Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU IAP in collaboration with Media Training and Research Center (MTRC) and Inter University Consortium for promotion of Social Sciences (IUCPSS) organized a Dialogue on "Peaceful and Safer Campuses"
PU IAP in collaboration with Media Training and Research Center (MTRC) and Inter University Consortium for promotion of Social Sciences (IUCPSS) organized a Dialogue on "Peaceful and Safer Campuses"

Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab in collaboration with Media Training and Research Center (MTRC) and Inter University Consortium for promotion of Social Sciences (IUCPSS) organized a Dialogue on "Peaceful and Safer Campuses" on 6th August, 2021. More than 30 faculty members were a part of the dialogue. The session focused around the topic of Peaceful and Safer Campuses and a student-teacher dialogue was held to invigorate improvement in the teaching methods. The focal person of the training program, Prof. Dr. Altaf Ullah Khan, Dean faculty of Humanities, FC College highlighted the importance of maintaining harmony and tranquility in the educational institutes. Maintenance of peace in educational institutes is a salient feature to both the teachers and the students’ mental health. It was an interactive session where faculty members and students shared their personal experiences and ways to promote furtherance in tolerance among students.