Journal of Scientific Research |
Journal of Scientific Research |
School of Chemistry |
ISSN-0555-7674 |
Frequency: Bi-Annually |
Previous Issue (Vol. XXXIX No. 1, June 2009) |
Biosorption of Aqueous Lead (II) On Rice
Straws (Oryza Sativa ) By Flash Column
by H a f i z a N a i l a K h a l i d ,
Mukhtar-ul-Hassan, Nadia
Jamil, Dania Ahmad, Hafza
Bushra Fatima, Sara Khatoon
Investigation of NPK in Fertilized and
Unfertilized Vegetables
by Farah Deeba, M. Tahir Butt,
Khalid Iqubal ,Tahira Shafiq
Synthesis of Tallow Based Esterquat
by Mehwish Akram, Waheed-uz
Z ama n , Z a i b H u s s a i n
Muhammad Salman, Umer
Shafique, Rabia Rehman and
Jesus Anzano
Distribution of Total and Diffuse Solar
Radiation at Lahore, Pakistan
by M. Akhlaque Ahmed, Firoz
Ahmed and Wasim Akhtar
Lut -Ba s ed Powe r Ma c r o -Mode l l i n g
Technique for Digital Systems
by Yaseer A. Durrani |