Application of Taylor Expansion for Fredholm Integral Equations of the First Kind
by Mohsen Didgar, Alireza Vahidi and Jafar Biazar
Categorical Characterizations of Some Results on Induced Mappings
by Nitakshi Goyal and Navpreet Singh Noorie
Sixth-Order Stable Implicit Finite Difference Scheme for 2-D Heat Conduction
Equation on Uniform Cartesian Grids with Dirichlet Boundaries
by Kainat Jahangir, Shafiq Ur Rehman, Fayyaz Ahmad and Anjum Pervaiz Mohammadpour
New Quartic B-Spline Approximation for Numerical Solution of Third Order
Singular Boundary Value Problems
by Muhammad Kashif Iqbal, Muhammad Abbas and Bushra Zafar
A Simulated Study of Genetic Algorithm with a New Crossover Operator using
Traveling Salesman Problem
by Abid Hussain, Yousaf Shad Muhammad and Muhammad Nauman Sajid
A Numerical Approach of Slip Conditions Effect on Nanofluid Flow over a
Stretching Sheet under Heating Joule Effect
by Hafiz Abdul Wahab, Hussan Zeb, Saira Bhatti, Muhammad Gulistan and Sarfaraz Ahmad
Power Digraphs Associated with the Congruence xn = y (mod m)
by Muhammad Haris Mateen and Muhammad Khalid Mahmood
Behavior of an Infinitesimal-Variable-Mass Body in CR3BP; the Primaries are Finite
Straight Segments
by Abdullah A. Ansari, Rabah Kellil and Ziyad A. Alhussain
An Optimal Control of Vaccination Applied to Whooping Cough Model
by Muhammad Suleman and Samia Riaz
SEMT Labelings and Deficiencies of Forests with Two Components (I)
by Salma Kanwal, Zurdat Iftikhar and Aashfa Azam