Effect of Existing Teaching of Chemistry on Ninth Graders' Achievement in Sindh, Pakistan
by Muhammad Ilyas Bhutto, Wasim Qazi & Khalid Jamil Rawat
Standard Based Three Dimensional Capacity Development of
In-Service Secondary School Teachers
by Sidra Rizwan & Rehana Masrur
A Study of Research Trends at Master Level in Education in the Universities of Punjab: Period from 1988 to 2008
by Mazhar Iqbal, Akhtar Ali & Muhammad Javed
Relationship between Moral Atmosphere of School and Moral Development of Secondary School Students
by Mahwish Safder & Abid Hussain Ch.
Impact of Leadership Style of Teacher on the Performance of Students: An Application of Hersey and Blanchard Situational Model
by Shaukat Ali Raza & Asma Sikandar
An Instrumental Perspective of Higher Education in Pakistan: From Public Good to Commercial Commodity
by Asghar Ali, Aamir Saeed & Asif Munir
Perceptions of University Students about Causes of Terrorism
by Saghir Ahmad, Misbah Malik & Ayesha Batool
Relationship between University Students' English Proficiency, Academic Achievement and their Satisfaction on Teacher Feedback
by Kamal ud Din & Muhammad Saeed
A Comparison of Students' Self-concept on the Basis of Visual Impairment and Normal Vision
by Sajida Mah Jabeen & Mumtaz Akhter
Prediction of Students' Academic Performance using Artificial
Neural Network
by Zahoor Ahmad & Erum Shahzadi
On the Future of Business Education in Pakistan: A Descriptive Analysis of Courses included in the Curriculums of Commerce and Business Education
by Zafar Ahmad, Muhammad Sarfraz Khan & Zulfiqar Ahmad
Factors Influencing Research Culture in Public Universities of Punjab: Faculty Members' Perspective
by Muhammad Iqbal, Samreen Jalal & Muhammad Khalid Mahmood
Pre-school Education in Bahawalpur: A Situational Analysis of Private and Government Schools
by Nasreen Akhter
A Literary Representation of Educational Transformation and its Effect on South-Asia and Africa during British Colonization
by Shaheen Khan, Rasib Mahmood & Kainat Zafar
A Comparative Study of English Language Teaching Practices at the Access Program and Public Schools
by Muhammad Iqbal & Muhammad Shaban Rafi