Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Notice Board

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Human Resources Development Centre

The Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) at Institute of Administrative Sciences (IAS) has been actively involved in human resource development within and outside the university. It conducts many training and development sessions and programs with organizing team of Human Resource Development Center (HRDC). The Human Resources Development Center performs various functions. Some of the functions it performs are as under.

Scope and Functions of HRDC

  1. Faculty Training and Development: The Centre conducts a series of workshops to cater to the upcoming development needs of the University teaching staff. This activity is carried out on continuous basis round the year. Wide range of topics is covered to keep the faculty updated on matters related to their professional development. The teachers are also provided leadership and management training in order to be effective administrators.
  2. Staff Training and Development: To serve over 12000 students, 300 affiliated colleges, 38 teaching departments/colleges/institutes and over 400 teaching and research staff, the University has over 2000 administrative staff in various administrative departments in various categories. All these people need training in the office skills including IT skills. The HRDC provide short courses for administrative staff to enhance their office management skills and interpersonal skills.
  3. Career Counseling and Professional Developments: Under the umbrella of HRDC, the function of career counseling and professional development is catered by office of Career Advisory & External Linkages at IAS. The linkages between academics and industry professionals are well established and the students are provided with job hunting skills and information. Moreover, CSS preparation sessions are also held to inspire and prepare students for civil service examination. Such sessions are conducted by senior and experienced civil servants on a quarterly basis.
  4. Training for Good Governance: The University in line with the policy of the federal government wants to play a major role in national reconstruction. The government’s initiative such as Devolution Plan requires a new breed of local representatives who would require rigorous training in each functional area of District Government i.e. I.T, Education, Health, Development, Finance, Law and Order. The HRDC prepares training courses for Nazims and Naib-Nazims after consulting the National Bureau of Reconstruction. Corporate sector managers and executives are also offered short courses, one day seminars and workshops to enhance their skills for good corporate governance. This is a self-supporting activity. Human Resource Management (HRM) and Human Resource Development (HRD) training programs are also frequently offered for civil servants.
  5. Research and Development: The Centre conducts research in the areas of human resource development and provides a knowledge base for Masters and PhD degree in human resource development. The Centre acts as a think-tank for policy formulation.
  6. Networking with Other Institutions: The Center develops networks among training institutions in the country and acts as a hub for coordination and sharing of knowledge and experiences. It also offers consultancy services to organizations at an international and national level. Various activities are carried out to preform networks such as publications of a newsletter, journal, and setting up a certification body in the field of training. The Centre also develops networks with relevant departments of the University.
  7. Quality Assurance: The Centre acts as a change agent and a resource center for the organizational transformation in the Punjab University. Quality assurance system will be developed to promote quality culture in Punjab University. Human Resource Information for the University will be developed as a first step towards quality assurance.

Teaching Faculty

Seminar/ Conferences
