Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU awards five PhD degrees
PU awards five PhD degrees

LAHORE: (Monday, August 9, 2021): Punjab University has awarded five PhD degree to the scholars in which Anwaar ul Haq S/o Abdul Aziz in the subject of International Relations after approval of his thesis entitled ‘Changing Dynamics of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Towards Turkey: 1999-2019’, Aqeela Mobeen Akhter D/o M.A. Sattar Akhter in the subject of Environmental Sciences after approval of her thesis entitled ‘Appraisal of Biomass and Carbon Stocks in Selected Forests of Pakistan through SRS/GIS and Multi-Source Data’, Sana Islam D/o Noor-ul-Islam in the subject of Environmental Sciences after approval of her thesis entitled ‘Treatment and Reuse of Wash-off Wastewater During Dyeing Process by AOPs: A Novel Approach for Water Conservation’, Nausheen Ayub D/o Muhammad Ayub in the subject of Mathematics after approval of her thesis entitled ‘Decision Making Methods on Dual Hesitant Fuzzy Sets and its Applications’ and Hafiz Muhammad Rahseed S/o Naseer Ul Din in the subject of Islamic Studies after approval of his thesis entitled ‘Methodology of Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri in Comprehensions of Hadith: Research and Analytical Study’.