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Introductory talk on Dr Zahid Amir’s Book at PU
Introductory talk on Dr Zahid Amir’s Book at PU

LAHORE: (Saturday, July 15, 2023): Punjab University Department of Philosophy has organized introductory talk on renowned scholar Prof Dr Zahid Munir Amir's travelogue ‘Egypt: Dream and Interpretation’. On this occasion, senior professor of philosophy and former chairman of PU Department of Philosophy Dr Absar Ahmed, University of Al-Azhar, Cairo’s Usman Abdul Nasser, humorist Dr Ashfaq Ahmad Virk, renowned poet Saud Usmani, Chairman Department of Philosophy Dr Muhammad Jawad, Prof Rozeena Saeed from Government Chunamandi College for Women, faculty members and students were present. In his address, Dr Absar Ahmed said that Dr Zahid Munir Amir has been bringing awareness to us for the past thirty years with truth and sincerity. He said that we should benefit from his books by studying them. Mr Usman highlighted the services of Dr Zahid for the people of Egypt. Dr Ashfaq shed light on different aspects of his personality. Saud Usmani discussed the contents of the book and the historical facts mentioned. He said that Dr Zahid lived in Egypt for a long time, where he not only saw Egypt, but also researched its history and expressed doubts about known things.
Prof Rozeena Saeed expressed regret over the non-appointment of teachers on dozens of Pakistan and Urdu chairs established in the universities of different countries of the world and termed it as a national tragedy. Dr Uzma said that the services of Dr Zahid are recognized at the global level. In this regard, she mentioned the acknowledgment of Dr Zahid Munir Aamir's knowledge by the famous scholar of Iran, Dr Mohammad Mahdi Nasih. Dr Muhammad Jawad described the book as a unique travelogue and said that on this book he has written a complete thesis which will be published in a magazine soon. Director Urdu Development and Translation Centre Dr Zahid Munir Amir expressed his gratitude to the Department of Philosophy for organizing the ceremony and justified the creation of his travelogue, memories of his stay in Egypt. He mentioned his efforts as the chair Jamia Azhar. He explained the importance and details of the Quaid-e-Azam's visit to Egypt. He said that the position of Egypt among the Arabs is like a heart and the movement at Egypt has impact on the world.