I started my professional life right after completing my M.sc from Institute of Chemistry when I joined Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), Lahore in 2008 as Research Officer. I was trained on DNA genetic analyzer for Fragment analysis and DNA Sequencing Analysis and various other techniques related to them. In 2010 I am upgraded to Research Officer cum Lecturer and in 2015 started working as regular faculty member of Centre. During this nine years working experience on DNA Genetic analyzers and I have facilitated the researchers within center in data analysis and trouble shooting, SNP Analysis, Fragment Analysis.
Beside this professional experience I completed my M.phil degree from CEMB and now enrolled in Ph.Dprogramme and doing my research work on pulmonary complex traits. Before that in my M.Phil degree I have working experience in Genetic diseases lab of CEMB where I have done work on hearing impairment and have screened various loci most prevalent in Pakistani population.
A study on human genetics especially in the side of pulmonary complex traits by using next generation sequencing technology is my keen interest. I am also much interested in establishing various screening test facility for genetic diseases and for this our group is working on it.
I am working as Joint secretary of Congress of Molecular Biology, in which we have organized various scientific seminars, conferences and training workshops. I am also working as incharge journal club CEMB since four years. |