
Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab
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Centre for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB)

In order to build a National capability in the newly emerging science, the Federal Ministry of Science & Technology (MoST) approved the establishment of Centre for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB) at University of the Punjab Lahore in 1987 which is located back to back with the laboratory block of the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB). In March 2015, the Prime Minister of Pakistan approved the transfer of CAMB to University of the Punjab. Accordingly, MoST handed over the administrative control of CAMB to University of the Punjab, Lahore w.e.f 01.07.2015 along with all assets and liabilities.
The CAMB’s laboratory block includes Forensic DNA Typing, Molecular Diagnostics of infectious diseases, proteomics, virology and DNA Core Facility laboratories and is surrounded by a vast area of land where crops and other plants are sown for research in agriculture molecular biology. CAMB being the renowned scientific research entity encourages the osmosis of research from Lab into different sectors of the society. It strives to provide a suitable environment and encourages researchers to work on collaborative research projects to advance knowledge, to propose solutions to some of the major issues of today and to develop new technologies for the future.
CAMB is providing reliable, accurate, rapid and more economical diagnostic & Forensic services to the law enforcement agencies, courts and general public and DNA Sequencing and genotyping facilities to the various academic & R&D organization throughout Pakistan. Centre is also offering M. Phil & Ph.D degree programs in “Molecular Biology & Forensic sciences” in academics. Students of various universities also use the platform of CAMB for completion of their degrees. The whole set up of CAMB represents a unique and most economical mode to optimally utilize the extremely limited resources of personnel and materials.

5 Days Hands-On Training Workshop (DNA Sequencing) 2023


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