Conference Themes


  • Climate/Climate Change, Meteorology, and the Atmosphere
    • Climate change adaptation and mitigation
    • Atmospheric and meteorological parameters
    • Greenhouse gases, trace gases, emissions and concentrations
    • Weather information and forecasting
    • Carbon budgets
    • El Nino and La Nina effects


  • Geohazards and Disasters
    • Floods
    • Droughts
    • Earthquakes
    • Dust Storms
    • Cyclones, Tornadoes
    • Forest Fires
    • Land-Sliding
    • Avalanches
    • Understanding risks, response, and recovery
    • Disaster alert, preparedness, and mitigation
    • Natural hazard regulations and policymaking
    • Forest fires and environmental impacts


  • Agriculture and Food Security
    • Agriculture monitoring
    • Crop identification
    • Crop area, yield estimation and forecasting
    • Food security and early warning
    • Plant disease monitoring
    • Combating desertification


  • Forest, Biodiversity, and Ecosystems
    • Forest characterization and biomass estimation
    • Monitoring deforestation, degradation, and restoration
    • Land cover monitoring
    • Land surface dynamics
    • Wetlands, Biodiversity conservation
    • Wildlife monitoring
    • Sustainable development through ecosystem accounting
    • Impacts of climate change on ecosystems and forests


  • Water Resources and Water Cycle
    • Water Resources (Surface, underground)
    • Hydrological studies/applications
    • Glaciology, Cryosphere studies,
    • Oceanography, Bathymetry
    • Wetlands monitoring
    • Water resource management
    • Water quality and invasive species in water bodies
    • Water scarcity and security in major river systems
    • Water bodies as a sustainable resource for fishery, tourism and transportation
    • Soil moisture, soil erosion, corrosion
    • Understanding the water cycle and the major impacting factors
    • Desertification and droughts


  • Marine and Coastal Environment Resources and Dynamics
    • Understanding and monitoring marine and coastal environments and resources
    • Healthy Coastal Economy
    • Operational monitoring of Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated (IUU) fishing
    • Offshore operations and marine pollution
    • Ship traffic
    • Ocean state and dynamics
    • Marine forests
    • Marine ecosystems
    • Marine landuse/landcover change assessment


  • Urbanization, Sustainable/Smart Societies, and Industrialization
    • Urban planning (town, city, and regional planning)
    • Urban heat island
    • Urban sprawl and its impacts
    • Industrialization and impacts
    • Infrastructure and transportation
    • Infrastructure planning
    • Smart cities
    • 3D Building Information Management Systems
    • Sustainable development goal indicators
    • Socio-economic development
    • Smart cities
    • Improving Connectivity
    • Archaeology and Culture heritage


  • Public Health
    • Monitoring infectious disease outbreaks
    • Vector-borne diseases
    • Water-related diseases
    • Air quality and health
    • Smog and its impacts
    • Impact of extreme weather conditions
    • Geospatial data for developing resilient and sustainable public health systems
    • Heatwaves and impacts
    • Monitoring and tracking of heatwaves


  • Change and Adaptation in Deltaic and High Mountain Systems
    • Impact of climate change on food and feed, Impact on water scarcity, natural hazards regulation
    • How climate change affects spirituality and cultural identity, aesthetics, and recreation
    • Building technical capacity to analyze, visualize, interpret, and integrate data from observations into services
    • Use of optical data from one or multi-channel spectral imagers or RGB cameras, image processing, computer vision, and machine learning; also interested in medical and bio-medical image problems, underwater species especially in Coral reefs and other endangered areas
    • Permafrost hydrology
    • Paleo-permafrost features and their climatic relevance


  • Geological studies, mineral resources and applications
    • Structural Geology and Tectonics
    • Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
    • Geomorphology
    • Geological Engineering
    • Mineralogy
    • Petrology & Volcanology
    • Seismology


  • Data and Information Systems and Spatial Data Infrastructures
    • Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry [Sensors (optical, microwave, thermal, hyperspectral, LIDAR), and their applications]
    • Digital Earth, current & future Earth observation missions & programmes, observation data, data products & models
    • Multi-sensor data processing techniques, interoperability, and analytics
    • GIS and its applications
    • Android, Desktop, and Online geospatial applications
    • Standards, interfaces, and systems for spatial data
    • Big data challenges and solutions
    • Real-time operational systems


  • Educating on Climate Change and Sustainable Development
    • Climate change education for sustainable development


  • Capacity building, networking, resource sharing
    • Capacity building, education, and outreach
    • Sharing of geospatial resources (data, software, labs, computing machines, human resources)
    • Networking, collaboration, and its importance
    • Open source and software/algorithms/models, data, services, etc.


  • Other theme(s)
    • Abstracts (presentation/poster) from other themes are welcome (subject to the approval of Conference Technical & Review Committee)