Bulletin of Education & Research |
Institute of Education & Research |
ISSN-0555-7747 |
Frequency: Tri-Annually |
Aim and Scope |
Bulletin of Education & Research (BER) is a pioneer peer-reviewed online journal in Pakistan that provides a forum for sharing scholarship among national and international researchers and practitioners in education. BER was initiated by the American Faculty from Indiana University and its first editor was Dr. John Hanitchak. The BER is a well-known and respected periodical that reaches an international audience of educators, researchers, and policymakers concerned with cutting-edge theories and linking them with practices. The Journal encourages practitioners and researchers to submit empirical and methodological manuscripts—Quantitative, Qualitative, or mixed methods—in the field of education. The journal is published thrice a year: April, August, and December. Each submission goes through a rigorous process of peer review done by one national and two international reviewers as guidelines by the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. In BER, we publish scholarly theoretical and conceptual articles and original research that contribute to understanding issues and problems concerning all aspects of education. The areas/research interest groups include but not limited to:
- Classroom / teacher/ head teacher/ program effectiveness
- Community engagement in education
- Curriculum studies derived from empirical, philosophical, sociological, or policy-related investigations.
- Early childhood / elementary/ secondary /higher education and related policies
- Education policy and practice
- Educational administration, policy, and leadership
- Educational Assessment, measurement, and evaluation
- Educational change/innovation
- Educational law
- Educational Finance and policy
- Institutional effectiveness
- Instructional technology
- Instrument development related to the constructs in education and related fields
- Organizational Behavior in education
- Practice teaching with classroom observation, monitoring, peer coaching etc.
- Psychological research pertaining to education across all educational levels
- School improvement and effectiveness
- Science teaching and learning
- Second language research
- Stem Education
- Teacher evaluation, effectiveness, and professional development.
- Teachers’ and teacher educators’ beliefs, thoughts, conceptions, practical theories