Examining Principals’ Conflict Management Styles: A Study of Turkish Administrators
by Abdurrahman Ä°LÄžAN |
Engagement in Pakistani Academic Research Discourse:
A Cross-disciplinary Analysis of PhD Theses in Natural and Social Sciences
by Moazzam Ali Malik, Muhammad Islam and Muhammad Shahbaz |
Tracing the Effects of Teachers’ Centered Teaching Methods on Students’ Achievement Scores: Secondary Level Study
by Mehboob Ul Hassan and Rafaqat Ali Akbar |
Relationship of Work-Family Conflict with Job Demands,
Social Support and Psychological Well-Being of University Female Teachers in Punjab
by Mahvish Fatima Akram and Abid Hussain Ch. |
To Evaluate Preference of Parents Sending their Children to Public or Private Schools in District Karak
by Shafqat Ullah and Iffat Ara Hussain |
A Study of the Significant Factors Affecting Pre-Service Teacher Education in Turkey
by M. Zeki Tasdemir, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal and Muhammad Zaheer Asghar |
A Study of the Organizational Stress in Public and Private Sector Secondary School Teachers
by Faheem Huma Gulzar and Khalid Rashid |
Social Connectedness, Life Contentment, and Learning Achievement of Undergraduate University Students–Does the Use of Internet Matter?
by Sarwat Sultan, Irshad Hussain and Shabbih Fatima |
Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Teacher Engagement in Classroom
by Muhammad Abiodullah, Dur-e-Sameen and Muhammad Aslam |
Exploring Teachers’ Citizenship Behavior at Public Universities of the Punjab
by Sajid Mahmood Sajid and Mahr Muhammad Saeed Akhtar |
Dyslexia as a Learning Disability: Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices at School Level
by Tahira Kalsoom, Abdul Haseeb Mujahid and Asia Zulfqar |
Relationship of Work Engagements and Job Performance of University Teachers
by Khadija Sittar, Abid Hussain Ch. |
Exploring the Impact of Demographic Variables Gender, Parental Education and Locality on Science Achievement at 8th and
9th Gradess
by Zubair Ahmad Shah, Mushtaq Ahmad Malik and Javed Hassan Akhtar |
Orientation and Mobility Practices within the Expanded
Core Curriculum with Effective Parental Involvement of Visually Impaired Learners in Pakistan
by Shazia Malik and Umi Kalthom Abdul Manaf |
Analysis of ‎ Teachers’ Commitment, Self-Efficacy and Job ‎Satisfaction at University Level in Pakistan
by Abdul Majid Khan Rana and Iftikhar Ahmad Baig |