Dr. Mujtaba Ikram has received his BS hons. (computational physics), MS (materials and surface engineering) and Ph.D. (material sciences and engineering), respectively. His research interests include nanotechnology, renewable energy, material science and engineering. His work has been cited by scientists from all over the world. He has authored/co- authored number of publications with 170+ cumulative impact factor in world prestigious journals as Advanced materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Nanoscale Research Letters, RSC advances, RSC New Journal of chemistry, Chemcatchem, Journal of alloys and compounds, Applied nanoscience, International Journal of hydrogen energy, Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, Journals of solid state chemistry and many others. He has represented his research in the USA, Italy, Egypt, Germany, Slovenia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, UAE and many other countries. He has attended various research training/conferences/workshops on industrial physics, renewable energy, advanced carbon materials and nanotechnology in various parts of the world. He is a frequent visiting scholar at the Abdus Salam International center for theoretical physics (ICTP)-Italy. He has attended training on renewable and sustainable energy, which was organized by world prestigious national renewable energy lab (NREL)-USA and university of colorado at boulder-USA. He has attended AIP Industrial physics forum, ICTP- UNESCO-Italy conferences on energy co sponsored by American Institute of Physics (AIP), I-CAMP-colorado conference-USA, International conference on nanotechnology, biotechnology and spectroscopy (ICNBS)-Egypt, TWAS Energy science diplomacy conference-Italy, International conference on advanced carbon materials-Jinan-China and International ICTP nanosystems workshop-Italy. He was selected among two young scientists from south Asia for TWAS science diplomacy, which was held in Trieste Italy, 2013. He has been invited many times as Invited lecturer by CAS-TWAS Beijing. In 2015, he was awarded with CAS-TWAS green technology award. In 2017, he was awarded with CAS-TWAS green chemistry and technology (GCT) award for his guest lectures. He has been awarded with various world prestigious fellowships as CAS- TWAS presidential fellowship 2014, I-CAMP University of colorado at boulder (USA) fellowship 2012, International center for theoretical physics (ICTP-Italy) participant fellowship (thrice), UNESCO fellowship for nano system workshop (Italy) 2013, Intercontinental advanced materials and photonics university of Cambridge (UK) participant fellowship 2013, Emerging nation science foundation (ENSF) travel fellowship 2012 and NUST foreign research presentation grant 2012. Proficient news has been published about his International distinctions titled "Scientist comes up with a second book" in English newspaper "Dawn" on 18 August, 2013. |