Bulletin of Education & Research
  Bulletin of Education & Research
  Published by: Institute of Education & Research
Frequency: Tri-Annually  

Peer Review Policy

Appropriate manuscripts are submitted to blind peer review. Editorial revisions made by the BER staff may be required to produce a more concise, readable article. Manuscripts are acknowledged within a week upon receipt the paper with submission fee. The blind review of the paper comprises the following stages:

  1. Initial blind review by any member of the Editorial team. If it is accepted, it is sent to the local reviewer. If accepted with minor changes, it is sent to the author/s for incorporating minor changes prior to sending for the local blind review.
  2. Local blind review by the local evaluator of relevant discipline. If the paper is accepted, it is sent to two foreign evaluators. If accepted with minor changes, it is sent to the foreign evaluators after ensuring that the changes suggested by local reviewer were incorporated.
  3. If paper is accepted or accepted with minor changes by both foreign evaluators, it is sent to the author/s for improvement as per comments of the foreign evaluators.
  4. Upon satisfaction of all changes are incorporated by the author/s, it undergoes a blind review by the Language Editor to make it error-free from language perspective.
  5. The Chief Editor or Managing Editor finally reviews the manuscript from context of format perspective of BER to get it ready for uploading on PU website/publication.

The whole review process usually takes three months but sometime it may take more time, depending upon the reviews received by the reviewers. Following structured comments from reviewers, the decisions are conveyed to the authors together with feedback about the paper.

  Instructions for Author  
  Abstracting & Indexing  
  Advisory Board  
  Current Issue (Volume 46, No. 2, 2024)  
  Previous Issue (Volume 46, No. 1, 2024)  
  Online Contents  
  Aim and Scope  
  Guidelines for Reviewers  
  Peer Review Policy  
  Plagiarism Policy