Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Session on Punjab Police Reforms – 4th May 2017
Session on Punjab Police Reforms – 4th May 2017

Mr. Faisal Shahzad – Superindentant of Police – Head Dolphin Police Force, Punjab graced Institute of Administrative Sciences (IAS) 04th May 2017 for a session on Punjab Police Reforms. The session was arranged for Public Sector Marketing students of undergraduate and graduate program students by Dr. Ali Rehman, faculty member at IAS. To begin with, few videos of Punjab Police reforms and complaint cell working procedures were shared. The objective of conducting this session was to orient students with change management, perception management and to embrace them with new policies, procedures and reforms in police-citizen interactive relationship. Mr. Faisal shared with the audience the action plan through which the change is being brought to break the traditional and stereotypical culture of Police stations. From building infrastructure, environment and the public dealing officers, the whole process has been improved for image building and to reduce the distrust in this sector of bureaucracy. He also shared few more projects that shall be launched in the coming months for the welfare of general public including the Integrated Command and Control Systems and measures being taken towards preventive surveillance. He shared with students about complaint numbers of Punjab Police in case of incidents and emergency situations and the two response units of Punjab Police named PERU (Punjab Emergency Response Unit) and Rescue 1122 (Emergency Ambulance Service). The session was comprehensive enough to explain the digitization and computerization of Punjab Police department. Large number of students attended the session and took great interest by having a participative discussion with the speaker during the Q&A session.

Mr. Faisal Shahzad and his team were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Nasira Jabeen -Director of IAS while Mr. Mubeen Khalid – senior faculty member, Col. Muzaffar Ali – Manager Administration, Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Siddiqui - Administrative officer, Ms. Sameen Zaki – Manager Career Advisory & External Linkages (CAEL) and Ms. Sidra Rashid, Assistant Manager (CAEL) joined the session. Bouquet of flowers and IAS souvenirs were presented as a token of gratitude from IAS for taking out time and sharing the valuable information.