Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kamran is the Director of the Institute of Urdu Language and Literature, Oriental College, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. He was the former Director of the Urdu Development and Translation Center, University of the Punjab. He earned his Master's in Urdu degree from University of the Punjab securing First Class First and got MPhil and PhD degrees in Urdu in record time. He started working at University of the Punjab as a lecturer since 26th January 1995. He is also a researcher, critic, travel fiction writer, poet and Urdu Language Teacher Trainer. He holds many national and international awards regarding his services for the promotion of Urdu language and literature worldwide. He has more than 50 research papers published in national and international journals to his credit. He has also published 10 books on Urdu literary criticism and one travelogue. Besides supervising 32 PhD and 50 MPhil theses, Dr. Kamran has also supervised more than 80 Masters theses. He has attended more than 100 national and international conferences. He has visited United Kingdom, Turkey, Australia, Japan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, South Africa, Sweden and Denmark. |