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University of the Punjab

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Institute of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (IMMG) and American Society for Microbiology ASM-International Students Chapter, University of the Punjab, Organized: Symposium on "Antimicrobial Resistance AMR: Current Status in Pakistan and Strategies to Combat"
Institute of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (IMMG) and American Society for Microbiology ASM-International Students Chapter, University of the Punjab, Organized: Symposium on "Antimicrobial Resistance AMR: Current Status in Pakistan and Strategies to Combat"

On January 25, 2023, the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) International Student Chapter Punjab University and Institute of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (IMMG) conducted a one-day symposium on "ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE (AMR): CURRENT STATUS IN PAKISTAN & STRATEGIES TO COMBAT." at Al-Razi Hall, Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab. A large number of students, researchers, physicians, and professionals in the field of microbiology and infectious diseases participated in the symposium. During the opening session, the chief organizer of the symposium Dr. Imran Sajid (Associate Professor, IMMG) in his plenary lecture emphasized on the significance and need of the dedicated attention to the issue of AMR and its ever increasing hazardous impacts on the health systems in Pakistan. Dr. Zyta Ziora from the Institute of Molecular Biosciences (IMB), The University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia, Prof. Dr. Sidrah Saleem, Chairperson of Department of Microbiology University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, Dr. Farhan Rasheed, Associate Professor, Pathology, Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan, Dr. Shafiq-ur-Rehman, Associate Professor-IMMG, Dr. Saba Riaz, Associate Professors IMMG, and Prof. Dr. Chenghang Sun, Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology (IMB), Peking Union Medical College (PUMC), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) Beijing, China, were among the invited speakers. The speakers presented recent data on the root causes and development of AMR, its status in Pakistan and the current and possible future strategies to combat the problem of AMR. The students had poster competition on the symposium theme and won the cash prizes in two categories (thematic posters and research posters). Addressing to the closing ceremony Prof. Dr. Javed Iqbal Qazi, Dean Faculty of Life Sciences, University of the Punjab, appreciated the efforts of the IMMG and ASM international student chapter to organize the symposium on the most significant health related issue. He highlighted the possible traditional and modern ways to combat the AMR and the need of the involvement of the society to create awareness among the masses on the problem of AMR. Dr. Qazi also awarded appreciation shields to the IMMG Undergraduate students who won ASM’s International agar art comptition 2022. Prof. Dr. Anjum Nasim Sabri, Director IMMG, awarded cash prizes to the poster winning students at the symposium, she thanked the international and local invited speakers and appreciated the audience and students for their active participation in the symposium. Altogether more than 220+ participants attended the symposium.