Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU IAP organized a credited Seminar
PU IAP organized a credited Seminar

Institute of Applied Psychology organized a credited Seminar on "Parametric Statistics and Hypothesis Testing" for its MS (Health Psychology) and M.Phil Scholars. The resource person for the workshop was Dr. Akram Riaz, Lecturer at Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Home Economics, Lahore. Dr. Akram Riaz started off the Seminar by sharing the basics and types of Hypothesis testing. With practical demonstration, he elaborated the steps as well as common issues faced in Statistical testing. Director Institute of Applied Psychology, Prof. Dr. Rafia Rafique thanked Dr . Akram Riaz for the interactive Seminar. The seminar was concluded with a question answer session and the resource person addressed the queries of the students.