Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Ceremony on Pakistan Defense Day at PU
Ceremony on Pakistan Defense Day at PU

LAHORE: (Tuesday, September 6, 2022): Former Chief Justice Lahore High Court Justice (r) Qasim Ali Khan has said that he salutes the martyrs and Ghazis of the armed forces and the people who collectively made the defense of Pakistan invincible on September 06, 1965. He was addressing a seminar organized by Punjab University College of Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES) on the occasion of Pakistan Defense Day. Air Vice Marshal (r) Sajid Habib, former minister Tahir Ali Javed, CEES Principal Professor Dr. Sajid Rashid, social activist Chaudhry Akhtar Ali, faculty members and students participated on this occasion. In his address, Justice (r) Qasim Ali Khan said that despite the political differences in 1965, the whole nation was united and fully supported the armed forces in the war. He said that even the children collected donations in the war of 1965. He said that the Muslims in India were still oppressed and India had not accepted the creation of Pakistan to date. He said Pakistan and India had different cultures and being a Muslim we had different traditions which could not be avoided. He said that the British were not ready for partition of the region and that's why they made a mess in the partition of India and deprived Pakistan of its right. He said that we must think what was the reason our nation was not united on national issues today. He said that training along with education was needed to unite the nation today. He said that we have to teach our new generation through training and knowledge to stand united in case of natural calamities and national issues. He said that the strengthened institutions strengthen the country. Air Vice Marshal (retd) Sajid Habib said that actually the nations fight and defend while the armed forces are a part defense system. He said that Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force made the defense of the country impregnable. He said that before September 6, clashes were going on on the border of Kashmir, while on September 6, India attacked the international border. He said that 6 warplanes of Pakistan Air Force under squadron leader Sajjad Haider were flying at Chamb Jharian who was immediately instructed to reach Wagah Border. He said that the squad reached Wagah border and destroyed Indian Army’s tanks and saved Lahore on September 06. He said that the people helped Pakistan Army and all politicians and the nation supported the army. He said that today unfortunately our elders have divided the nation. He said that there was no leader like Quaid-e-Azam and urged the students to follow his guideline. He said that economic atomic bomb was the biggest bomb and we must make efforts to improve our economy. Addressing the students, Dr Sajid Rashid Ahmed said that they could contribute to safeguard Pakistan by obtaining higher education. He said that the development of the country depended upon the youth. He said that the youth should come forward and play its role in the development of the country. Tahir Ali Javed said that nation paid tribute to the forces for defending Pakistan. He said that India can’t dare to attack Pakistan after nuclear blasts. He said that our army never let us down, even the war of 71 would have been won if there was no internal conspiracy. He said that good people should come into politics so that the state of politics in Pakistan could improve. Chaudhry Akhtar said that the people fought the war together with the Pakistani forces on September 6. He said that we have to play a role in the development of Pakistan as a nation.