Terms & Conditions: |
1. |
2. |
Apply online (Applications other than online WILL NOT be accepted by the University). |
3. |
The above-mentioned posts are purely on a Daily Wages/Contingent Basis and the hired/selected candidates/staff on a daily wages/contingent basis shall neither confer any right of regular appointment nor shall such appointment be regularized under any circumstances. Further, they will not have any right to suit a case in any Court of Law for their hiring/continuation/firing/regularization or any other reason related to their further engagement or termination under any circumstances. |
4. |
Candidates are advised to read all terms & conditions and instructions of the Advertisement carefully in order to submit their online applications complete in all respects. |
5. |
The onus/responsibility of the correctness of the data given in the online applications and timely submission will rest absolutely on the candidate |
6. |
The Candidates should fill out the Online Form carefully in the light of the Guidelines and Instructions mentioned in the Advertisement for the said posts. |
7. |
Candidates will not be allowed to apply after the Closing Date fixed for the receipt of applications, in any case. On the closing date, the online application portal will be closed at 4:00 pm. |
8. |
The candidates are required to ensure that:- |
a. |
No column of web-generated Application Form is left blank. |
b. |
All the candidates are required to submit one hard copy (duly signed) of online Application Form along with updated CV, attested copies of Degrees/certificates/ testimonials/ photographs (1 x 1), etc. |
9. |
In case, the candidate is a Government Servant, a Departmental Permission Certificate / NOC issued by the Competent Authority of the concerned Department is required to be produced along with hard copy of Application Form. Any application without Departmental Permission Certificate / NOC shall be rejected. |
10. |
If the candidate who has applied after taking NOC from his parent department/ Institution/ University and got selected in any other department/ Institution/ University during the process of selection, he/she would be required to send immediately an NOC from the new employer, failing which the application will be rejected ab-initio. |
11. |
The age, qualification, experience, and other credentials of the candidates prescribed in the relevant Service Rules and Advertisement should be completed in all respects on or before the Closing Date fixed for such post(s). |
12. |
Applications of candidates, whose result is not officially announced by the Controller of Examination of a Board/ University on or before the closing date, shall not be considered. |
13. |
Instructions issued by the Higher Education Commission or Higher Education Department, Government of the Punjab or University from time to time shall be followed in true letter and spirit. |
14. |
All HEC / HED rules / policies shall be applicable for such appointments. |
15. |
Applications shall ONLY be received through mail/courier service within the due date. |
16. |
By-hand applications, incomplete applications, or applications received after the deadline WILL NOT be Accepted/Considered in any case. |
17. |
Applications with incomplete documents during the receipt of hard copies and applications with incorrect information intentionally or unintentionally during online submission will be rejected without assigning any reason. |
18. |
In case any information provided by the Candidate in his/her application form is found to be incorrect or false at any stage, he/she will be disqualified and action will be taken under the Rules. |
19. |
Only short listed candidates will be called for interview. |
20. |
No TA/DA will be given to the candidates called for the test/ interview. |
21. |
Higher qualifications/experience will be preferred. |
22. |
Appointments of Daily Wages/Contingent Basis/Work Charged Employees shall be made/paid in accordance with the procedure laid down in the preface of Schedule of Wage Rates 2023 for employees of such categories issued by the Government of the Punjab, Finance Department adopted by the Syndicate, University of the Punjab in its meeting held on 09.03.2024 and notified/implemented by the University of the Punjab Vide office order No. 4656-63/Est.II dated 15.04.2024. |
23. |
It is mandatory for Candidates to deposit the fee as required in the Advertisement in any Branch of HBL or UBL. The fee must be deposited on the prescribed Challan form to be generated on-line and original Receipt must be provided along with hard copy of application form. |
24. |
Candidates, who wish to apply for more than one post, must apply separately and pay separate processing fee for each post. |
On the Closing date, Online Application Portal will be closed at 4:00 pm |
27-03-2025 |
06-04-2025 |
25. |
The University reserves the rights to increase/ decrease the number of advertised post(s), not to fill /withdraw any post(s), withhold the appointment against any advertised post(s) without assigning any reason. |
26. |
The hard copies of on-line application form, complete in all respect with signature of the applicant along with attested copies of degrees/certificates/CNIC/testimonials/Experience Certificates and recent photograph (1x1), should reach in the office of the Principal, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab Quaid-i-Azam Campus, Lahore, during office hours, on or before the closing date of advertisement through registered post/courier service. No application shall be received by hand. No extra time will be allowed for postal transit etc. All correspondence during Selection procedure shall be made through given email address/phone numbers. |