Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU HCBF annaul sports gala
PU HCBF annaul sports gala

LAHORE: (Tuesday, February 21, 2023): Punjab University Hailey College of Banking and Finance (HCBF) organized its annual ‘Sports Gala 2023’ to encourage students to participate in physical activities and promote the benefits of an active lifestyle. Students from all semesters, faculty members and administrative staff participated in different games. These games included: Tug of War, Push-ups, Badminton, Table Tennis, Three Legged Race, Chatti Race, Lemon & Spoon Race, Sack Race, Sprint Race, Ludo, Carrom Board and Arm Wrestling. Principal HCBF Prof Dr Mubbsher Munawar Khan while addressing the event emphasized that sports promote physical fitness, which is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise can help reduce stress, boost mood and improve cognitive function, he added. Participating in university sports can help students develop important teamwork and leadership skills. The sports bring students, faculty, and staff together, creating a sense of community on campus, he further added. Dr Khan said that ports provide students with opportunities to challenge themselves, set and achieve goals, and develop self-confidence. He highlighted that research has shown that students who participate in sports tend to perform better academically. He appreciated the efforts of the HCBF Sports Committee, admin staff, and student volunteers to make the event successful.