Dr. Ayesha Serfraz has a PhD in Economics from University of Hamburg, Germany. She completed her PhD under the supervision of renowned Economists, Prof. Dr. Arne Heise and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Fritsche focusing on examining the factors affecting Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in Pakistan using advance quantitative techniques. Before that, she completed her Masters and M.Phil from Department of Economics, University of the Punjab and has earned Gold and Silver medals. She joined IAS in 2009 and before joining IAS, she served the Department of Economics as a research scholar. She has academic experience of working in both public and private institutes. Based on her performance during PhD, she was awarded Merit Scholarship by University of Hamburg. She served University of Hamburg as a research assistant and has conducted many seminars and workshops. She has also presented her research work in many national and international conferences and has participated in many seminars and workshops. She is highly skilled in using quantitative softwares including EViews, Stata, gretl and R. A number of her research papers have been published in journals of international repute including papers written in collaboration with her primary supervisor. She is an HEC approved PhD supervisor |