Dr. Rizwan Haider is serving as Assistant Professor at Institute of Energy & Environmental Engineering since 2014. He did M.Sc. Coal Technology from the same Institute in 2005. Afterwards, he joined National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), Faisalabad and completed Ph.D. (Biotechnology) in 2014 from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. His Ph.D. research work exploited the intervention of biotechnology into conventional fuel sciences for beneficiation of indigenous low rank coal and its conversion into alternative fuel options like methane and valuable chemical entities such as humic acid, particularly from Thar lignite. In 2010, he also joined United States Geological Survey (USGS) and Eastern Energy Resources Science Center (EERSC), Reston, Virginia, USA for extending his PhD work for determining the potential of biogenic methane generation from Pakistani low rank coals. He completed his postdoc studies in 2018 on Fulbright Scholarship Program in the discipline of Energy, for which he joined the University of Wyoming and Center for Biogenic Natural Gas Research at Laramie, Wyoming, USA. He has also successfully completed online courses of Energy within Environmental Constraints and Energy and Development from Harvard University, USA and The University of Queensland, Australia, respectively.
His research interests are;
• Energy Biotechnology
• Biogenic Coalbed Methane
• Unconventional Natural gas Resources
• Biotechnology/Microbiology for Fuels
• Extraction of Value-Added Chemical Entities from Coal
• Coal Beneficiation