Published by: Department of Secondary Education
  ISSN-3005-3293 (print)
2960-0065 (online)
Frequency: Annually  

Instructions for Authors

Authors are supposed to send copies of their paper; following the understated guidelines:

  1. The article should be in English.
  2. Authors are advised to include their full names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses on the title page.
  3. The article should begin with abstract preferably not exceeding 200 words. It should state purpose of the study, hypotheses, method, analysis, main findings and conclusions.
  4. Article should clearly convey its intrinsic interest.
  5. Technical jargons should be avoided. If it is essential to use some jargons, then meaning should be clearly stated.
  6. Methodology should include research design, sample selection and description, assessment protocols, ethical considerations and procedure of data collection.
  7. Statistical data should be summarized in the text, although tables can be used where deemed essential. Present your results in logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations (Figures). Each table must have a title, be numbered in sequence with Arabic numerals. Tables should also present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text.
  8. Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the page after the title page. Mathematical symbols and Greek letters should be clearly marked to indicate italics, boldface, superscript, and subscript.
  9. Authors are thoroughly encouraged to describe their findings which are intelligible to various non-expert readers. Discuss major findings; emphasize new and important aspects of the study and implications & conclusions follow from them. Repetition of the material in Introduction section and Results must be avoided.
  10. References should be cited according to the recent A.P.A 7th For detailed guidelines at
  11. Although there is no absolute limit on length, submitted papers should be confined to approx. 6000-8000 words.
  12. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. The editor may make use of iThenticate software for checking the originality of submissions received.
  13. Authors are expected to carefully proofread their work before submission. They are requested to check the article thoroughly with spellings, figures, and illustrations, etc., before sending for publication. Incomplete articles will not be entertained.
  14. Any acknowledgements authors wish to make should be included in a separate headed section at the end of the manuscript
  15. Articles that do not conform to the stated submission guideline will be returned to author/s for revisions. 

Peer Review and Publication Policy: 

The journal operates a double blind review process which means that both author/authors and referees remain anonymous to one another throughout the review process. All contributors will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability of their article for the journal. Language experts also go through the papers to deem the linguistic accuracy of the articles. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to minimum of two independent international and national expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper. Authors will receive an acknowledgement by e-mail shortly after receipt of the manuscript. If you fail to receive email of confirmation please email:

All manuscripts within the general domain of the journal will be sent for at least two external reviews, using a double blind format, from members of our Editorial Board or their designated reviewers. In the majority of cases, authors will be notified within 45 days of the result of the review. Notification of the peer review result will be by E-mail.  If reviewers recommend changes, authors will receive a copy of the reviews and a timetable for submitting revisions.

After successful publication, the authors will receive a print copy and PDF of the journal free of charge. 

Note: The Editor/Advisory Board reserves the right to make necessary editorial revisions. Ideas and views expressed in papers published in the journal are the sole responsibility of authors. It does not necessarily reflect opinion / policy of the institution or Editorial Advisory Board. 


All rights reserved. The copyright in the Journal is owned by the Department of Secondary Education, University of the Punjab. Unauthorized copying or redistribution for any financial or earning purpose will be violation of copyright laws.  Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permission from copyright holders for reproducing previously published material, including charts, graphs, photos, tables, etc. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed. Moreover, the editor is not responsible for originality of the articles accepted for the journal. However, the authors would be accountable if the ideas and the materials are found plagiarized.  The editor may make use of iThenticate software for checking the originality of submissions received.


Currently, the journal doesn’t demand or charge any processing and publishing fee from the author(s) or contributor(s). 

Sending the Manuscript to JSER:

The decision to accept or reject a paper for publication in the Journal rests fully with the Editorial Board.  Electronic submission is preferred. You can submit your Manuscript to “Journal of Secondary Education & Research (JSER)” by sending at

We are looking forward for strict compliance to the modern age standards in all these fields. Authors across the globe are welcome to submit their research papers in our journal fulfilling the requisite criterion.

Any feedback and suggestions for improvement of the journal will be highly appreciated.

For additional information, please contact:


Chief Editor

Dr. Abida Nasreen

Associate Professor


Department of Secondary Education

Institute of Education & Research

University of the Punjab,

Lahore, Pakistan


Associate Editor

Dr. Aroona Hashmi

Assistant Professor

Department of Secondary Education

Institute of Education & Research

University of the Punjab,

Lahore, Pakistan

  Abstracting & Indexing  
  Editorial Board  
  Current Issue
Vol. 2, No. 2, 2020
  Previous Issue
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
  Online Contents -  
  Subscription Information  
  Instructions for Authors