expected to provide clear, accurate, and comprehensive descriptions of their research methods, results, and interpretations. This enables readers to fully understand and assess the significance of the research.

Corrections and Retractions: In the event that errors, inaccuracies, or ethical issues are identified post-publication, we are committed to promptly addressing such concerns through appropriate corrections or retractions, ensuring the ongoing accuracy and integrity of our published content.

Editorial Independence: The editorial decisions of JBS are based solely on the quality, significance, and relevance of the submitted work. Our editorial team Editorial Board operates independently and is dedicated to upholding the integrity of the publication process

Continuous Improvement: We are dedicated to continuous improvement in all aspects of our publication process. We actively seek feedback from authors, reviewers, and readers to enhance our practices and provide an optimal publishing experience.

By adhering to these Principles of Transparency and Best Practice, the Journal of Behavioural Sciences aims to foster a scholarly environment that promotes ethical conduct, rigorous research, and the responsible dissemination of knowledge within the field of behavioral sciences.

Open Access Information Policy

The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) is committed to fostering widespread access to high-quality research findings, promoting knowledge dissemination, and facilitating scholarly engagement. In line with this commitment, we have established an Open Access policy that ensures the broad availability of our published content to researchers, practitioners, and the public at large.

Open Access

Open Access, in the context of the Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS), refers to the unrestricted availability and free access to peer-reviewed research articles and related scholarly content. This approach facilitates the global distribution of knowledge, encouraging collaboration, innovation, and research advancement.

Publication and Licensing

All articles published in the Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) are released under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). This license allows users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of the articles while giving appropriate credit to the authors and the source. This liberal licensing approach empowers authors to retain ownership of their work while enabling others to utilize and build upon the research without undue restrictions.

Author Responsibility

Authors submitting their work to the Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) for publication under the Open Access policy acknowledge and accept the terms of the CC BY license. By doing so, authors affirm their commitment to open sharing, accessibility, and the dissemination of knowledge for the betterment of the academic and broader communities.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

To sustain our Open Access initiative and maintain the quality of our publishing services, the Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) levies Article Processing Charges (APCs) on authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication. These charges help cover the costs associated with peer review, editorial processes, typesetting, hosting, indexing, and online dissemination of articles.

 Revenue Sources: Journal of Behavioural Sciences is a self-financed open access journal, published in online and print versions. Article publication charges levied to authors are the only source of income utilized to maintain the administrative and print costs. Also, a minor part of revenue comes from print subscriptions and advertisements, if any.

 Waivers and Discounts

Recognizing the diversity of the research community, the Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) offers waivers or discounts on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for authors who demonstrate financial constraints or are affiliated with institutions from low-income economies. These waivers aim to ensure that the benefits of Open Access are accessible to researchers worldwide.

 Transparency and Accessibility

We are dedicated to providing transparent information about our Open Access policy, Article Processing Charges (APCs), and any waivers or discounts available. This information will be readily accessible on our website and clearly communicated to authors during the submission and acceptance processes. By embracing Open Access, the Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) aligns with the global movement to democratize knowledge and accelerate the progress of scientific research. We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners to join us in our commitment to open sharing and collaboration.


Authorship and Publication Credit Policy

Authorship Policy

The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) is dedicated to upholding authenticity and transparency principles in authorship within the realm of publication. Authorship is designated for individuals who significantly contribute to and assume primary responsibility for the data, concepts, and result interpretations presented in a published work (Huth 1987). This categorization encompasses not only those directly involved in the writing process, but also those who make substantial scientific contributions to a study. The foundation of this concept is built upon the authorship guidelines laid out in the & quot; Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct & quot; (APA, 2002). To preclude any potential misunderstandings and uphold professional integrity and relationships, it is strongly recommended to establish, at the commencement of a research project, the individuals who will be acknowledged as authors, the sequence of their names, and any alternate forms of acknowledgment.

Authorship entails both responsibility and recognition for the content of a submitted manuscript. Thus, all listed authors are expected to meet our established 'Authorship Criteria.' Upon manuscript receipt, our editorial team conducts a verification process, engaging all authors and contributors to confirm and validate their endorsement and approval of the submitted work before its inclusion in the Journal of Behavioral Sciences (JBS). Providing approval for both the submitted and accepted manuscript versions is a mandatory prerequisite for all authors.

 Contributions by Authors

At the time of manuscript submission, the contribution of each author should be distinctly indicated, as the extent of individual contributions will be disclosed alongside the final article. The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) adheres to the guidelines set forth in the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) manual, which aids in precisely delineating the contributions of each author to the work.

 Our publication adheres to and recommends adherence to the APA's guidelines regarding authorship credit. These guidelines acknowledge individuals who have significantly contributed to and taken responsibility for a published work (APA Ethics Code Standard 8.12a, Publication Credit). Thus, authorship encompasses not only those engaged in the writing process but also those who have made notable scientific contributions to the study. These substantial contributions might encompass tasks such as formulating research questions or hypotheses, designing experimental frameworks, overseeing statistical analyses, or interpreting results and findings. Individuals fulfilling these roles are duly listed in the publication's byline. To qualify as an enlisted author, the aforementioned criteria must be satisfactorily met. Authors are advised to ensure alignment with the Journal's Guide to Authorship Policy prior to the final manuscript submission.



Individuals not meeting the aforementioned authorship criteria but who nonetheless contribute to the manuscript should be acknowledged with their explicit consent. This typically includes individuals providing technical assistance or offering financial/material support.


Financial Support

All forms of funding, including instances without specific funding, should be disclosed in the & # 39; acknowledgment & # 39; section. Additionally, any involvement of research funders beyond financial support (e.g., engagement of commercial entities) should be indicated during submission. Other forms of support, including funding for open access publication, writing/editorial assistance, or provision of experimental materials, should also be appropriately documented.


Advertising: Journal of Behavioural Sciences occasionally publishes paid job offers or conference announcements. Advertisements are clearly marked and kept separate from the editorial content. We do not accept advertisements that may be perceived as having an impact on editorial decision-making or that promote products or services that conflict with our ethical guidelines.


Direct Marketing: Journal of Behavioural Sciences sends direct emails to solicit manuscripts to the well-targeted and registered members of the journal. The journal rarely sends out unsolicited emails, and if we do, we limit them to about 10 invitations per day, and they are personalized. Thus they are not mass emails or spam. In addition, users can unsubscribe from the email alerts any time using their profile page. All direct marketing efforts are conducted with transparency and respect for recipients' privacy. Information provided in these communications is accurate and truthful, reflecting the journal's commitment to ethical and professional standards. We do not use misleading tactics or engage in aggressive solicitation for manuscript submissions. Authors and reviewers who receive communications from us can opt out of future communications at any time


Authorship Disputes

- The Journal's ethical committee will oversee any disputes related to authorship, notably cases of ghost authorship and gift authorship. The resolution of such disputes will align with the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics.

- Shared responsibility and accountability for the accuracy and integrity of all segments of the submitted content rest upon all authors, even in cases of collaboration within multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary frameworks.

Changes to authorship details, including additions, deletions, alterations to the order of listing, or modifications to contributions, subsequent to the initial submission, require prior approval from all enlisted authors.


Peer Review Process and Policy

The Journal of Behavioural adheres to the guidelines set forth by the American Psychological Association (APA Manual 7th Edition) for the preparation and formatting of research papers. We maintain a commitment to transparency in our review and evaluation procedures. Our peer-review process employs a double-blind approach, ensuring the selection and publication of content of the highest quality.


Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) undergo a thorough initial screening followed by a comprehensive peer-review process before being considered for publication. This meticulous process aims to assess the caliber and standards of the submitted work, promoting research excellence in line with professional benchmarks. Expert peers within the field carry out confidential reviews to accomplish this goal. The review process includes the following stages:


Initial Screening &amp: Evaluation: Manuscripts submitted with a proof of APC, are evaluated for ensuring quality work by the Research Associates. Their role is to determine the manuscript's suitability for full peer-review, ensuring compliance with our guidelines and screening for Plagiarism.  These guidelines cover declarations of potential conflicts of interest, ethical considerations for studies involving human or animal subjects, and the use of language that meets acceptable criteria. The editor's responsibilities encompass:


- Assessing the manuscript's alignment with the journal's scope and relevance to its audience.

- It is important to note that the time period for Initial reviewing will be 15 days, for Local Review will be 1 month, for Foreign review 2 months, for Revision by Authors 1-2 Months and Average time Processing will be 4-5 months.

- Screening for Plagiarism/ Similarity Index report to be less than 19% overall and less than 4% for single source reference as per HEC policy.

- Judging the manuscript's quality to ensure it meets established standards.

- Evaluating the writing to decide if it warrants a complete review.

- Verifying whether the manuscript adheres to the journal's author instructions.


During this preliminary assessment, if the editor suggests modifications to the manuscript prior to full peer-review, the authors may be asked to revise accordingly. Manuscripts that do not adhere to our Editorial Guidelines might face rejection before advancing to full peer-review. Only manuscripts that successfully pass this initial screening move forward to the peer-review stage.


Peer Review Process: The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) mandates a peer-review process for all submitted manuscripts before final acceptance and publication. Consequently, our primary focus is to base decisions on insights from a minimum of two independent reviewers. To ensure this, we meticulously select reviewers who possess expertise, substantial publications, and an in-depth understanding of the subject matter and research methodologies. The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) offers the following peer-review options to authors, respecting their preferences:


Single-Blind Peer-Review: Reviewers alone are privy to the identity of the submitting author(s), while the author(s) remain unaware of the reviewer's identity. Double-Blind Peer-Review: Both reviewers and author(s) identities are concealed in this review model.


Open Peer Review: This model involves the mutual disclosure of reviewer(s) and author(s) identities, fostering transparency and trust in the review process. If the manuscript is accepted, reviewer reports, revisions, and author responses are published alongside the article.


Conflict of Interest and Advanced Policy Measures


A conflict of interest, as defined by the American Psychological Association, arises when a researcher grapples with conflicting priorities that may compromise the integrity of their work. These conflicting priorities encompass honest reporting of research findings versus personal financial gain, the pursuit of publication, or the retention of external funding. Another facet, known as a conflict of commitments, emerges when a researcher faces contradictory obligations such as collaborating on other projects, preparing new grant applications, teaching responsibilities, or participation in peer reviews. Noteworthy is the fact that perceived conflicts of interest hold as much significance as actual conflicts themselves. According to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), conflicts of interest materialize when authors, reviewers, or editors possess undisclosed interests capable of exerting undue influence on their assessments of published content. Delayed revelation of these interests could subsequently lead reasonable readers to experience feelings of misinformation or deception.


Of particular concern are financial and business relationships, which stand out as frequent scenarios giving rise to conflicts of interest, thereby eroding the credibility of both journals and authors. To maintain the highest levels of research integrity, it is strongly recommended that authors, editors, and peer reviewers make full and transparent disclosures of any potential conflicts of interest. These encompass a wide array of possibilities, ranging from personal relationships and affiliations to biases towards specific groups, associations with pertinent organizations, financial support, personal gains, academic rivalries, or ideological convictions that might impinge upon the impartiality of their work or evaluations.


The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) maintains a robust 'Declaration of Conflicting Interests Policy,' which mandates a comprehensive declaration of any conflicting interests, necessitating the inclusion of this statement within the published article. This requirement applies to all individuals involved in the peer-review or publishing process. The primary aim is to identify potential conflicts of interest and to openly declare any inappropriate affiliations, thereby ensuring a high degree of transparency.


It should be emphasized that articles will be assessed impartially and may not necessarily face rejection solely due to the disclosure of competing interests.


Author Guidelines: Authors are mandated to divulge any financial or personal interests that could potentially influence the evaluation and publication of their submitted work. In cases where no conflicts of interest are present, authors are expected to state, "The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests." However, when conflicts do exist, authors are required to:


- Explicitly acknowledge all forms of financial support within their contributions.

- Reveal any commercial or financial involvements that could be perceived as a conflict of interest in relation to their contributions. Such disclosures should be discussed with the Editor to determine their appropriate placement within the journal.

- Affirm that they have not entered into agreements with sponsors of the reported research that could hinder the publication of both positive and negative results or necessitate sponsor approval before publication.


Reviewer Responsibilities: Reviewers must promptly declare any conflicts of interest upon receiving a review invitation. If a potential conflict could skew their assessment of the manuscript, reviewers are encouraged to decline the invitation and provide the editor with a summary of the conflict. Common conflicts for reviewers include:


- Past disagreements with the authors

- Participation in the same research project

- Recent co-authorship in publications

- Involvement in the pre-review process prior to manuscript submission

- Reviewers who are uncertain about potential bias should seek guidance from the editorial staff.

- Moreover, reviewers are strictly prohibited from utilizing the concepts, methodologies, or any portion of the manuscript under review prior to publication.


Editorial Duties: Editors are held to the same conflict of interest policy as authors and reviewers. In the event an editor possesses a relationship or conflict that could introduce bias, it is strongly recommended that they promptly decline involvement in the handling of the relevant manuscript.


Research Misconduct Policy

The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of research integrity and ethical conduct. This Research Misconduct Policy outlines the journal's stance on addressing and preventing research misconduct, ensuring the credibility and reliability of the scientific knowledge disseminated through its publications.


Research Misconduct

Research misconduct refers to serious breaches of ethical and professional standards in the planning, conduct, reporting, or dissemination of research. It encompasses, but is not limited to, fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and other practices that undermine the integrity and validity of scholarly work.


Reporting and Investigation

- Reporting Allegations: JBS encourages individuals within and outside its community to promptly report any suspected instances of research misconduct. Allegations can be submitted to the editorial office through a designated channel.


- Preliminary Assessment: Upon receiving an allegation, the editorial team will conduct a preliminary assessment to determine whether the concern warrants a full investigation. This assessment includes gathering relevant information and involving appropriate experts, as needed.


- Formal Investigation: If the preliminary assessment indicates a plausible case of research misconduct, a formal investigation will be initiated. An impartial committee of experts will be established to conduct a thorough and fair investigation.


-Confidentiality and Transparency: Throughout the investigation process, confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible, while ensuring transparency and accountability. Updates on the progress of the investigation may be provided as appropriate.


Actions and Consequences

Substantiated Allegations: If an allegation is substantiated, appropriate actions will be taken.

These actions may include, but are not limited to:

- Retraction or correction of the affected publication(s)

- Notification of relevant institutions and funding agencies

- Imposition of sanctions, such as banning future submissions by the individuals involved


- Authorship Correction: In cases of authorship misconduct, where individuals have been wrongly included or excluded from authorship, corrective measures will be taken to ensure accurate credit attribution. Whistleblower Protection JBS is committed to protecting individuals who report suspected research misconduct in good faith. Retaliation against whistleblowers will not be tolerated, and efforts will be made to shield their identities during the investigation process.


Educational Initiatives

JBS will actively engage in raising awareness about research ethics and misconduct prevention within its community. This includes providing resources, guidelines, and educational materials to authors, reviewers, and editors.


Collaboration and Reporting

JBS will collaborate with relevant authorities and organizations, as necessary, to address cases of research misconduct. In cases of proven misconduct, the journal will report the findings to appropriate institutions, funding agencies, and regulatory bodies.


Appeals Process

Individuals implicated in a research misconduct investigation will have the right to appeal the decision. The appeals process will be conducted in a fair and unbiased manner.


Continuous Improvement

This Research Misconduct Policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to align with evolving best practices and ethical standards in the field of research integrity. Adherence to this policy underscores JBS's dedication to upholding the integrity of research, fostering a culture of ethical conduct, and maintaining the credibility of the scientific community.


Ethical Authorization Approval

The Journal of Behavioural Sciences places a strong emphasis on ethical considerations in research and publication. Ethical approval is a fundamental requirement to ensure the integrity, credibility, and responsible conduct of research presented within our journal. All submissions to the Journal of Behavioral Sciences must adhere to the highest ethical standards, and authors are expected to provide clear evidence of obtaining appropriate ethical approval for their research. Researchers submitting manuscripts to JBS are required to provide comprehensive documentation of ethical authorization, demonstrating their adherence to ethical standards in research involving human subjects, animals, or any other sensitive areas. This proactive approach underscores our commitment to maintaining the highest ethical standards.


Required Documentation

Researchers seeking ethical approval for their manuscripts to be considered for publication in JBS are required to submit the following materials as part of the ethical authorization process:


- Ethics Review Board Approval: A clear and valid approval statement from the relevant Ethics Review Board or Institutional Review Board (IRB) must be provided. This approval indicates that the research involving human subjects has undergone a rigorous ethical review process and has been deemed compliant with ethical guidelines.

- Informed Consent: For studies involving human subjects, researchers must provide evidence of obtaining informed consent from participants. This includes details about how participants were informed about the study's purpose, procedures, potential risks, and their rights to participate voluntarily.


Animal Welfare Assurance: In cases involving animal research, researchers are required to provide documentation of compliance with animal welfare regulations. This may include details about housing conditions, care, and procedures that minimize potential harm to the animals involved.


Conflict of Interest Statement: Researchers should declare any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the outcomes or interpretations of their research. Full transparency regarding financial interests, affiliations, or relationships that could present bias is essential.


Data Privacy and Protection: Researchers must ensure that the privacy and confidentiality of participants are safeguarded. Any data handling procedures that preserve participant anonymity and data protection measures should be detailed.


- Permissions for Third-party Material: If the manuscript includes copyrighted material, such as images, figures, or excerpts from other sources, researchers need to provide evidence of obtaining the necessary permissions for their use in the publication.


- Research Funding Disclosure: Clear disclosure of the funding sources that supported the research is required. This includes both financial and non-financial contributions that may have influenced the research.


- Author Contributions: A transparent description of each author's contributions to the research and manuscript preparation, as per the authorship criteria outlined in JBS's Authorship Policy, should be included. Submitting the above materials for ethical authorization approval not only demonstrates the commitment of researchers to ethical conduct but also ensures that the published research meets the highest ethical standards upheld by the Journal of Behavioural Sciences. The ethical authorization process plays a pivotal role in upholding the credibility and trustworthiness of behavioural science research within the scholarly community and beyond.


Copyright and Licensing Policy

The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) maintains a comprehensive Copyright and Licensing Policy to uphold the rights of authors, ensure the responsible dissemination of scholarly work, and facilitate the appropriate use and distribution of published content. This policy outlines the terms under which authors' intellectual property is protected, while also fostering the dissemination of knowledge and research advancement.


Copyright Ownership:

- Authors retain the copyright of their original contributions published in the Journal of Behavioral Sciences.

- By submitting their work to the journal, authors grant JBS the right of first publication.

- JBS reserves the right to display, reproduce, distribute, and otherwise use the published work for promotional and archival purposes, both electronically and in print.


Licensing Options:

- Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY): This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even for commercial purposes, as long as proper attribution is given to the original author(s).


- Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License (CC BY-NC): This license permits others to remix, adapt, and build upon the work for non-commercial purposes, with proper attribution to the original author(s).


- Traditional Copyright (All Rights Reserved): Authors who prefer traditional copyright protection can choose this option. However, JBS encourages the use of open licensing to promote knowledge sharing and collaboration.


Author Responsibilities:


- Authors are responsible for selecting the preferred licensing option during the manuscript submission process.

- Authors must ensure that the content they submit for publication does not infringe upon the rights of others, including copyright, trademark, or privacy rights.

- In the case of using third-party materials, authors are responsible for obtaining necessary permissions and attributions.


Reuse and Redistribution:

- Readers, researchers, and other interested parties are allowed to reuse and redistribute published content in accordance with the chosen license.

- Proper attribution to the original author(s) is mandatory when reusing or redistributing any content from the Journal.


Commercial Use:

- Commercial use of published works under a CC BY license is permitted without seeking explicit permission, as long as proper attribution is provided.

- Commercial use of works under a CC BY-NC license requires permission from the author(s).



- Authors are encouraged to deposit their published articles in institutional or disciplinary repositories, as well as preprint servers.

- JBS also archives its published content in appropriate databases and repositories.

Policy Modifications:

- The Copyright and Licensing Policy may be updated periodically to align with industry standards and evolving scholarly practices.

- Authors will be informed of any substantial changes to the policy, and they can choose to apply the updated terms to their existing and future works.


By publishing in the Journal of Behavioral Sciences, authors acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Copyright and Licensing Policy. The aim of this policy is to strike a balance between protecting authors' rights and encouraging the dissemination of knowledge within the academic community and beyond.


Corrections and Retractions Policy

The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and accuracy in published research. In instances where errors, inaccuracies, or ethical concerns are identified in published articles, the following Corrections and Retractions Policy outlines the procedures to address and rectify such issues:



- Minor Errors and Inaccuracies: Should minor errors, typographical mistakes, or inaccuracies be discovered after an article's publication, the corresponding author may contact the JBS editorial team with a formal request for correction. The editorial team will review the request and, if deemed necessary, publish an erratum notice detailing the corrections. The original article will remain unaltered, with a link to the erratum notice for readers' reference.


- Author-Requested Corrections: If an author identifies substantial errors in their published work that may affect the study's integrity or conclusions, they should promptly inform the editorial team. The journal will follow a thorough review process to assess the requested corrections. If the corrections are warranted, a corrected version of the article will be published alongside an explanatory note, indicating the changes made.



- Ethical Concerns and Serious Errors: In cases of ethical concerns, serious research misconduct, data fabrication, plagiarism, or significant errors that undermine the validity of the study's findings, a retraction may be necessary. The decision to retract an article is taken seriously and involves a comprehensive investigation. The corresponding author, along with all listed authors, will be involved in the investigation process.


- Author-Requested Retractions: Authors may voluntarily request the retraction of their publshed article if they discover substantial errors or inaccuracies that cannot be corrected. The retraction request should be submitted to the editorial team, and the journal will initiate an evaluation process to determine the necessity of retraction. If approved, a retraction notice will be published, clearly stating the reasons for retraction and the authors' acknowledgment of the errors.


Editorial Board Initiated Retractions: The JBS editorial board reserves the right to initiate a retraction process if evidence of serious misconduct, ethical violations, or irreparable errors emerges. The authors will be contacted for their response and input before a final decision is reached.

Review Process


- Investigation: All corrections and retraction requests will undergo a comprehensive investigation by the editorial team and, if necessary, in consultation with experts in the field.

- Author Involvement: Authors will be involved in the investigation process, providing explanations and justifications as required. In cases of retraction, authors will have the opportunity to provide their perspective on the situation.

- Decision: The decision to issue corrections or initiate retractions will be made based on the severity of the errors or ethical concerns identified.

- Publication of Notices: Corrections and retractions will be published prominently in the journal, with a clear indication of the changes made or reasons for retraction.

- Transparency: The JBS is committed to maintaining transparency throughout the corrections and retractions process, while respecting the privacy and reputations of all involved parties.

-The Corrections and Retractions Policy of the Journal of Behavioral Sciences aligns with international publication standards and the guidelines set forth by organizations like the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is our aim to ensure the integrity and credibility of the research published.


Complaints and Appeals Policy

The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) is committed to maintaining a rigorous and transparent editorial process while upholding the highest standards of integrity and fairness. In the event that individuals or entities involved in the publication process have concerns, complaints, or disagreements, JBS has established a Complaints and Appeals Policy to ensure that such matters are addressed promptly and fairly. This policy outlines the procedures for raising complaints and initiating appeals related to various aspects of the publication process.


Complaint Submission

Any individual or entity who is directly or indirectly involved in the publication process, including authors, reviewers, editors, and readers, may submit a complaint to JBS. Complaints should be submitted in writing and include clear and specific details regarding the nature of the complaint, the parties involved, and any relevant supporting documentation. Complaints should be directed to the JBS editorial office via email at and .The complainant should receive an acknowledgment of receipt within 4 days in working days only and be informed about the expected timeline for resolution.




Handling of Complaints

Upon receiving a complaint, JBS will initiate a thorough and impartial investigation. The investigation will be conducted by an independent committee established specifically for handling complaints and appeals. The committee will include individuals who were not directly involved in the circumstances giving rise to the complaint.


Resolution Process

The committee will review all relevant information and documentation related to the complaint. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the committee may seek input from involved parties, including authors, reviewers, and editors. The committee's goal is to reach a fair and informed decision within a reasonable timeframe.


Notification of Decision

Once the investigation is complete, the committee will communicate its decision to the complainant. The decision will be explained thoroughly and may include recommended actions, corrections, or remedies if applicable. JBS is committed to ensuring confidentiality throughout this process and will protect the identities of the involved parties to the extent possible.



If a complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution provided by the committee, an appeal may be initiated. Appeals should be submitted in writing within [time frame] of receiving the committee's decision. The appeal should clearly outline the reasons for disagreement and provide any additional evidence or information to support the appeal.

Appeals will be reviewed by a different committee, distinct from the one that handled the original complaint. The appeal committee's decision will be considered final.


Transparency and Improvement

JBS is dedicated to continuously improving its editorial processes and addressing concerns to enhance the quality and integrity of its publications. All complaints and appeals, as well as their outcomes, will be documented and analyzed periodically to identify potential areas for improvement.


By implementing this Complaints and Appeals Policy, JBS aims to maintain a transparent and equitable environment, fostering confidence in its editorial practices and the integrity of the published research.


Self-Archiving Policy

The Journal of Behavioural Sciences (JBS) recognizes the significance of self-archiving as a means to foster the dissemination of scholarly research. This policy outlines the guidelines for self-archiving manuscripts published in the Journal.


- Preprint Self-Archiving: Authors are permitted to share preprints of their manuscripts, which are versions of the paper prior to formal peer review. This can be done on preprint servers, institutional repositories, or personal websites. Such preprints may be updated with the accepted version of the manuscript once it has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication.

- Post print Self-Archiving: Authors can self-archive the post print version of their manuscript, which is the final peer-reviewed version of the paper without the journal's formatting and typesetting. This version can be shared on institutional repositories, subject repositories, personal websites, or other platforms.

- Journal-Archiving: The JBS also engages in archiving practices. The version of the manuscript that undergoes the peer-review process and is subsequently published in the Journal is archived on the Journal's official website. This version is accessible to readers and researchers.

- Embargo Period: There may be an embargo period during which specific versions of the manuscript are accessible only through the Journal's platform. This period allows the Journal to retain exclusivity immediately after publication. Following the embargo period, authors are encouraged to self-archive their work.

- Attribution and Linking: Authors are expected to provide proper attribution when self- archiving their manuscripts. This includes linking to the published version of the paper on the Journal's website and acknowledging the Journal of Behavioral Sciences as the original source of publication.

- Copyright and Licensing: Authors retain the copyright to their work published in the Journal of Behavioral Sciences. However, the Journal holds a non-exclusive license to publish and distribute the manuscript. This licensing agreement does not limit an author's ability to self-archive their work as per the guidelines outlined in this policy.

- Open Access Considerations: Authors who choose to publish their work in open access formats are encouraged to ensure that the terms of their chosen open access license are compatible with self-archiving practices. This ensures wider accessibility while adhering to licensing obligations.

- Compliance with Funding Agencies: Authors should verify whether their funding agencies have any specific requirements regarding self-archiving. Compliance with these requirements is the responsibility of the authors.

- Changes to the Self-Archiving Policy: The Journal of Behavioral Sciences retains the right to modify the self-archiving policy as needed. Authors will be informed of any changes in the policy.

By adhering to this self-archiving policy, the Journal of Behavioral Sciences aims to promote the dissemination of research findings while upholding responsible and ethical practices in scholarly communication.

Digital Archiving: Journal of Behavioural Sciences is archived with Asian Digital Library. All published content of the Journal of Behavioural Sciences is preserved and accessible via Asian Digital Library if the journal is no longer published.


  Call for Paper  
  Journal Policy  
  Instructions for Author  
  Abstracting & Indexing  
  Editorial Board  
  Current Issue
Volume 34, No. 2, 2024
  Previous Issue
Volume 34, No. 1, 2024
  Aims and Scope  