Our Vision
Foresee, Create, Grow and Expand the Information Management Field through Research and Development for Human, Social and Economic Benefits of our Society. |
Our Mission
To be a leading seat of learning and research in the field of Information Management . |
Aim and Goals of the Program
Our aim is to provide a student-centered, high quality teaching and learning environment that enriches intellectual, personal and professional development of students and prepare them as competent IM professionals to become an asset for the society and their employers. These goals are achieved by offering high quality education and research programs. |
Achievements |
i. |
The Institute has introduced a 4-year BS Information Management Program in morning and afternoon. |
ii. |
The Institute has introduced M.Phil in Information Management program in morning and afternoon. |
iii. |
Strengthen the faculty by appointing Ph.D. faculty members and number has reached to 09 Ph.Ds. |
iv. |
To promote research culture, number of research students has been increased for M.Phil. from 10 to 20 and for Ph.D. from 10 to 15. |
v. |
To meet the current developments in the market, nomenclature of the Institute has been changed from Library and Information Science to Information Management. |
vi. |
Curricula has been revised four times during 2009 to 2022 to keep it up to date. |
vii. |
Regular publication of country's only double-blind, refereed HEC recognized “Y” category Research Journal in the field of Information Management i.e. “Journal of Information Management and Libraries ” (Online). Now, process of online submission of research articles for the journal has also been started. |
viii. |
100 M.Phil. and 25 Ph.D. degrees has been awarded so far. |
ix. |
Functional Internet Lab with 32 Pcs, high speed Internet, and provision of scanning & printing facility to the research students. |
x. |
Conducting Continuing Professional trainings on regular basis for information professionals. |
xi. |
The Institute is also offering information literacy and research methods workshops for the faculty members and researchers of other disciplines to facilitate them in their research work. |
xii. |
Celebrate “World book and Copyright Day” every year since 2010. |
xiii. |
Regular arrangement of extracurricular activities for the students i.e. Annual Dinners, Sports Competitions, and study cum excursion tours. |
Aricles: |
1. |
Rafique, G.M., K Mahmood, & Warraich N.F. (2021). Readiness for Online Learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of Pakistani LIS students. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(3).doi:10234658[IF=1.335] |
2. |
I Ali, & Warraich N.F. (2021). Personal information management through ubiquitous devices: Students’ mobile self-efficacy and PIM practices. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, doi:0961000621992821[IF=1.99] |
3. |
I Ali, & Warraich N.F. (2021). The relationship between mobile self-efficacy and mobile-based personal information management practices: A systematic review. Library Hi Tech,12 [IF=2.35] |
4. |
W Amina, & Warraich N.F. (2021). Use and trustworthiness of Wikipedia information: students’ perceptions and reflections. Digital Library Perspectives |
5. |
M Tahir, & Warraich N.F. (2021). Assessing the Technological Competencies of Library and Information Science Graduates and Their Employment Outcomes: A Case Study of Pakistan. Journal of Library Administration, 61(5), 611-626. |
6. |
N Wahid, Warraich N.F., & M Tahira. (2021). Group level scientometric analysis of Pakistani authors. COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 15 (2), 287-304. |
7. |
S Hanif, & Warraich N.F. (2021). Classifying the Data: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Library Classification and Linked Data Classification Systems. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-91. |
8. |
A Akbar, A Jabbar, QUA Saleem, & Warraich N.F. (2021). Open Government Data: Initiatives, Challenges, and Myths. Library Philosophy & Practice |
9. |
N Wahid, Warraich N.F., & M Tahira. (2021). Factors influencing scholarly publication productivity:A systematic review. Information Discovery and Delivery |
10. |
Warraich N.F., T Rasool, & A Rorissa. (2021). Challenges and Prospects of Linked Data Technology: A Qualitative Study of Pakistani LIS Professionals’ Insights. Digital Library Perspective |
11. |
Warraich N.F., A Rorissa, & T Rasool. (2021). An in-depth qualitative study of Pakistani academic library professionals’ conceptions of linked data technology. Information Discovery and Delivery |
12. |
W Amina, Warraich N.F., & A Malik. (2021). Usage of and learning from Wikipedia:A study of university students in Pakistan. Global Knowledge Memory and Communication |
13. |
M Sajid, K Mahmood, Warraich N.F., & H Akhtar. (2021). Political Information Sharing through Facebook: A survey of Pakistani Netizens. Journal of Political Studies, 28(2), 23–40. |
14. |
SN Raza, & Warraich N.F . (2021). Citation Analysis of Information Management Graduates' MPhil and PhD Theses in University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Information Management & Libraries |
15. |
Jabbar, A., & Warraich N.F. (2021). Factors related to Children, Parents and School Teachers Influencing Children Reading Habits: A Review of Literature. Orient Research Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 228-244. |
16. |
D Potnis, B Gala, ET Lwoga, A Islam, Warraich N.F., H Keah, & A Rorissa. (2021). Conducting and Publishing Research in Developing Countries: Challenges and Solutions. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 58 (1) |
17. |
Warraich N.F., A Rorrisa, D Potnis, D Bilal, N Caidi, & R Singh. (2021). Living in two worlds: Challenges faced by and opportunities for international graduate students and faculty. ALISE |
18. |
Islam, T., Khan, M. M., Ahmed, I., & Mahmood, K. (in press, 2021). Promoting in-role and extra-role green behavior through ethical leadership: Mediating role of green HRM and moderating role of individual green values. International Journal of Manpower. [Impact Factor=0.953]. |
19. |
Siddique, N., Ullah, F., Mahmood, K., & Khan, M. A. (in press, 2021). Professional networking with emailing groups: A case of Pakistan Library Automation Group. Information Development. [Impact Factor=1.440]. |
20. |
Soroya, S., Iqbal, M. Y., Soroya, M. S., & Mahmood, K. (in press, 2021). Predictors of information literacy self-efficacy among medical students: PLS-SEM analysis. Library Hi Tech. [Impact Factor=1.256]. |
21. |
Mushtaq, S., Soroya, S., & Mahmood, K. (in press, 2021). Reading habits of Generation Z students in Pakistan: Is it the time to re-examine the school library services? Information Development. [Impact Factor=1.440]. |
22. |
Liaqat, F., Mahmood, K., & Ali, F. (in press, 2021). Demographic and socio-economic differences in financial information literacy among university students. Information Development. [UK]. [Impact Factor=1.440]. |
23. |
Sharif, A., Soroya, S. H., Ahmad, S., & Mahmood, K. (2021). Antecedents of self-disclosure on Social Networking Sites (SNSs): A study of Facebook users. Sustainability, 13, 1-21.[Impact Factor=2.576]. |
24. |
Islam, T., Ahmad, S., Kaleem, A., & Mahmood, K. (2021). Abusive supervision and knowledge sharing: Moderating roles of Islamic work ethic and learning goal orientation. Management Decision, 59(2), 205-222.[Impact Factor=1.963]. |
25. |
Soroya, S. H., Farooq, A., Mahmood, K., Isoaho, J., & Zara, S. (2021). From information seeking to information avoidance: Understanding the health information behavior during a global health crisis. Information Processing & Management, 58(2).[Impact Factor=4.787]. |
26. |
Muhammad, A. S. K., Rehman, S. U., Dummer, P., & Ahmed, S. (2021). Five decades of the International Endodontic Journal: A bibliometric overview 1967-2020. International Endodontic Journal, https://doi.org/10.1111/iej.13595 [IF: 3.80]. |
27. |
Tijjani, B., Rehman, S. U., Peter, Z., Bajwa, I., & Khan. M. A. (2021). Research productivity of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from 2003 to 2020. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-02-2021-0025 |
28. |
Farooq, R. K., Ashiq, M., Siddique, N., Rehman, S. U., Adil, H. M., & Khan, M. A. (2021). A Bibliometric Review of Highly Cited and Hot Papers on Coronavirus and COVID 19. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-24. |
29. |
Qasim, S. S. B., Ali, D., Khan, A. S., Rehman, S. U., Iqbal, A., & Baskaradoss, J. K. (2021). Evidence-Based Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Silver Diamine Fluoride Use in Dentistry. BioMed Research International, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9917408[IF: 3.41] |
30. |
Siddique, N., Rehman, S.U, Ahmad, S., Abbas, A., & Khan, M. A. (2021). Library and information science research in the Arab World: a bibliometric analysis 1951–2021. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-06-2021-0103 |
31. |
Saleem, Q. U. A., Ali, A. F., Ashiq, M., & Rehman, S. U. (2021). Workplace harassment in university libraries: A qualitative study of female Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals in Pakistan. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(6). doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2021.102464 [IF: 1.99]. |
32. |
Ashiq, M., Rehman, S. U., Rafiq, S., & Tariq, M. (2021). Women library leadership in Pakistan: A qualitative study on the journey of career progression and serving the community. College & Research Libraries, https://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/article/view/25110/32951 [IF 2.381]. |
33. |
Rafiq, S., Iqbal, A., Rehman, S. U., Waqas, M., Naveed, M. A., & Khan, S. A. (2021). Everyday Life Information Seeking Patterns of Resident Female University Students in Pakistan. Sustainability, 13(7). https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/7/3884 [IF: 2.57]. |
34. |
Ashiq, M., Rehman, S. U., Safdar, M., & Ali, H. (2021). Academic library leadership in the dawn of the new millennium: A systematic literature review. Journal of Academic Librarianship, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2021.102355 [IF: 1.99]. |
35. |
Ashiq, M., Rehman, S. U., Muhammad, A. A. B., & Ahmed, S. (2021). Saudi academic library leaders‟ conceptions of library leadership: A qualitative Study. portal: Libraries and the Academy, https://muse.jhu.edu/article/7973497 [IF: 0.78]. |
36. |
Ahmad, S., Farooq, R. K., Abid, A. I., Rehman, S. U., Shahid, A., & Ullah, M. I. (2021). Breast cancer research in Pakistan: A bibliometric analysis. Sage Open,https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440211046934 [IF: 1.35]. |
37. |
Ashiq, M., Rehman, S. U., Muneeb, D., & Shakil Ahmad. (2021). Current status of global research on Library Service Quality: A bibliometric analysis and knowledge mapping. Global Knowledge, Memory & Communication, https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-02-2021-0026 |
38. |
Zaidi, S. A., Rehman, S. U., & Ashiq, M. (2021). Workplace motivation and stress on job satisfaction of librarians working in public sector universities of Lahore, Pakistan. International Journal of Information Science and Management, https://ijism.ricest.ac.ir/index.php/ijism/article/view/1494 |
39. |
Haq, I. U., Rehman, S. U., Al-Kadri, H., & Iqbal, A. (2021). Bibliometric evaluation of the Scopus indexed scholarly literature of Ministry of National Guard – Health Affairs, Saudi Arabia. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5261/ |
40. |
Jbeen, A., Rehman, S. U., & Mahmood, K. (2021). Awareness, use and attitudes of students towards e-books: Differences based on gender, discipline and degree level. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-12-2020-0193 |
41. |
Rashid, S., Khatack, A., Ashiq, M., Rehman, S. U., & Rasool, M. R. (2021). Educational landscape of virtual reality in higher education: Bibliometric evidences of publishing patterns and emerging trends. Publications. |
42. |
Adil, M., Rehman S. U., Mahmood, K., & Nazir, M. (2021). Use of Social Media as political information source: The case of Panama Leaks in Pakistan. Library Philosophy and Practice, https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5320/ |
43. |
Rashid, S., Rehman, S. U., Ashiq, M., &Khatack, A. (2021). A scientometric analysis of forty-three years of research in social support in education. Education Sciences, https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11040149 |
44. |
Mahmood, K., Ahmad, S., Rehman, S. U., & Ashiq, M. (2021). Evaluating library service quality of college libraries: The perspective of the developing country. Sustainability, 13(5). https://doi.org/10.3390/su13052989 [IF: 2.57]. |
45. |
Ashiq, M., Rehman, S. U., & Mujtaba, G. (2021). Future challenges and emerging role of academic libraries in Pakistan: A phenomenology approach. Information Development, 37(1), 158–173. https://doi.org/10.1177/0266666919897410 [IF: 1.44] |
46. |
Ahmed, F., Ashiq, M., Rehman, S. U., Ahmad, S., & Rashid, S. (2021). Mapping the intellectual structure of linguistics research over 101 years (1919–2020). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5089/ |
47. |
Rafiq, S., Ashiq, M., Rehman, S. U., & Yousaf, F. (2021). A content analysis of the websites of the world‟s top 50 universities in medicine. Science & Technology Libraries, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/0194262X.2021.1889446 |
48. |
Shahid, M. I., Rehman, S. U., Safdar, M., &Khan. A. (2021). Information needs and seeking behavior of Pakistani physicians. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5102/ |
49. |
Farooq, R. K., Rehman, S. U., Ashiq, M., Nadeem Siddique, & Ahmad, S. (2021). Bibliometric analysis of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) literature published in Web of Science 2019–2020. Journal of Family and Community Medicine, 28(1), 1-7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7927969/ |
50. |
Iftikhar, S., Jahanzeb, N., Saleem, M., Rehman, S. U., Matinlinna, J. P., & Khan, A. S. (2021). The trends of dental biomaterials research and future directions: A mapping review. The Saudi Dental Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sdentj.2021.01.002 |
51. |
Saleem, F., Khattak, A., Rehman, S. U., & Ashiq, M. (2021). Bibliometric analysis of green marketing research from 1977 to 2020. Publications, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/publications9010001 |
52. |
Siddique, N., Rehman, S. U., Khan, M. A., & Altaf, A. (2021). Library and information science research in Pakistan: A bibliometric analysis, 1957–2018. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 53(1), 89–102. https://doi.org/10.1177/0961000620921930 [IF: 1.479] |
53. |
Rehman, S. U., Mahmud, M., Rehman, A. U., Haq, I. U., & Safdar, M. (2021). Information Security in Business: A Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Top Cited Articles. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-49. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5102/ |
54. |
Hussain, H. N., Rehman, S. U., & Ameen, K., Safdar, M. (2021). Training needs assessment of postgraduate researchers of Pakistan. Global Knowledge, Memory, and Communication, 1-29. https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-09-2020-0145 |
55. |
Yousaf, F., Rehman, S. U., Ashiq, M., Yousaf, A., & Ahmad, S. (2021). Open Access Publishing Trends in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1980-2020). Library Philosophy and Practice. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5603/ |
56. |
Rafiq, M., & Ameen, K. (2021). Research data management and sharing awareness, attitude, and behavior of academic researchers. Information Development, 02666669211048491. |
57. |
Rafiq, M., Batool, S. H., Ali, A. F., & Ullah, M. (2021). University libraries response to COVID-19 pandemic: A developing country perspective. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(1), 102280.[IF 1.533] |
58. |
Ullah, A., & Rafiq, M. (2021). Education and learning about research methodology: Views of LIS authors in Pakistan. Information Development, 02666669211022022. (IF 2.049) |
59. |
Sultan, M., & Rafiq, M. (2021). Open access information resources and university libraries: Analysis of perceived awareness, challenges, and opportunities. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(4), 102367. (IF 1.533) |
60. |
Mahmood, M., Batool, S. H., Rafiq, M., & Safdar, M. (2021). Examining digital information literacy as a determinant of women's online shopping behavior. Information Technology & People. (IF 3.879) |
61. |
Ullah Bhatti, A., Rafiq, M., & Tufail Khan, M. (2021). Library Professionals Learning Behaviour with the Level of Expertise: A Survey from Pakistan. |
62. |
Mahmood, K., M., Batool, S.H. & Mukhtar, A. (2021). Investing Digital Information Literacy in relation with Demographic Factors: A Case of Women in Pakistan. Library Philosophy & Practice, https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5209/ |
63. |
Basit, Ihsan, Batool, S.H., Nazeer, H., Sulehri, & Imran. (2021). Are Medical Students Information Literate? investigation of skills through a cross sectional survey. Library Philosophy & Practice, https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5426/ |
64. |
Nawazish, M. & Batool, S.H. (2021). Framing the new role of information professionals: investigating copyright literacy levels and awareness of academic librarians in Pakistan. New Review of Academic Librarianship, https://doi.org/10.1080/13614533.2021.1906716 |
65. |
Akram, N., Batool, S. H., Hussain, T., Safdar, M. & Hussain, S. (2021). Evolving visual arts’ faculty pedagogical skills through technology integration in higher education. Library Philosophy & Practice, https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/4913 |
66. |
Batool, S. H., Ahmad, W., Mahmood, K., & Saeed, H. (2021). Twitter Dialogue: An analysis of Pakistani Politicians’ Information Sharing. Information Discovery & Delivery, https://doi.org/10.1108/IDD-03-2020-0031 |
67. |
Naveed, A., Batool, & S.H. (2021). Resident university students’ everyday life information practices. Information Research, 26(2), http://informationr.net/ir/26-2/paper901.html [Impact Factor: 0.78] |
68. |
Zaheer, M., Batool, S.H., Soroya, S., & Khalid, A. (2020). Exploring Users Perceptions and Expectations about Library Service Quality. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 9(3), 325-342. (HEC-Y category) |
69. |
Safdar, M., Batool, S.H., & Mahmood, K. (2020). Factors affecting knowledge sharing: A review of Pakistani literature. Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal, 51, 18-26. (HEC-Y category) |
70. |
Arshad, A., & Ameen, K. (2021). Comparative analysis of academic scientists, social scientists and humanists' scholarly information seeking habits. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(1). |
71. |
Rafique, A., Ameen, K., & Arshad, A. (2021). E-Books Data Mining: Real Information Behaviour of University Academic Community. Library Hi Tech, Vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print. (Published Online, 24th March, 2021) |
72. |
Arshad, A., Ameen, K. & Arshad, S. (2021). Collection development practices and use of print books in academic libraries of Pakistan. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 10(1), 99-127. |
73. |
Arshad, A., Ameen, K., & Jabeen, S. (2021). Trends of print books usage among academic communities. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 10(1), 49-66. |
74. |
Arshad, A., Mansoor, F., & Mahmood, K. (2021). Analyzing the Effects of Students’ Demographic and Academic Characteristics on University Library Use: A Perspective from Pakistan. Portal. Libraries and the Academy, 21(3). |
75. |
Mahmood A., Malik A., & Mahmood, K. (2021). Dengue-related information needs and information seeking behavior in Pakistan. Health Communication, doi: 10.1080/10410236.2021.1996674 [Impact Factor=3.198] |
76. |
Malik, A. Mahmood, K., & Islam, T. (2021). Understanding the Facebook Users’ Behavior towards COVID-19 Information Sharing by Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior and Gratifications. Information Development, doi: 10.1177/02666669211049383 [Impact Factor= 2.049) 4] |
77. |
Khan, H., & Malik, A. (2021). Academic use of smartphones among medical students in Pakistan. Information Development, [Impact Factor= 2.049] |
78. |
Naveed, A. Malik, & A. Mahmood, K. (2021). Impact of Conspiracy beliefs on Covid-19 Fear, and Health Protective Behavior: A Case of University Students. Library Hi Tech, 39(3), 761-775. [Impact Factor= 2.357] |
79. |
Bashir, I. Malik, A., & Mahmood, K. (2021). Social media use and information sharing behavior of university students. IFLA Journal, 47(4), 481-491. |
80. |
Malik, A., Ali, S., Batool, S. H., & Ameen, K. (2021). Assessing information literacy skills of mathematics faculty members in Pakistan. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 10(3), 283-300. |
81. |
Bashir, I. Malik, A., & Mahmood, K. (2021). Measuring personal and academic differences in students’ perceived social media credibility. Digital Library Perspectives, (ahead-of- print). |
82. |
Malik, A., & Ameen, K. (2021). Appraising the current status, issues and challenges of library and information faculty members in the universities of Pakistan. International Information & Library Review, 53(2), 187-198. |
83. |
Malik, A., & Ameen, K. (2021). Needed Competencies for Library and Information Faculty Members in Pakistan. Library Philosophy and Practice. |
84. |
Sehar, K. & Malik, A. (2021).Students’ Perception about Their Master’s Program in Information Management. Library Philosophy and Practice. |
85. |
Malik, A., & Ameen, K. (2021). The employment landscape and LIS education in Pakistan: challenges and prospects. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 70(1/2), 79-93. |
86. |
Amina, W., Warraich, N.F. &Malik, A. (2021). Usage of and learning from Wikipedia: A study of university students in Pakistan. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 70(3), 282-292. |
87. |
Malik, A. (2021). From library science to information management: The renaming of LIS education in Pakistan, SET Bulletin, 22(2), 20-23. |
88. |
Mahmood, K., Hussain, A., & Shafique, F. (2008). Perceptions of LIS professionals about digital libraries in Pakistan. The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship, 9 (1). |
89. |
Mahmood, K., & Arif, M., (2008). Off-campus post graduate students' perceptions about distance library support services: A case study of Allama Iqbal Open University Libraries Network: Journal of Library Administration, 48 (6):6-13. |
90. |
Mahmood, K., & Shafique, F. (2008). Integrated library software: A survey of Lahore. Library Hi Tech News, 25 (6):6-13. |
91. |
Mahmood, K. (2008). Library web OPACs in Pakistan: An overview. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 42 (2):137-149. |
92. |
Mahmood, K., Khan, M.A., & Siddique, M. (2008). Volunteer endeavors to promote ICT in a developing country: The case of Pakistan Library Automation Group. Information Development, 24 (2): 135-142. |
93. |
Mahmood, K., & Shafique, F. (2008). Indicators of the emerging information society in Pakistan. Information Development, 24 (1):66-78. |
94. |
Mahmood, K., Bashir, S., & Shafique, F. (2008). Internet use among university students: A survey in university of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Library & Information Science, 9 :49-65. |
95. |
Mahmood, K. (2008). ICT based services in public libraries of Pakistan. Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 39 (2):9-15. |
96. |
Ameen, Kanwal. (2008). Issues of Book Acquisition in University Libraries: A case study of Pakistan. Library Philosophy and Practice, (USA) [ Online refereed journal ] |
97. |
Ameen, Kanwal. (2008). Barriers in Collection Sharing among Libraries of Pakistan: University Library Managers' Viewpoint. LIBRES (Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal) [Australia]. 18 (1):1-11. |
98. |
Ameen, Kanwal. (2007). Book Selection Strategies in University Libraries of Pakistan: An analysis. Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technology Services (USA) 31 :3-4 |
99. |
Ameen, Kanwal. (2007). Role of Marketing in the 21 st Century Libraries in Pakistan. Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal (PK) 38 (4):2-14. |
100. |
Ameen, Kanwal. (2007). Growth and Development of Library Education in Pakistan: An Overview. Indian Library Association Bulletin . [India] |
101. |
Issues of Book Acquisition in University Libraries: A case study of Pakistan. Library Philosophy and Practice, [Online refereed journal: July, 2008, In press] |
102. |
Barriers in Collection Sharing among Libraries of Pakistan: University Library Managers’ Viewpoint. LIBRES [Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal, March 2008, In Press]. |
103. |
Book Selection Strategies in University Libraries of Pakistan: An analysis. Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services [Available online, USA] |
104. |
Role of Marketing in the 21st Century Libraries in Pakistan. Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal 38:4(2007): 2-14. [HEC Approved National Journal] |
105. |
Growth and Development of Library Education in Pakistan: An Overview. Indian Library Association Bulletin (Nov. 2007). [Journal of International Repute] |
106. |
Issues of Quality Assurance in LIS Higher Education in Pakistan. South Asian Libraries & Information Networks (SALIN: A refereed electronic journal) (Dec. 2007). |
107. |
Evolving Paradigm and Challenges of Collection Management in University Libraries of Pakistan. Collection Building 26:2(2007): 54-58. |
108. |
University Libraries in Pakistan and Status of Collection Management Policy: Views of library managers. Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 30(2006); 154-161. [USA]
109. |
Challenges of Preparing LIS Professionals for Leadership Roles in Pakistan. Journal of Education in Library and Information Science 47:2 (2006); 200-217. |
110. |
From Acquisition to Collection Management: Mere Semantic or Reflection of Expanded Framework. Collection Building 25:2 (2006): 56-60 [UK] |
111. |
Developments in the Philosophy of Collection Management: A Historical Review. Collection Building 24:4(2005): 112-116. [UK] |
112. |
The Antiquarian Library Functions and Their Application in Contemporary Libraries of Pakistan. Journal of Research (Humanities), XLI: 1(Jan. 2005). 109-116. |
113. |
Collection management policy: A Framework to achieve library goals. Pakistan Journal of Library and Information Science, 7(2006): 69-86. |
114. |
Status of Book through the Ages. Oriental College Magazine, 80: 3-4 (2005). |
115. |
Modern Library: A Review of Trends, Challenges and Opportunities [Urdu]. Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal, 36:1(March 2005): 154-164. |
116. |
To Be or Not to Be: The Future of Library World. Pakistani Librarian, 4(1998):35-42. |
117. |
Information Technology [Urdu]. Pakistani Librarian,3(1997). 22-42. |
118. |
Role of Medieval Muslims in the Proliferation of Libraries. Al-Hikmat. 17 (1997). 37-51. |
119. |
A Comparative study of the LIS Education System in Pakistan and the Netherlands. [Urdu] Pakistani Librarian, 1(1995): 26-40. |
120. |
Let's Move With a New Spirit [Urdu]. PULSAA News. March 1991. |
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Ameen, Kanwal. (2008). “Library Education in Pakistan”. In Challenges of South Asian Resources and Information Services. Pp. 58-63. Edited by Rajwant Singh Chilana. New Delhi. Concept Publishing. |
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Ameen, Kanwal. Ed. Proceedings of PlA Golden Jubilee International Conference 2007: Emerging Paradigm in Librarianship: A call for Innovation, Lahore,28-29 November 2007: Lahore: PLA Punjab Branch, 2008. (Co-editors, Tahami, A, and Akhtar Rana) |
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“Need for Education and Training of University Librarians in Pakistan”. In Library Education in Pakistan: Past, Present and Future. Lahore: PULSAA, 1992. |
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“Marketing of LIS in Pakistan: a profile”. In Marketing library and information services: International perspectives. Munich: K.G. Saur Verlag, 2006. |
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Three Scholarly Book Reviews for the journal Libraries and Culture 37:2, Pp. 204-207 and 37:3: 537-538 Issues |
2nd Students-Led One Day Research Conference on “Emerging Issues in Libraries and Information Management (EILIM)” on 15th November 2023
A PhD class (session 2020-2025) of the Institute of Information Management (IIM), organized a 2nd students-led one-day research conference on ‘Emerging Issues in Libraries and Information Management (EILIM)’ on 15th November 2023 at the seminar hall of IIM, University of the Punjab, Lahore. This was the 2nd student-led research conference, where all the arrangements were made by research students under the guidance of the Prof. Nosheen Fatima Warraich, Director, IIM. To organize this conference, various committees were constituted, and they worked very hard to make this event a success. |
All Ph. D. and MPhil students were invited to participate in this conference either as a presenter or attendee. They were invited to present their research work in the form of oral or poster presentation. A call for submission was sent out through emails and WhatsApp group to the current and recently graduated students of IIM with a link to fill an online submission form. The interested students submitted structured abstracts (500-750 words) to present their research work in the conference. There was an overwhelming response on this call and a significant number of abstracts were received for both oral and poster presentations. After scrutiny by the abstract review committee, 13 oral and 12 poster abstracts were accepted to present in the conference. |
There were two sessions in the conference apart from inaugural and concluding ones. The inaugural session included the wonderful speech of our invited speakers, Prof. Dr. Abdul Hameed, Distinguished Professor, UMT Lahore, on the topic, “Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the LIS Discipline and Across Academia”. Dr. Amy VanScoy, University at Buffalo, New York, USA, presented her speech on “Reference & information service as an emerging issue”. |
In two consecutive sessions, 13 papers were presented, while 12 posters were displayed by current and recently graduated research students. In concluding session, the judges, Dr. Muhammad Irfan and Dr. Abdul Jabbar announced the top three papers to encourage and buck up the new researchers of IIM. Here is the detail of the winning papers: |
Oral Presentations: |
1. |
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIA) Literature in the Library and Information Science Profession: A Bibliometric Analysis / by Murtaza Ashiq, Shafiq Ur Rehman and Nosheen Fatima Warraich |
2. |
Assessing the impact of system feature overload on teachers’ job performance: Moderating role of self-efficacy / by Tayyba Rasool, Nosheen Fatima Warraich and Alia Arshad |
3. |
Effect of Core Technology and Interpersonal Competencies on Work Performance of Academic Librarians / Muhammad Asif Ali, Muhammad Rafiq and Alia Arshad |
At the end of the conference, Conference Chair (Prof. Dr. Nosheen Fatima Warraich, Director, IIM) and Guest speakers (Prof. Dr. Abdul Hameed and Dr. Amy VanScoy) distributed the certificates among the conference presenters and shields among the organizing committee. |
The main objective of the conference was to provide a forum to current and recently graduated research students of IIM to disseminate their research projects. This was a great opportunity for students and researchers to learn, discuss, think, socialize, share their projects, and the most importantly to get thought provoking ideas from the researchers and guest speaker. |
Organizing Committee: |
Murtaza Ashiq, Ashraf Sharif, Shahbaz Anjum, Mahmood Alvi, Hafiz M. Adil, Mussarat Sultan, Iqra Tariq, Abeera Sial, Farhat Shahbaz, Mahmood Khan (PhD class-session 2020-2025). |
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International Conference on Emerging Issues in Libraries and Information Management (EILIM) 24th March 2022
IIM PhD class organized a one-day research conference on ‘Emerging Issues in Libraries and Information Management (EILIM)’ on 24th March 2022 at Institute of Information Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore. This was first-ever student-led research conference, where all the arrangements were made by research students under the guidance of the Prof. Nosheen Fatima Warraich, Director, IIM. To organize this conference, various committees were constituted, and they worked very hard to make this event a success. |
All M. Phil. and Ph. D. students were invited to participate in this conference either as a presenter or attendee. They were invited to present their research work in the form of oral or poster presentation. A call for submission was sent out through emails and WhatsApp group to the current and recently graduated students of IIM with a link to fill an online submission form. The deadline for submission of structured abstracts (500-750 words) was 11th March 2022 under the following themes: |
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Transformation of Libraries and LIS education during and after Covid-19 pandemic |
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Data librarianship trends and issues (e.g. metadata, digital archiving, research data management, big data, cloud computing, linked data and social media in information organizations) |
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Emergence of Disruptive Technology and Role of Libraries |
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Leadership, Social, interpersonal and communication skills at the workplace |
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Mobile-Based Library Services and Issues |
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Academic Integrity and Plagiarism |
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Sustainable use of Social Media in Libraries |
There was an overwhelming response on this call and a significant number of abstracts were received for both oral and poster presentations. After scrutiny by the abstract review committee, 13 oral and 15 poster abstracts were accepted to present in the conference. |
There were three sessions in the conference apart from inaugural and concluding ones. The inaugural session included the wonderful speech of our invited speaker, Dr. Waseem Afzal from School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Australia. He presented “Weaving together the past, present and future: A look at the emerging Libraries and Information Management Research Landscape”. Apart from oral and poster presentations, a Panel Discussion was also part of this conference, where our moderator tried to excavate some insights from the IIM faculty with tips and tricks that could be helpful for our research students to finish their research journey in a relatively successful way. |
In two consecutive sessions, 13 papers were presented, while 15 posters were displayed by current and recently graduated research students. |
In concluding session, Dr. Waseem Afzal distributed cash awards among the top four oral and three poster presenters to encourage and buck up the new researchers of IIM. Here is the detail of the winning papers: |
Oral presentations: |
1. |
Effectiveness of Continuing Professional Development and Knowledge Transfer Practices: A Study of Information Professionals / by Syed Fakhar Abbas |
2. |
Factors Affecting Personal Information Management: A Systematic Review / by Irfan Ali |
3. |
Assessment of University Archives Management Practices: A Case of Punjab University, Pakistan / by Muhammad Suleman Bajwa |
4. |
Factors affecting the citations: A bibliometric study of highly productive authors of Pakistan / by Nazia Wahid |
Poster presentations: |
1. |
Exploring the Perception of Pakistani Citizens Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination: Application of Health Belief Model / by Ashraf Sharif & Mahmood Ahmad |
2. |
Librarian’s Perception on Data Librarianship Core Concepts: A Survey of Motivational Factors, Challenges, Skills and Appropriate Trainings Platforms / Murtaza Ashiq |
3. |
Libraries as Workplace for Females: A Study of Higher Education Sector of Punjab / by Qurat Ul Ain Saleem |
At the end of the conference, the Patron in Chief (Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood, Dean, Faculty of Information and Media Studies), Conference Chair (Prof. Dr. Nosheen Fatima Warraich, Director, IIM) and Guest speaker (Dr. Waseem Afzal) distributed the certificates among the conference presenters and shields among the organizing committee. |
The main objective of the conference was to provide a forum to current and recently graduated research students of IIM to disseminate their research projects. This was a great opportunity for students and researchers to learn, discuss, think, socialize, share their projects, and the most importantly to get thought provoking ideas from the researchers and guest speaker. |
This was a first-ever student-led conference at IIM. A new trend has been set, and IIM will continue this tradition of organizing student-led conferences in future. |
Organizing Committee: Ashraf Sharif, Murtaza Ashiq, Shahbaz Anjum, Mahmood Alvi, Hafiz M. Adil, Mussarat Sultan, Iqra Tariq, Abeera Sial, Farhat Shahbaz, Osama, Mahmood Khan. |
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Two-Day hands-on Training workshops on "Advanced Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Using AMOS"
IIM organized a two-day hands-on training workshop on "Advanced Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Using AMOS" on in August 2021 for researchers. Dr. Amara Malik, and Dr. Talat Islam, Associate professor at IBA, PU and Dr. Amara Malik, Assistant Professor at IIM were the resource persons. |
Scholarships |
‘Merit' and ‘Needy' scholarships are awarded to the talented and deserving students.
Library |
Library of the Institute of Information Management is among the largest libraries present in the subject of Library and Information Management in Pakistan. It contains a collection of around five thousand books and journals comprising textbooks, reference books, general books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, printed and online journals, reports, theses, microfilms, microfiches and CDs. It also has selected digital collection.
The library remains open from 8:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. from Monday through Friday. Library facility is also available for users other than the Institute on Wednesdays. In addition to the subscribed Journals, the Institute also receives numerous journals from home and abroad on exchange basis. Other important resources for reference are Institutional research theses of M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D students. A dedicated team under the leadership of a senior librarian works very efficiently to respond and cater the users' need. Varieties of services are provided in the library such as: borrowing, online information retrieval, reference, referral, students' guidance and counseling, information literacy, access to online databases and digital resources. Qualified and experienced professional staff is committed to deliver the best.
Computer Laboratory |
There is a computer laboratory having 30 PCs with Internet connectivity, Laser printer, Scanner, CD-Writer and multimedia.
Common Rooms |
There are furnished, separate common rooms for boys and girls. |
Hostel Accommodation |
The students from outstation can get accommodation in University Hostels with the recommendation of the Chair of the Institute. Limited hostel seats will be allotted on merit.
(Note: This facility is not available for the students of evening program). |

Newsletter (Volume-4, 2023) |

Newsletter (Volume-2, 2021) |

Newsletter (2019) |
Information and Media Studies