Dr Saad Malook earned a PhD in Philosophy on the thesis entitled, The Ethics of Reverence for Humanity: A Rationale for a Cosmopolitan Common Mind for Global Peace, from the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Before his PhD studies, he obtained his MA English Literature from the Forman Christian College, Lahore; MA Philosophy from the University of the Punjab, Lahore; and BA in English Literature & Psychology from the Forman Christian College, Lahore. He was awarded with the Khawaja Ghulam Sadiq Gold Medal, the Punjab University Gold Medal, and the K. B. Sheikh Nanak Bakhsh Silver Medal for his extraordinary achievements in his master's degree in Philosophy. He joined the Department of Philosophy, University of the Punjab, as a Lecturer on February 14, 2006. Besides teaching, Dr Malook edits Al-Hikmat: A Journal of Philosophy, the journal of the Department of Philosophy. He has been a member of the Faculty Board of Studies in Arts & Humanities, and the Board of Studies in Philosophy, University of the Punjab. More than a dozen research papers in HEC-recognized journals are to his credit. Dr Malook's areas of research expertise and interests include Moral and Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics (Development Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, and Ethics of Human Rights), Philosophy of Social Sciences, Philosophy of Education, Game Theory, Logic, Global Peace, and Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal. |
MA Philosophy (PU), MA English Literature (FCC), PhD Philosophy (Canterbury, New Zealand) 
• | Malook, Saad. 2017. “The Post-Rawlsian Political Philosophy: A Critique of the Realist Standpoint”, Al-Hikmat, Vol. 37 (1). pp. 45-60. | • | Malook, Saad. 2018. “Debunking the Spectre of Terrorism: A Social Capital Approach”, Al-Hikmat: A Journal of Philosophy, Al-Hikmat, Vol. 38 (1), pp. 72-92. | • | Malook, Saad. 2020. “Philanthropy and Human Development”, Journal of Research in Humanities, Vol 56 (2), pp. 165-176. | • | Malook, Saad. 2022. “Muhammad Iqbal as a Cosmopolitan Philosopher”, Bazyaft, Vol 41(1), pp. 3-16. | • | Malook, Saad. 2023. “Muhammad Iqbal, Philip Pettit and the Explanation of Social Ontology”, Epistemology. Vol 12 (13), pp. 83-96. | • | Malook, Saad. 2023. “Muhammad Iqbal’s Pacifist Ethics and Global Peace in the Post-9/11 World. Al-Manhal. Vol 3 (2), pp. 71-83. | • | Malook, Saad. 2023. “Ibn Khaldun as a Social Holist Philosopher”, Al-Asr, Vol 3 (2), pp. 87-98. | • | Malook, Saad. 2023. “Muhammad Iqbal’s Ethics of Reverence for Humanity in the Islamic Tradition”, Al-Uswah, Vol 3 (1), pp. 32-44. | • | Malook, Saad. 2023. “The Politics of Nationalism, Human Development and Global Peace”, Research Journal for Societal Issues, Vol 5 (2), pp. 428-439. | • | Malook, Saad. 2023. “The Ethical Implications of Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy for Human Development and Global Peace”, Journal of Academic Research for Humanities, Vol 3 (3), pp. 270-282. | • | Malook, Saad. 2024. “Making Sense of Muhammad Iqbal’s Metaphysics of Egohood”, Al-Ida’at, Vol 4 (2), pp. 14-26. | • | Malook, Saad. 2024. “Political Utilitarianism as a Framework for Public Policy”, The Dialogue, Vol 2 (2), pp. 1-13. | • | Malook, Saad. 2024. “Muhammad Iqbal’s Politics of Spiritual Democracy”, AlManhal, Vol 4 (2), pp. 48-60. | • | Malook, Saad. 2024. “Framing a Cosmopolitan Common Mind Approach for Global Challenges”, Research Journal for Societal Issues, Vol 6 (1), pp. 306-324. | • | Malook, Saad. 2024. “The Politics of Invisible Hand: Individual Actions, and the Emergence of Macro-Level Social Phenomena,” Journal of Social and Organisational Matters, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 133-150. | • | Malook, Saad. 2024. “Utilitarianism, Social Justice, and the Trolley Problem: An Ethical Theory without Egalitarian Morality”, Journal of Social and Organisational Matters, Vol 2 (2), pp. 124-143. | • | Malook, Saad. 2024. “Reverence as a Cardinal Ethical Value in the Western Philosophy”, Research Journal for Societal Issues, Vol 2 (2), pp. 286-302. |
Phone Number: 92-42-99230884 E-mail Address: saad.phil@pu.edu.pk