Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU students visit printing press
PU students visit printing press

LAHORE: (Friday, October 7, 2022): Punjab University School of Communication Studies (SCS) students visited PU Printing Press as part of their study tour to get practical knowledge about design, pasting, plate and printing sections. A 30-member student delegation of BS Replica 6th Semester Subediting and Page Designing class headed by PU-SCS Associate Professor Dr Shabbir Sarwar was welcomed by Director Press Ali Ahmad. Press Supervisor Aqeel Shahzad took students to the round of various sections and briefed them about the technology and machines. He thoroughly explained how the composition of newspapers, magazines and books is done with reference to old as well as the contemporary technology which included CTP, PS plates, Contact frame machine with vacuum, Halogen light effects etc. From pre-press work to offset printing, cutting, folding and binding everything was shown with meticulous details. Design and Graphic Studio In-charge Muhammad Kamil explained about editing software, 256 million colour variations and four colour separations under CMYK rule. When a student Dawood Naeem asked about the best graphic software being used in the market, Mr Kamil said Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw were professional and demanding software in the designing business.
In the end, Press Director Ali Ahmed had an interactive session with the students and while responding to the queries, he discussed the history of the press as well as the modern trends and machines including digital printing and direct to print (DTP) technology. He also presented PU diaries to the students as souvenir.