Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Dr. Muhammad Asif Naeem

Associate Professor
Dr. Muhammad Asif Naeem
I “Muhammad Asif Naeem” have done PhD in Molecular Biology specifically in Genetic Diseases from the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), University of the Punjab, Lahore – Pakistan. Now, I am currently working as an Associate Professor in Genetic Diseases Research, focusing on therapeutic approaches for genetic disorders that increase disease prevalence and economic hardships. During the last thirteen years, I have been working to search for new genes/ loci involved in Vision Impairment. My core expertise is in Molecular Biology and my focused area of research is Human Molecular Genetics & Bio-informatics. Furthermore, Next Generation Sequencing and Exome Sequencing are tools that can reduce the cost and time of screening affected families. Many Pakistani inbred families are waiting to resolve their genetic status having affected individuals with various disorders of Vision, Hearing, and physical and mental problems. Finally, I apply my findings to improve the genetic diagnosis when possible. After a precise diagnosis, I want to utilize therapeutic approaches by using stem cells or gene therapy for the diseases I study. For this purpose, clinical trials are required to reduce the burden of hereditary disorders in Pakistani families. I have thirty-seven publications with an impact factor of almost 129 related to genetic disorders in peer-reviewed international journals enclosed with my CV.
Designation:- Associate Professor


