Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Kashmir to get independence soon: speakers
Kashmir to get independence soon: speakers

LAHORE: (Friday, September 13, 2019): Speakers at conference have said that Pakistan was making successful diplomatic efforts and the people of occupied Kashmir would soon be liberated from the clutches of India. They were addressing a national conference on Kashmir at Institute of Education and Research here on Friday. Former Education Minister Mian Imran Masood, intellectual Amjad Islam Amjad, analyst Orya Maqbool Jan, Captain (r) Khalid Shaheen Butt, Director Institute of Education and Research Prof Dr Rafaqat Ali Akbar, faculty members and a large number of students were present on the occasion. Addressing the conference, Mian Imran Masood said that after Pakistan’s efforts, the United Nations had held special meeting on Kashmir after 40 years and Modi had been challenged directly. He said that Indian forces were killing innocent Kashmiris and had imposed curfew since more than 40 day. He said that India was denying basic rights to more than 8 million people of the area. He said that recently, more than 500 Kashmiri women had been kidnapped by Indian forces and sent to unknown destinations. He said that Pakistan had strongly raised its voice against Indian brutalities in the occupied area. He said that Pakistani nation had always expressed solidarity with Kashmiri people. He said that every child in Kashmir was fighting for their rights. Amjad Islam Amjad said that the ideas of Qauid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had proved by the time. He said that Pakistan must act wisely in the situation. Orya Maqbool Jan said that occupied Kashmir would be free from India soon as they were receiving help from Allah. Cap (r) Khalid Shaheen Butt said that Pakistan Army was the number one army in the world. He said that some western countries were aiding India to weaken Pakistan. Prof Dr Rifaqat Ali Akbar thanked the participants and said that the sacrifices of Kashmiris would bring fruit soon. He said that IER would continue to play it role in highlighting national issues.